
relipseI'm trying to open gedit but it's not working00:15
leftyfbrelipse: you're leaving out crucial details00:18
leftyfbrelipse: are you doing this over ssh or is this a machine not running a desktop environment ?00:18
relipseok fine, crucial detail, i'm running Ub 20.04 on wsl200:18
leftyfbyeah, no00:18
leftyfb!wsl | relipse00:19
ubotturelipse: Windows 10 and newer have a feature called "Windows Subsystem for Linux", which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide00:19
gryrelipse are you trying to start gedit in a terminal, or in a graphical session00:19
relipseno so you arent going ot try and help me00:19
leftyfbgry: they're running WSL00:19
relipsei want it to display on my windows box00:19
leftyfbrelipse: then run a VM00:19
gryhow does wsl work? does it have a desktop?00:19
leftyfbgry: no, feel free to click on the link explaining WSL or google it00:20
grythen gedit won't work because it requires a desktop00:20
leftyfbrelipse: Desktop isn't officially supported on WSL. There's several tutorials online to help you with it though00:20
grywithout desktop, your choices are nano, vim, and emacs00:20
ZnullptrFull screen apps (video) make ubuntu go ape$&*( ; I thought it was just normal taskbar flickering through but I notice old popup notifications also cycling centered at the top of the screen ... what would possibly cause this?00:22
relipseleftyfb: yes it is this is Windows 1100:23
leftyfbrelipse: good luck00:23
leftyfbrelipse: and no, Ubuntu desktop is not officially supported on WSL. Not here anyway00:25
relipsecan't even try to help?00:28
relipsei know this is unrelated but I made a rpg game, want to see the link?00:28
gryask #windows-wsl i guess00:28
gryyes sure00:28
leftyfbrelipse: that's offtopic here. Feel free to post in #ubuntu-offtopic. This is a support chhannel00:29
leftyfbor not00:29
relipsei retract my statement00:29
LegonichHello World00:53
RibbyHello Ubuntu, I am trying to get step 1 right. It will allow me to search for dependencies with ease for source code compilation. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo01:09
leftyfbRibby: you really only need build-essential and checkinstall01:10
RibbySame for step 2. I didn't see a .configure anywhere! I know that the created folder is to get set for these database searches.01:11
RibbyWell, alrighty then.01:11
leftyfbRibby: as for a .configure file, that is up to the project and nothing to do with ubuntu01:11
leftyfbRibby: what are you trying to compile?01:12
Ribbyapt-file search missingfilename.pc, but it came with a long long list of the searched term. I put in 'sdl'. omg.01:12
RibbyI was trying to compile wesnoth as an example, but apparently they prefer flatpak.01:12
RibbyIt's not really compiling source, but one of those package installation methods.01:12
leftyfbRibby: sudo apt install wesnoth01:12
RibbyThe problem is I wanted to stick with source code compilation. Just got that missing dependency problem.01:14
RibbyLet us just say that development tends to support mod support for older versions.01:14
RibbySo I was like, omg!01:15
leftyfbRibby: ok, good luck. Feel free to reach out to the Wesnoth project for support with their application01:15
RibbyOh, and 20.# might have a audio problem after upgrading. Here is the solution. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1230363/internal-speaker-audio-is-not-working-in-ubuntu-20-04-lts-after-upgrading-from/1234906#123490601:18
RibbySpeaking of audio, the older wesnoth versions have a internal audio problem. That's why I wanted to go for source code compilation.01:19
RibbySo is the configure method is the standard for unix-like's dependency resource installation (before source code compilation)?01:20
petra_the_kati am trying to install weechat on wsl and i am getting some pubkey issues02:55
petra_the_kati'm following these instrs: https://weechat.org/download/debian/02:56
petra_the_katon the step `sudo apt-get update` i get this error:02:56
petra_the_kat> The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY D1820DB22A11534E02:56
ms4722do you know why wine program is slow in ubuntu?02:56
petra_the_kati was told from #libera to ask over here02:56
ms4722안녕하세요 한국 말 읽을 수 있나요?02:57
petra_the_kati don't speak korean but i do vaguely know enough to know the answer to that question is no i don't speak korean02:58
ms4722어떻게 내가 한국어를 사용하는지 알았습니까?02:58
petra_the_katsorry i dont understand02:58
ms4722당신은 한국을 좋아하나요?02:58
