
mardymborzecki: hi!07:26
mupPR snapd#11323 opened: i/builtin: allow modem-manager interface to access some files in sysfs <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11323>08:29
mborzeckipstolowski: hey08:36
mvozyga-fyke: if you use vscode, could you give a +1 on pr 11245 ?08:38
mupPR #11245: vscode: added integrated support for MS VSCODE <Created by are-scenic> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11245>08:38
zyga-fykemvo, good morning, looking08:39
zyga-fykemvo, look at my review please08:45
mvozyga-fyke: \o/ you rock thanks so much08:46
mvozyga-fyke: sorry for bugging you with this but we only have very few people with vscode experience it seems :)08:46
zyga-fykemvo, you should try it for a week08:48
zyga-fykeit's transformative, much better than go in vim sadly08:48
mvozyga-fyke: I really should! I'm using emacs since forever and I think I really should try something new08:51
zyga-fykemvo, if you want I would love to have a call and just show you how I use it08:51
zyga-fykewaveform, o/09:54
abeatomvo, mborzecki hey, good morning! would it be possible to merge https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11306 ? it looks like the spread test that is failing is not related to the PR10:13
mupPR #11306: many: add transactional flag to snapd API <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11306>10:13
mborzeckiabeato: hey, i've restarted the spread jobs in the morning hoping most will be succesful, which they are, so merged just now10:15
mupPR snapd#11306 closed: many: add transactional flag to snapd API <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11306>10:15
abeatomborzecki, thank you!10:15
=== dob1_ is now known as dob1
mvoabeato: \o/ thanks, nice to see this landed10:24
mvozyga-fyke: sorry, meetings! would love to see that indeed, we just need to find a time :)10:24
abeatomvo, third and hopefully last PR still needed though :)10:25
=== alan_g_ is now known as alan_g
mvoabeato: \o/10:27
mvoabeato: yeah, I know still nice to see that the prereqs are landing10:27
mupPR snapd#11298 closed: tests: skip bind mount in snapd-snap test when the core snap in not repacked <Squash-merge> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11298>11:20
mupPR snapd#11307 closed: tests: skip snap-userd-reexec test when reexec is not enabled <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11307>11:20
waveformzyga-fyke, hello!12:18
zyga-mbpwaveform hey :)12:18
waveformzyga-fyke, sorry - your ping landed right at the start of a meeting and it slipped my mind after :)12:18
zyga-mbpwaveform just a FYI, there's something wrong with pi3 armv7 images 12:18
arseniquezyga-fyke, I am looking for you too?12:18
zyga-mbpcore20 images I mean12:18
zyga-mbparsenique hey12:18
zyga-mbpwaveform I didn't get anything while debugging, the data looks fine, I must be missing something12:19
zyga-mbpwaveform uboot doesn't load any scirpts and just hangs there12:19
zyga-mbparsenique how can I help?12:19
waveformzyga-mbp, hmm - core20 armhf? Okay, I'll take a look in a mo12:20
zyga-mbpwaveform yes, I've used the imager to burn if that makes any difference12:20
zyga-mbpwaveform core20 aarch64 works fine12:20
arseniqueSorry, I don't want to interrupt your current discussion. I just wanted to ask you to look @ my comments in the PR you are reviewing: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1124512:20
mupPR #11245: vscode: added integrated support for MS VSCODE <Created by are-scenic> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11245>12:20
zyga-mbparsenique sure, I'll look12:21
arseniqueThank you.12:21
waveformzyga-mbp, shouldn't do -- in fact there's no separation of the images in 20 onwards (the pi3, pi4, etc. are all just symlinks to the arch-specific image)12:21
waveformzyga-mbp, but I assume in this case you're testing the armhf package on a 3B (or 3B+ or 3A+?)12:21
zyga-mbpwaveform yes, 3B+12:21
waveformzyga-mbp, okay -- I'll try and replicate here12:21
zyga-mbpwaveform thanks, I'm happy to re-test if you have some ideas12:22
zyga-mbparsenique I don't see any new comments after my mini review today, should I look back at older comments?12:22
arseniquezyga-mdp I am sorry didn't mean to cause you looking at it right now. But, yes I've added replies to your comments12:24
zyga-mbparsenique did you send? I don't see any new things12:24
zyga-mbparsenique perhaps github is waiting for "submit review"12:24
arseniquezyga-mdb strange I see them12:26
arseniquezyga-mdb look i reissued request for review - perhaps this will change it. sorry for the confusion.12:27
zyga-mbpI think you still need to send your comments though12:28
zyga-mbpI don't see any new comments12:28
mupPR snapd#11324 opened: tests: enable snap-userd-reexec on ubuntu and debian <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11324>12:45
