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mar77ihello. hostname -a would show domain names as they are added to /etc/hosts in ubuntu 18.04. On 20.04 I still add ` thishost.mydomain.com thishost`, but hostname -a doesn't pick it up any longer?00:31
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dracolideHi. I'm planning to install a snap software of a production machine. Do snap packages still auto update?03:17
leftyfbdracolide: yes03:23
morganuHELPPPP! haha, using the Mate DE and the mic doesnt work and I cant see how to test it after I made it the webcam mic. (I have no clue what the default mic  would be) 20.0403:24
morganuWorks on Gnome03:24
morganualso natural scrolling wanted03:33
Znullptrwhat is the best place to report a bug these days?   installer refuses to work if two disks have esp partition and the first isn't formatted to fat32 ; even if you explicitly mark it as DO NOT USE and the other is what was booted from03:51
lotuspsychjeZnullptr: ubuntu-bug yourpackage, from terminal03:52
EriC^^Znullptr: can you screenshot the error, sounds odd03:52
lotuspsychjeZnullptr: adviced to state your issue in this channel first03:52
Znullptrthat is the issue03:53
Znullptrcan SS one sec03:53
EriC^^Znullptr: maybe at the bottom 'place to install bootloader' has the first disk?03:53
Znullptrno it has the other drive set03:55
Znullptrwhat's the default hotkey for snip SS ?   or is there not one and just use printscr?03:55
Znullptrtext is `The attempt to mount a file system with type vfat in /dev/nvme0n1p1 at /boot/efi failed.03:56
ZnullptrYou may resume partitioning from the partitioning menu.`03:56
EriC^^to snip03:56
Znullptras you can see the drive is set to the one i'm installing to and the error remains the same04:00
ZnullptrI can deal, but assumed i ought to report it04:00
Znullptrlol,  if i use ubuntu-bug and select installer i get an error too04:01
ZnullptrInvalid problem report: Could not determine the package or source package name.04:01
Znullptrterm says04:02
Znullptr"ERROR: symptom script /usr/share/apport/symptoms/installer.py did not determine the affected package04:02
Znullptr(apport-gtk:121794): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 23:01:54.025: gtk_main_quit: assertion 'main_loops != NULL' failed04:02
Znullptr<3  linux04:02
EriC^^you have to file it for ubiquity 'ubuntu-bug ubiquity'04:02
EriC^^Znullptr: im confused, in your 2nd SS it looks like there's one disk only?04:03
Znullptrhow so?  it's just what is scrolled to04:03
Znullptrif this was discord and i could paste images it'd be easier04:03
Znullptrin any event ; i'll just format it manually and see if it ignores me and installs grub then , then i'll run grub install manually or just move the files and edit config if i must04:04
Znullptrjust amusing04:04
Znullptrit was not to be https://imgur.com/a/Ex3ITrd04:07
EriC^yikes Znullptr04:11
Znullptrpretty much04:11
noj'test' =)04:13
Znullptrgonna reboot and try again before i just debootstrap it or use another distro for the first time in half a decade04:13
* Znullptr waves04:13
morganu using the Mate DE and the mic doesnt work and I cant see how to test it after I made it the webcam mic. (I have no clue what the default mic  would be) 20.04 -- Works on Gnome04:45
morganugrrr.. must sleep now. will searchback on wake for any response04:46
Znullptrgo it to install,  then added nv driver bc nouveau was horrid ... and first boot actually hung with primary screen set as a TV that was turned off ,  then fixed that and primary screen tinted heavily purple,  removed monitor profile : didn't work ,  changed to all blue profile and then back no none and it work.   I have to say,  much more04:54
Znullptrbuggy than last time.04:54
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matsamannvidia isn't very reliable indeed05:01
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illiahi morning everybody08:15
illiahow about hacking anybody wants to discuss08:18
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:18
tuxinatorAny best practice out there, how to achieve downgrade/upgrade/fixed version capability by keeping old packages in a repo (our custom repo with our software) ?10:00
ducasseapt doesn't really support downgrades10:04
