
magic_ninjaHas anyone heard anything about this? I can't seem to find anythong on it yet. It is pretty new.01:48
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kubuntuthis is my first time to use this KUBUNTU05:10
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user|72What's the difference between Ubuntu and kubuntu im not talking about desktop evairment12:54
IrcsomeBot<impartial_just> BDGT12:56
BluesKajHi folks13:17
magic_ninjaI can't believe that there is no option to disable vsync. Ever since they reworked the compositor, turning it off causes everything to run like crap.13:33
magic_ninjaIt's super annoying.13:33
BluesKajI just leave the vsync setting on auto ... no tearing or other unwanted effects13:36
magic_ninjaCourse you do. A lot of us don't though.13:36
magic_ninjasorry, just woke up13:36
BluesKajwhy not13:36
magic_ninjaSometimes it doesn't matter. Like watching video, general desktop use, etc.13:37
magic_ninjaBut like on FPS games it causes input lag that will, for instance, cause a flick shot to not hit properly13:37
magic_ninjaI don't know how it works or if it smooths it out or what. I mean I guess that's kinda the point. But it is noticable when rapidly moving the mouse.13:39
magic_ninjaBetween that and plasmashell crashing when my monitors sleep, I'm getting annoyed. That being said, I still like plasma and I'm greatful for the work that goes into Kubuntu.13:40
magic_ninjaI can just remember a time a couple years ago when I didn't have those issues.13:41
BluesKajthink if iwas a gamer I'd look into buying a dedicated game box of some kind rather than trying to play games on Linux13:41
magic_ninjaThey run great on linux man.13:41
magic_ninjaThe games I play at least.13:41
magic_ninjaThat's 2000's thinking.13:42
BluesKajwell, that's good to hear13:42
magic_ninjaYea. I only play d2r and csgo pretty much, and blizzard stuff runs well with lutris and csgo is native.13:42
BluesKajlike I said I'm not a gamer so forget about my "thinking"13:43
magic_ninjaLutris makes setting up some of this stuff so damn easy.13:43
magic_ninjaJust one of those deals. I totally get where you are coming from. Linux is a good desktop. Working in windows is painful. I still have to keep VM's around for certain software.13:43
BluesKajI'm retired so nobody is forcing me to run MS OSs or apps13:45
magic_ninjaMust be nice. I wish they would give us an MSO client for linux already.13:45
magic_ninjaWe have web office, but you can't really do more than basic stuff in it.13:46
magic_ninjaHere we go. Looks like there are some environment variables.13:47
magic_ninjaA huge advantage of linux, though, is that VMWare doesn't allocate all of the memory for a VM.13:48
magic_ninjaIt seriously reduces required ram when running a virtual machine.13:48
magic_ninjaI've had bad luck with KVM in the past, but I'm going to consider trying it again, as nvidia doesn't do quite so well on amdgpu13:49
magic_ninjawait, that's wrong lol13:49
magic_ninja"as amdgpu doesn't do quite so well on vmware as nvidia"13:49
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> plsss, help me ,14:32
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> i can't able to solve this ,14:32
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> problem : when i boot my laptop ,14:32
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> i can connect to available wifi network but14:32
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> :  can use internet14:32
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> : can't use other partitions14:32
magic_ninjamilesdredd: In dolphin your partitions should come up as mountable. https://i.imgur.com/cCOgx2S.png14:55
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> i know it , read full what's the problem , pls (re @IrcsomeBot: <magic_ninja> milesdredd: In dolphin your partitions should come up as mountable. https://i.imgur.com/cCOgx2S.png)14:56
magic_ninjaYou can also go here in the system settings.14:56
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> not device issue , it's different issue , (re @IrcsomeBot: <magic_ninja> You can also go here in the system settings.)14:57
magic_ninjaWell you aren't exactly giving any more information on what's happening.14:58
magic_ninjaYou should be less vague.14:58
magic_ninjaWhat kind of disk is it? What type of file system is it?14:58
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> i cant able to use internet , kde connect and other partition after boot , the only way i hv to turn firewall on (re @IrcsomeBot: <magic_ninja> Well you aren't exactly giving any more information on what's happening.)14:59
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> https://i.imgur.com/xDY4LFR.png (re @IrcsomeBot: <magic_ninja> What kind of disk is it? What type of file system is it?)14:59
magic_ninjaSo your wireless network doesn't work ever? Or just after a reboot?15:00
magic_ninjaHere is the location of your school partition. If it isn't showing up in devices, you can manually enter it in the address bar of dolphin: https://i.imgur.com/zffoAv7.png15:02
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> after reboot , i can connect to wifi , but can't use internet ,and if at tht time i turn firewall on , internet will work , and kde connect will also work (re @IrcsomeBot: <magic_ninja> So your wireless network doesn't work ever? Or just after a reboot?)15:03
magic_ninjaBut the file system is mounted, check that box to permanently mount it in the settings I gave you.15:03