waveformzyga-mbp, I've managed to boot the core20 armhf image on a 3B+ here; currently going through the "Press enter to configure" "oh no, please wait for update/reboot" dance -- did yours hang before this or after all updates were complete?12:48
zyga-mbpit didn't even reach linu12:48
zyga-mbpcan you tell me how you've programmed the card?12:48
zyga-mbpperhaps raspi-imager messes something up12:48
waveformzyga-mbp, just my usual "dd" but I've never noticed a difference between that and rpi-imager12:49
waveformI'll retry with rpi-imager in a bit and see if that affects it12:49
zyga-mbpcan you pass the URL of the image you've used?12:49
zyga-mbpI'll try that12:49
zyga-mbpmaybe some meta-data is stale and points to a broken image?12:49
waveformsure: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/20/stable/current/ubuntu-core-20-armhf+raspi.img.xz -- but I've checked and that's the same URL as we're currently serving in the rpi-imager json12:49
waveform(so it *should* be the same image as you've got -- I'll double check the SHA256 though12:50
waveform(as I'm using a cached copy)12:50
waveformyup, same SHA256 as is currently being served12:50
zyga-mbpthanks, I'll re-program with dd and confirm12:50
zyga-mbpI really wonder what's wrong with the one I have12:50
zyga-mbpdo you know if there's a way to check if the uboot.src file is not corrupted somehow (crc?)12:50
waveformthe uboot.scr has a built-in CRC (erm... first 4 bytes I *think* if memory serves) so it should notice most (simple) corruption itself12:51
zyga-mbpright, in my experiments that was corrupted 12:51
zyga-mbp<zyga-mbp> there's an error message earlier: Loading Environment from FAT... *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment -- from  https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/knzG5gqwHZ/12:52
waveformoh, hang on -- I might be thinking of the .env, not the .scr. Yes, the .env has a front-end CRC, the .scr has a larger header but there is a CRC in it *somewhere*. That said, core20 doesn't ship a uboot.env as I recall (but does ship a .scr), in which case you *should* see that error because it also gets printed when there's no environment12:54
zyga-mbpin that case something else might be fishy in the image I happen to have flashed 12:54
zyga-mbpbut I'll avoid debugging that and re-check with dd first12:54
waveformdo you happen to have anything plugged into the Pi on the GPIO pins?12:55
zyga-mbpjust the serial 12:55
zyga-mbppower power (skipped), tx/rx/ground12:55
zyga-mbpnothing else12:55
waveformokay, so nothing should be erroneously sending a key to serial to interrupt u-boot ... hmmm. I'm reflashing with rpi-imager now -- I'll see if I can replicate with that12:55
zyga-mbpthank you, if it works I'll re-check my setup12:56
zyga-mbpI've programmed a few boards/images lately so I was not expecting anything weird here but perhaps I've missed something12:56
* zyga-mbp needs to move to some cloud irc, sigh13:06
waveformzyga-mbp, it appears the rpi-imager flashed version also boots happily (eventually :) to the configuration screen. I'd hazard a guess that you've got *something* attached (over USB perhaps?) that's interrupting u-boot and dropping to the u-boot prompt? Must be acting like a keyboard in that case though13:07
zyga-mbpno, absolutely nothing13:08
zyga-mbpI will re-check, maybe my usb-serial is faulty?13:08
zyga-mbpthe weird thing is that I had no input13:08
zyga-mbpmaybe ... tx/gnd swapped?13:08
zyga-mbpthat would be bad (but I often flash those late at night)13:08
mborzeckioh meh, udev during snap install kils pipewire and my sound is gone now 13:18
mupPR snapd#11325 opened: overlord: skip manager tests on riscv for now <Test Robustness> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11325>14:01
mupPR snapd#11326 opened: o/snapstate: implement transactional flag <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11326>14:36
ijohnson[m]is this a known problem? https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/PgrwtjPwHh/15:41
mvoI have not seen that before15:59
mupPR snapd#11327 opened: snap-confine: allow numbers in hook security tag <Bug> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11327>17:17
miguelpiresijohnson[m]: hi, did you figure out what's going with Centos 8? I had the same issue and messed around with the repo config but couldn't fix it. Maybe we can remove Centos8 from the spread tests since it's EOL18:34
ijohnson[m]miguelpires: no I didn't have time to look into it 18:50
mupPR snapd#11328 opened: tests: remove CentOS 8 (EOL) <Simple 😃> <Created by MiguelPires> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11328>19:18

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