tuxinatorducasse: well you can install a specific version, so it does ;-) https://www.linuxuprising.com/2019/02/how-to-downgrade-packages-to-specific.html10:26
tuxinatormy question is more how to keep the old versions available in the repo while adding new ones10:26
tuxinatoras now the olds disappear from list after adding the latest one10:27
ducassetuxinator: what i mean it is not's supported behavior10:27
tuxinatorapt install version= is not supported?10:27
tuxinatorwhat are you talking about10:27
tuxinatorback soon10:28
ducassei was talking about downgrading from for example focal to bionic, sorry i misread you10:31
ducasseas for how a custom repo deals with old versions i've never tried, most stop serving them on an update10:33
tuxinatorducasse: ok, so just a misunderstanding :D11:25
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zeeshanI am using ubuntu for 2 months. I am unable to open ubuntu center in 20.0413:24
zeeshanwhen I apply " sudo apt-get install software-center"    I receive this message13:28
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zeeshanpackage software-center is not available, but is reffered to by another package.This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source13:28
Maiksoftware center is already installed by default and it's a snap package iirc13:29
zeeshanmy ubuntu center Icon is present but not opening ubuntu center13:30
zeeshanUbuntu Software not opening13:32
Maikshould work13:33
KBarzeeshan: Ubuntu version?13:33
tomreynzeeshan: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1344650/cant-open-snap-store13:35
marc__Hi my machine startes up and when i type cat /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count it says 1048576 but in /etc/sysctl.conf i got vm.max_map_count=1073741824 so why isnt it setting the value in sysctl.conf13:41
marc__This is for DayZ the game seems to work better on the higher value13:42
zeeshanhow  refresh updates in ubuntu 20.0413:42
Maikzeeshan: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade13:42
KBarzeeshan: click on "Activities" and type in "Help". It will open user guide. From there, you can search for "updates" and learn about it.13:43
Maikzeeshan: or simply use the software updater13:45
marc__its ok dont bother i just fixed the issue with vm.max_map_count13:47
KBarzeeshan: or just launch the "Software Updater" app.13:47
BluesKajHi folks13:48
MaikKBar: i already kinda said that....13:48
marc__anyone know how to update the firmware on an nvme as i cant use corsairs ssd toolbox and i dont have ms windows13:51
marc__I fact i dont have the firmware neither even after arguing with corsair idiot support13:51
lotuspsychjemarc__: not sure if that would work, perhaps running that toolbox over wine?14:11
marc__didnt work tried that already14:11
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lotuspsychjesamsung magician is also a no go, needs a win box14:12
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iomari891greetings, How can I install mariadb 10.6.5 on ubuntu 21.10?14:45
ducasse!info mariadb-server15:01
ubottumariadb-server (1:10.5.13-0ubuntu0.21.10.1, impish): MariaDB database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component universe, is optional. Built by mariadb-10.5. Size 13 kB / 71 kB15:02
ducasseiomari891: ^^ that is the supported version, if you want something newer you need to look for a third party repo15:03
KBarkristian_on_linu: hello and welcome. How can we help you?15:40
kristian_on_linucan someone recommend an antivirus program that updates/runs automatically and has a GUI? ... and please don't tell me that I don't need it :)15:50
marc__Cant ever remember the last time i used anti virus i havent used it in 10 years lolz15:55
marc__didnt even run anti virus on windows 10 when i had it.15:56
Maikkristian_on_linu: you actually don't need a anti virus on Ubuntu or Linux in general, the reports are false positive anyway15:57
kristian_on_linuMaik, the that was really not the question15:57
Maikstill it is as is15:58
Maikif you want a anti virus use clam-av15:58
kristian_on_linuMaik, you are wasting my time here15:58
Maikthanks for the compliment15:59
Maikkristian_on_linu: maybe ask in #linux15:59