ms4722how do you know I am using korean?02:58
ms4722what do you know about korea?02:59
petra_the_katnot much...02:59
ms4722anyway nice meet to you. what do you do?02:59
petra_the_katim a student03:00
ms4722Oh.. what degree?03:00
ms4722Wow.. Great.. I am working for IT field.03:00
ms4722over 26 years.03:00
ms4722do you have korean friends?03:03
petra_the_katNot especially...03:03
petra_the_katits kinda embarassing, my roommate is a giant kpop fan and they know more about korean culture than i do ;`)03:04
ms4722Are you talking about BTS?03:04
petra_the_katyeah and the like03:05
ms4722I know many young people like them. Specially McDonalds.03:05
petra_the_katthe fast-food place?03:06
ms4722Yes, I saw their name on Macdonalds's source label.03:07
ms4722I am proud of them. Also, I am proud.. samsung and hyundai so on.03:08
ms4722If you have a performance issue in wine, you try to downgrade graphic driver or use XORG default driver.03:10
ms4722I resolved the issue today.03:10
leftyfbpetra_the_kat: sudo apt install weechat03:20
petra_the_kati swear i tried that03:21
petra_the_katFor Gods Sake I Hate All Computers03:21
petra_the_katit just Works03:21
ms4722what is weechat03:22
petra_the_kati've spent like an hour poking around stupid f iles and aaAAAAAAAughhbh03:22
leftyfb!support | ms472203:22
ubottums4722: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com03:22
petra_the_katms4722: its an irc client03:22
petra_the_katalright guess i'll see everyone on the other side03:22
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alicefhello, how is the format ~20.04.1+0ubuntu1_amd64 added when building packages from source ?05:25
alicefI see there is a ubuntu package versioning scheme but I'm not sure if such versioning is automatically added during package build from source.05:26
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kristian_on_linuhi, looking for an easy way to start an application (ClamTK) in the tray, on startup?06:02
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neureI try to install clang-13 with the automatic installation script from https://apt.llvm.org/ on Ubuntu 18.04 but it fails with errors, for example The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available09:18
neureAny suggestions?09:18
ikoniaget the public key ?09:24
ikoniadon't install using some random automatic install script ?09:24
KBarneure: ^ did you get the key?09:25
KBarneure just get the source from here: https://packages.ubuntu.com/source/impish/llvm-toolchain-1309:27
mncheckmI'm trying to find the compile time flags for gnutls-bin package on focal but getbuildlog(1) seems to try buildd.debian.org instead of anything in launchpad.net/builders - how do I get to the compile flags on ubuntu?09:27
ikoniamncheckm: the source package normally has them in the make file of the debhelper09:28
eoli3nwhere is the official ubuntu preseed documentation ?09:30
mncheckmikonia, in directory by apt source gnutls-bin if I execute debian/rules -n I get https://bpa.st/FXNA , do you mean it like this?09:31
mncheckmikonia, so I went to https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security-proposed/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/21832233 from https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/focal/amd64/gnutls-bin/3.6.13-2ubuntu1.6 which takes me to the build logs which seems to match the one from debian/rules -n in apt source10:07
mncheckmis there a script that does this?10:09
mncheckmI mean for a given package to show which apt source it came from, for example10:10
mncheckmcurrently I do it manually10:11
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zprdmy laptop went to sleep with my monitor (usb-c) last day and couldn't bring it up this morning. I have a 'usb 2-1 .. Device not authorized for usage' message, then fwupd failed to modprobe : entity not found10:44
zprdany idea on the matter?10:44
zprdubuntu 20.04.3 LTS10:45
zprdI have black screen when run the monitor on10:45
zprdlaptops screen works when turned off10:46
zprduninstalled nouveau, still the same10:46
zprdI had usbguard, uninstalled it, no usccess10:46
zprdI have no other cable to test, but will buy a hdmi one if no solution found this morning10:47
zprdit is a thinkpad e570 + dell monitor10:48
weqeoli3n: did you find it? if so, care to share with me also?11:10
