
tewardvorlon: sorry i was busy with errands - also timezone differences01:43
teward+1 from rbasak, +1 from me, no abstentions but no objections, stdby while i poke it with a stick01:44
tewardvorlon: should be done now01:44
tewardlaney: there's an (old) invitation it seems for coredev to join timezonemap-team from you, is that still important/needed?01:45
tewardvorlon: (EOD for me on a saturday is about now +/- 1 hour because of errands and then family dinner)01:45
teward(just for awareness)01:45
vorlonteward: hmmm I do not see coredev on https://launchpad.net/~unity7maintainers/+members nor do I see an outstanding invitation05:37
tewardwell i am sure i accepted the invite that was there but i need a new invite from one of its admins06:21
tewardits not in any of the other unity teams06:21
tewardwe can probably get it FORCED by LP Admins but I cant do anything as is on my end.06:22
tewardvorlon: i proposed coredev to be a team member.  but it needs one of that teams admins to approve it unless you can convince Colin or another LP admin to force it06:25
vorlonno, shouldn't be forced06:25
tewardi know tsimonq2 is alive - he extended his Ubuntu Membership today (CC hat has benefits heh...].06:26
tewardi'll drop him a message to expedite06:26
teward(hes listed as an admin in the group)06:26
teward(CC hat is how i know he reupped)06:27
teward(DMB hat will be what I approach Simon with.)  After sleep.06:27
teward(1:27AM here)06:27
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RikMillsdoko: re: your bug comment on binutils. does that mean some reversion in that?11:21
RikMillsoh, and thanks11:21
RikMillsoh I guess it must. duh11:28
tumbleweedignore that13:34
mwhudsonutkarsh2102: libc6-lse should be removed, doesn't apt {full,dist}-upgrade do that for you?21:17
mwhudsonargh mailman3 got booted out of testing in debian21:22
mwhudsonis the debian-mailman team active at all?21:23
mwhudsonoh an open RFH hmm21:23
laneyteward: makes sense to have core-dev able to commit to that, I'd accept it if I were you22:17
tewardlaney: > This team is now a member of Timezone Map Team.22:18

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