Maikotherwise... search the web16:01
webchat24Hello all, i installed ubuntu server 20.04 LTS and  imported a SSH keys from Launchpad. i am a little bit lost how can i log in now without a password, what i have to change in ssh/sshd_config or how can i log with different accoutn with the ssh key pub16:04
webchat24If you have a video or tutorial where i can learn all this. thank you a lot and have a great day!16:04
Maikwebchat24: nothing on youtube?16:05
Maikmaybe try asking in #ubuntu-server16:05
webchat24There is a lot of video where they generate the key directly but i imported the key from Launchpad. I will check ubuntu server libera chat, thank you a lot! have a  nice day @Maik16:07
ducassekristian_on_linu: there are a few commercial ones16:14
ducassewebchat24: have you got both the public and private key?16:15
webchat24i generated both of key with PuTTy on windows16:16
webchat24and imported the pub to the linux server16:16
webchat24is it better to delete this imported pub key and generate this pair on the server directly with ssh-keygen?16:16
ducasseif they're generated by putty you need to convert them to openssh format16:17
ducassegenerate them on the client, copy the public key to "/.ssh/authorized_keys on the server16:17
webchat24Sorry i am a newbie, when you say "on the client", on the server with ssh-keygen?16:19
ducasseon the machine you are ssh'ing from16:30
webchat24Ok good thank you a lot ducasse!16:32
webchat24Have a great day all. bye16:34
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MetamorphosisHello. I'm having issues adding shortcuts for keyboard layout switching in Gnome 40. How can I use shift + Alt for layout change?18:13
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ioriaMetamorphosis, https://www.reddit.com/r/gnome/comments/mo9q18/gnome_40_switch_input_source/18:29
morganuanyone familiar with mate?20:31
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greenerthanyouanyone familiar with mate?20:32
greenerthanyouusing the Mate DE and the mic doesnt work and I cant see how to test it after I made it the webcam mic. (I have no clue what the default mic  would be) 20.04 -- Works on Gnome20:33
shepherd_Hi guys, trying to get audio with my LG C1 and RTX 3080. Seems as soon as I switch to 120hz the audio shuts off. If I go back to 60hz it starts playing again. Any suggestions?20:38
shepherd_Looks like I got it. I had to install nvidia drivers from the nvidia website, they are newer.20:45
matsamanshepherd_: gj20:47
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AnfHello to all. I am currently setting up a new backup on a new HDD and have always used borg backup before. But now I've heard about Restic and have taken a closer look at the tool. Can't decide between the two now? Are there advantages and disadvantages? I only use Linux and I don't need any compression.21:15
matsamanAnf: I've always felt rdiff-backup got all the implementation details right for end usage21:18
matsamanand if you don't need incremental backups, then rsync is already enough21:19
matsamanand if you need to be able to restore extra rapidly, you'll want something more like FS snapshots21:19
AnfI was already going to implement it incrementally. So a repository and shnapshots. Both tools, restic and borg, can do this21:21
matsamanI don't really understand why they make you init21:29
matsamanrdiff-backup is so simple: rdiff-backup origin/ destination/21:29
matsamanI don't really want encryption in a backup tool, either. I can do that separately21:30
matsamanbut if we just compare borgbackup & restic...21:31
matsamandoesn't seem like they're tremendously different21:32
matsamanrestic is in Go?21:32
matsamanso honestly I might think borg, in python, will last longer21:32
AnfYes, restic is in Go and borg in Phython21:33
matsamanbut they'll probably both be replaced by the time either go or python go out of fashion21:33
matsamanthis looks like a nice comparison: https://dataswamp.org/~solene/2021-05-21-borg-vs-restic.html21:34
matsamanstill not that different, though21:34
matsamanif those differences don't matter to you, I would say pick your favorite between go & python21:34
matsamanyou may well find yourself wanting to modify it at some point21:34
