
=== genii is now known as genii-core
webchat24Hello all, i installed ubuntu server 20.04 LTS and  imported a SSH keys from Launchpad. i am a little bit lost, there is a lot of tuturial showing how to generate a key but i dont know what can i do now with the key from Launchpad. How can i log with different account without password and only this key? thanks and have a great day16:09
webchat24is it better to delete this imported pub key and generate the pair private/pub direclty on the server?16:11
mybalzitchwebchat24: the imported pub key lets you log in as that user to that machine from the identity you generated the pubkey with16:25
mybalzitchwebchat24: you can create additional users after logging in, and import pub keys for those other accounts if you want16:25
webchat24is it better to have 1 key for each account? Or can i use 1 key for 2-3 account?16:26
mybalzitchdepends on the level of security for the machines that hold the private keys16:28
mybalzitchjust know that if you are using a pubkey for 2-3 accounts ,and that privkey gets compromised, then you have 2-3 accounts that someone can log in to, assuming they know where to attack16:29
mybalzitchuntil you revoke that pubkey on the server16:31
webchat24OK thank you a lot mybalzitch! Have a great day16:34
mybalzitchyou too16:34
znfeven if I set: 20:50
znfdhcp6-overrides: use-dns: false in netplan apply20:51
znfand set a nameserver manually, netplan still fetches the ipv6 dns server20:51
znfwhat gives?20:51

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