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> wait , r u in telegram or on IRC ? , i will boot again and will make a video on whats happening (re @IrcsomeBot: <magic_ninja> But the file system is mounted, check that box to permanently mount it in the settings I gave you.)15:04
magic_ninjaI'm in irc15:04
magic_ninjaThey are likely two separate issues15:05
magic_ninjaYour file system is certainly mounted. Sorry, but the issue there is that you are having a hard time finding it.15:05
magic_ninjaWifi will be something different.15:05
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> ok , cant be on telegram ???? (re @IrcsomeBot: <magic_ninja> I'm in irc)15:20
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> but all got solved after turning firewall on (re @IrcsomeBot: <magic_ninja> They are likely two separate issues)15:21
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KLBQ2L_26qmkwF_d_-gzASV8iL2X5xuN/view?usp=drivesdk (re @IrcsomeBot: <magic_ninja> I'm in irc)15:25
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> for now , i can run sudo ufw enable on startup , but i dont know how to runn commands on startup in kubuntu (re @IrcsomeBot: <magic_ninja> Your file system is certainly mounted. Sorry, but the issue there is that you are having a hard time finding it.)15:35
magic_ninjait's in the system settings under autostart15:40
magic_ninjamake a file, put your command in it, and save it somewhere as <filename>.sh then add it to autostart15:41
magic_ninjaright click on the file in dolphin, go to properties, then permissions, then check "is executable".15:42
magic_ninjaOh, that's a sudo command, I'm not sure how to do that.15:42
magic_ninjado this instead: sudo systemctl enable ufw15:43
magic_ninjathat should enable it as a service, and on boot15:43
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> already tried (re @IrcsomeBot: <magic_ninja> do this instead: sudo systemctl enable ufw)15:44
magic_ninjawhat does sudo systemctl status ufw say15:44
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> ~$ sudo systemctl status ufw15:45
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> ● ufw.service - Uncomplicated firewall15:45
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd>      Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ufw.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)15:45
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd>      Active: active (exited) since Sun 2022-01-30 20:35:40 IST; 39min ago15:45
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd>        Docs: man:ufw(8)15:45
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd>    Main PID: 359 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)15:45
magic_ninjaDon't paste stuff directly, use pastebin15:45
magic_ninjaNow you have to wait for a while.15:45
magic_ninjagoogle what a pastebin is while you wait lol15:45
Maik@milesdredd please use paste.ubuntu.com you are flooding the IRC channel.15:46
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> okok (re @IrcsomeBot: <Maik> @milesdredd please use paste.ubuntu.com you are flooding the IRC channel.)15:47
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> https://i.imgur.com/HR9p9fl.png (re @IrcsomeBot: <Maik> @milesdredd please use paste.ubuntu.com you are flooding the IRC channel.)15:47
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> for now use this15:47
magic_ninjai couldn't tell you waht's going on. Sorry15:48
user|35Boa tarde. Ao dar boot com o live cd do Kubuntu 21.10 recebo uma mensagem no monitor dizendo: fora da faixa 90/60 Mhz. Alguém pode me ajudar?16:10
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ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.17:22
* Basti[m]12 uploaded an image: (9KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/QqlWYYgBEEGgAkZGEpywOfmu/Screenshot_20220130_091824.png >19:30
* Basti[m]12 uploaded an image: (14KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/dGLxaQKwLPaFMXHzixWRGneC/Screenshot_20220130_091932.png >19:30
Basti[m]12Hi, I have a strange problem with the KDE System tray. There is a blank, unclickable icon in it that I don't know how to remove. Please see next screenshot for details (next to the update tray). Has anyone an idea how to solve this?19:30
Basti[m]12In the settings there is an entry under misc, but with no option to disable it:19:30
libhHow long after the initial release of 22.04 will the first point release be?20:46
Maiklibh: probaly in July if all goes well and it doesn't get delayed20:47
Maikit has always been that way20:47
Maiklibh: but 22.04 hasn't been released yet so questions about it should be asked in #ubuntu-next20:51
Maikrelease date of 22.04 is on April 21st20:52
Maikif you run 22.04 then you just can keep it up to date, no need to re-install a point release every time20:53
libhRight, but I've heard that not every bug gets ironed out initial release and to wait a point release or two before it's ready.20:53
Maikpoint releases are just updated isos which contain the same bugfixes you get with the updates. It's just for users that install a LTS releases and that they don't have to pull in all the updates again.20:55
Maikpoint releases also may contain the HWE kernel20:55
Maikexample: Ubuntu 20.04 started with the 5.4 kernel, the current point release contains the 5.11 kernel but gets updated to 5.13. The next point release will probably ship with the same 5.13 kernel. and so on20:57
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