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KBarweq: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/s390x/apbs02.html & https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/s390x/apb.html & https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt11:30
eoli3nweq I found what gave KBar11:34
weqty ty both.11:34
zprd...duh, made a reset of the monitor and it re-works again13:32
ren0v0_Does anyone know what this means? :)   cryptsetup: WARNING: Permissive UMASK (0022). Private key material within the initrd might be left unprotected13:32
fedehi at all can anyone help me with my problem? I have an hp 255 G8 and I  have installed Ubuntu 21.10, but sometimes suddenly it reboot hitself. What can I check? from where can I start for resolve this issue? thanks in advance13:47
FrostWhat kernel are you using?, open the terminal and type uname -r13:47
crackerjackren0v0_: it looks like you have included a key for (assuming luks) encryption in your initial ram disk (initrd).  this is a security risk as any individual with access to the initrd could potentially extract said key that has bad permissions.  I'm no expert but that's my perspective13:48
FrostI just came here to fix a mistake in ubuntu mate13:48
Frostin the installer of 20.04.3 it says with cellouid installed by default you can watch all your [local video]13:49
Frostkeep in mind this is ubuntu mate13:49
ren0v0_@crackerjack, i followed the Ubuntu guide written by TJ here, any idea how to fix it?13:55
ren0v0_This one13:56
bunjeeI'm a newbie - can anyone out there explain to me why Firefox will not let me save my usernames?13:59
bunjeeI have uninstalled and re-installed Firefox several times and still cannot figure it out.14:00
Frostbunjee : probably you have the snap14:00
bunjeefrost - snap?14:00
Frostbunjee : What is the version of ubuntu you have?14:00
bunjeefrost - IDK14:00
Frostbunjee : open your terminal and type "uname -r"14:01
Frostwithout quotes14:01
Frostbunjee : Post what you see14:02
bunjeefrost - 4.15.0-166-generic14:02
BluesKajHi folks14:02
FrostSorry for caps14:02
Frostbunjee : your using an old version14:03
Frostbunjee : in the ubuntu page, it shows download options, which one did you choose14:03
Frostbunjee : 21.10 or 20.0414:04
bunjeefrost - an old version of Firefox? how do I get to the Ubuntu page?14:04
Frostbunjee : ubuntu.com, and not an old firefox version14:05
crackerjackren0v0_: Looks like this is set in the Post-Installation steps, in the /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf file.  As a test, I'd remove the UMASK line that the guide has you add, and regenerate initramfs (update-initramfs in ubuntu, I believe).  I haven't had to manually set this parameter for full disk encryption systems in the past.14:05
Frostbunjee : but an ubuntu version14:05
bunjeefrost - can I install the new version of Ubuntu over the old one without using a disk?14:06
Frostbunjee : yes but wait14:06
Frostbunjee : type in the terminal "lsb-release -a" and post your result14:07
KBaris GRUB2 the default boot loader on Ubuntu systems? im asking because i also have systemd-boot. how to determine which one is currently responsible for booting?14:07
crackerjackren0v0_: what version are you running? This guide was written for 19.04 and I'd suggest using a guide that targets the specific version you are installing14:09
bunjeefrost Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic14:10
Frostbunjee : That will end support next year14:10
Frostbunjee : i recommend you switch to 20.0414:11
bunjeefrost - ok - can I install over the 18.04and how do I do that?14:11
Frostuse sudo do-release-upgrade14:12
bunjeefrost - do-release: command not found14:13
bunjeefrost - wait........14:13
Frostbunjee : what14:14
bunjeefrost - I was missing a dash14:14
Frostbunjee : you can also do this graphically by searching software updater and running it14:15
bunjeefrost - explain please?14:15
Frostjust run software updater14:15
Frostor use the command i told you14:16
Frostif nothing worked then go here https://ubuntu.com/blog/how-to-upgrade-from-ubuntu-18-04-lts-to-20-04-lts-today14:16
bunjeefrost - I'm doing the upgrade now - does the new upgrade override the old one and get rid of old stuff?14:16
Frostbunjee : the upgrade just upgrade the system and keeps your files safe14:17
Frostso you dont have to reinstall14:17
Frostbunjee : also it may be slow depending on your hard drive speed14:18
bunjeefrost - then I'll be able to install a good copy of Firefox?14:18
