
=== xelix is now known as IamJOHOLIO
user|11isn't there a way I can sudo apt-get install Kubuntu or kde5?03:18
karlnashvillewhats up people?03:56
karlnashvillenashville checking in03:56
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IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> yes , solved after04:28
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> 1049  sudo systemctl status firewalld04:28
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd>  1050  sudo systemctl disable firewalld04:28
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd>  1051  sudo systemctl stop firewalld04:28
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd>  1052  sudo systemctl status firewalld04:28
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd>  1053  sudo ufw disable04:28
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=== karlnashville is now known as karl_AFK
=== karl_AFK is now known as karlnashville
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=== karl_AFK is now known as karlnashville
=== karlnashville is now known as karl_AFK
user|7Wondering if anyone can help me with a bit of a problem. Got a ryzen 7 5800-x chip. When I try to load kubuntu 20.04 or earlier I get a "unknown chipset" error and the system crashes. Wondering if 21.10 would work, or is the chipset just too new?10:20
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=== anthony__ is now known as itzlightyhd
itzlightyhdnever saw an irc chat10:29
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=== karl_AFK is now known as karlnashville
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=== karlnashville is now known as karl_AFK
=== karl_AFK is now known as karlnashville
=== karlnashville is now known as karl_AFK
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BluesKajHi folks14:02
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=== karl_AFK is now known as karlnashville
Basti[m]12Hi, I have a strange problem with the KDE System tray. There is a blank, unclickable icon in it that I don't know how to remove. Please see next screenshot for details (next to the update tray). Has anyone an idea how to solve this?14:35
Basti[m]12In the settings there is an entry under misc, but with no option to disable it:14:35
* Basti[m]12 uploaded an image: (7KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/eBjzZdBCytOFPkvfGTEgxmwo/Screenshot_20220130_091824.png >14:35
* Basti[m]12 uploaded an image: (12KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/pJsKVHKOfGNhIstKCcvZkePd/Screenshot_20220130_091932.png >14:36
MaikBasti[m]12: if no one responded yet they either don't know the answer or no one is around to help with that. other channels to ask are #kde or #linux14:38
Basti[m]12Maik: OK Sorry! I got messaged by the libera bridge bot hours after the message, i thought it didn't geht through14:39
Basti[m]12* OK Sorry! I got messaged by the libera bridge bot hours after the message, i thought it didn't get through14:39
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=== karl_AFK is now known as karlnashville
=== karlnashville is now known as karl_AFK
=== karl_AFK is now known as karlnashville
=== karlnashville is now known as karl_AFK
user|65Need android for kubuntu 1618:13
IrcsomeBot<Veektony> https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Ubuntu-22.04-Systemd-OOMD18:18
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valorie"kubuntu 16"? what on earth21:50
valorieit is 202221:51
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=== karlnashville is now known as karl_AFK
=== karl_AFK is now known as karlnashville
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life

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