Anfmatsaman Thank you so much.21:37
matsamanthe licensing is also similar, so I didn't mention that, but one should consider licensing also21:38
greenerthanyouok I asked about supported Ubuntu flavors so I wouldnt be orphaned here but I see that that was not true. Ask a mate question and there is just deep silence. "Oh, pickles!"21:49
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Guest_666hi 4 all21:56
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hans`apt purge unattended-upgrades` does not stop unattended-upgrades, looks like a bug22:50
hanslike you can still see unattended-upgrades running in htop22:51
tomreyndid you run apt with sudo, did it succeed?22:52
tomreynwhich state does the task have in htop?22:53
tomreyndoes "dpkg -S unattended-upgrades" still list a package providing it?22:54
hansi ssh'ed into there with root, so i didn't actually use sudo22:54
hanssorry can't check the state, i SIGTERM'ed it22:54
hansdpkg -S unattended-upgrades \n language-pack-en: /usr/share/locale-langpack/en_AU/LC_MESSAGES/unattended-upgrades.mo \n language-pack-en: /usr/share/locale-langpack/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/unattended-upgrades.mo \n language-pack-en: /usr/share/locale-langpack/en_CA/LC_MESSAGES/unattended-upgrades.mo22:55
tomreynhmm, working as root - is this actually ubuntu then? if so, which release?22:55
hansoh, it's 18.0422:55
hansis 18.04 still maintained?22:55
tomreynyes, it is for main and restricted components22:56
tomreynfor another year22:57
tomreynthere seems to be no dpkg managed package installed that still provides an unattended-upgrades command, though22:59
jhutchinsI was never clear whether delete/purge actually killed a running process.22:59
hanstomreyn: i never started that program manually. i think its just started automatically after installation22:59
leftyfbit does23:00
leftyfband no, most programs do not die when uninstalling them. You either need to stop them (preferably before removing) or reboot23:01
tomreynthere will be /lib/systemd/system/apt-daily-upgrade.timer and /usr/lib/apt/apt.systemd.daily23:05
tomreynand a loaded timer + service unit23:05
hansleftyfb: that's weird. hard to imagine a situation where  you -want- a deleted program to keep running post deletion23:10
rdri have had that before23:10
rdrlike when i was running GNOME but uninstalled it to get KDE23:10
rdrit would suck if it just killed the session halfway through apt doign stuff23:10
leftyfband yes, people will remove things like web server packages while the web server still runs23:10
AavarI created a new zfs storage pool for lxc "lxc storage create default2 zfs size=200GiB", but how can I tell my VM to use it?23:17
rdrwould depend on what vm software you're using?23:17
rdrthis is how you do it using QEMU, for example: https://libvirt.org/storage.html#StorageBackendZFS23:19
Aavarrdr: lxc23:19
rdrhave you checked out this blog? https://stanislas.blog/2018/02/lxc-zfs-pool-lxd/  I haven't heard of lxc before this so I'm not sure23:20
leftyfbAavar: try #lxc23:23
Aavarleftyfb: I did. No answer. Tnx anyway :) I going to sleep23:23
leftyfbAavar: wait longer. That is a proper place to get support with lxc23:23
Croranwhat kinds of settings should i expect to lose if i delete my dconf 'user' configuration file?23:26
rdrwhat desktop you running?23:27
rdryou can look at dconf-editor (a program) and all that stuff will be removed and reset to the defaults23:27
rdrstuff like your monitor layout, gnome extensions, background, etc23:27
rdryour file bookmarks are in a different file I think23:27
oerheks dconf 'user' configuration file? such does not exist like in windows, dconf handles a lot of files and settings23:30
rdri think he's referring to ~/.config/dconf23:34
oerheksoh, that settings file23:34
CroranI'm running unity desktop23:52
Croranok. that stuff sounds pretty easy to reconfigure23:53
CroranI'm just getting some log messages about compiq sqlite errors23:53
Croranso i'm thinking deleting that file may resolve them23:53
RootDetAnybody have experience with transcoding in ubuntu? I have a fresh 20.04 LTS install, but no /dev/dri, dispite having a supproted CPU.23:57

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