Frostbunjee : it upgrade programs too14:18
Frosti thin14:18
Frostbunjee : just wanted to tell you that you can use flavours desktop environments in standard ubuntu14:21
bunjeefrost - ?14:21
Frostbunjee : you can use xubuntu in ubuntu for example14:21
bunjeefrost - how do I get xubuntu in ubuntu to get flavours desktop?14:26
Frostbunjee : sudo apt install xubuntu-desktop14:26
Frostbunjee : if you want another desktop then sudo apt install distro-name-desktop14:27
Frostbunjee : change distro-name to the name of the flavour14:27
bunjeefrost - how many flavours are there?14:28
Frostbunjee : 514:28
Frostbunjee : there are unofficial ones14:28
bunjeefrost  - where do I find the names?14:29
Frostoops i meant 614:29
Frostbunjee : ubuntus website14:29
bunjeefrost - under ?14:29
Frostbunjee : https://ubuntu.com/download/flavours14:29
Frostbunjee : wait is your ubuntu 32bit14:30
bynariexubuntu FTW14:30
Frostbynarie : ubuntu mate is my favourite14:30
bynarieFrost, mate is good too. I've been using xfce/ubuntu forEVER.. but mate is my second pick14:31
bynarieplain ol ubuntu desktop is terrible though, IMO14:31
bunjeefrost - thanks a lot for your help - I am trying to stay away from Windows because of the bs about windows 11 - can't believe Microsoft is forcing consumers to get new devices that support that OS....14:31
Frostbunjee : Your'e welcome! the ubuntu community always supports new or returning users unlike microsoft14:32
Frostbunjee : ive seen windows 11 but i never tried it14:32
bynariewindows11 is already, but the start menu, pure garbage14:33
Frostbunjee : from my thoughts its just windows 10 made worse14:33
bynariewindows11 is *alright14:33
Frostbynarie : windows 10 buisness bundles candy crush14:33
Frostfor some reason14:33
Maiklets focus on ubuntu support here please14:33
bynarieThat's totally useful lol14:33
Frostanyway i was tryna download ubuntu mate's artwork but it does not open14:34
Frostits just a file called ubuntu-mate14:34
FrostI used alot of distros even arch14:36
chgHi Guys N girls, I have some Epson Precision V39 scanners running on Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS, most of them work, but I have tried several ~10 scanners with Serial number VCFY3367xx, they do not work :(, I have tried with several drivers for Sane, The drivers we have installed are respectively:14:37
chg1) imagescan-bundle-ubuntu-20.0 4-3.65.0.x64.deb14:37
chg2) epsonscan2-bundle- 86_64.deb14:37
chg3) iscan-gt-s650-bundle-2.30.4. x64.deb14:37
chg, they all fail... $ scanimage -L14:37
chgdevice `imagescan: esci: gt-s650: usb: / sys / devices / pci0000: 00/0000: 00: 14.0 / usb1 / 1-4 / 1-4.3 / 1-4. 3: 1.0 'is a EPSON Epson_Perfection_V3914:37
Frostchg : what kernel did you use14:38
chgI have contacted Epson support, but they simple state they don't support Linux :/14:38
wewI have an Epson Perfection V700 and I tend to run it via VueScan.14:38
wewVuescan isn't open source but it is quite versatile and works with Linux14:38
chgI will check kernel, one moment...14:39
Frostthere are a few solutions chg, first one : reinstall the drivers, second : use wew's solution third : upgrade the kernel14:39
chg@wev, sane is using with 'most' of my PrecisionScan 39, but not any of the new ones (Serial VCFY3367xx), I need to use the scanners from commandline, since they are exposed via a REST scanner server, can VueScan be used from commandline?14:41
Frosti hate intel sometimes like they didnt make drivers for the Intel GMA 3600 for linux (except for back then it was supported in a older linux kernel 3.5)14:41
Frostand i have to use UBUNTU 12.04!14:42
wew@chg, I don't think it is available from the command line. Sorry14:42
chgI see :(14:42
KBarsomeone said the w-word in here?14:43
KBarnot good…14:43
FrostKBar : what is it?14:43
KBarthe name of m$'s child14:45
chgFrost, the kernel is 5.4.0-96-generic14:45
Frostchg : did you recently update14:46
Frostchg : maybe reboot and choose the oldest kernel this may fix your issue14:46
chgnope :), since it works and is ussually running with no internet14:46
chgas mentioned it works with Epson Perfection where Serial != VCFY3367??14:47
Frostchg : i dont know much about printer drivers but i think you may find it on CUPS14:48
chgits a scanner, not a printer :) Unsuported by Sane 'free drivers' but there are several non free drivers14:49
chgall of them working when serial != VCFY3367??14:49
chgI will try to update everything, and cross my fingers14:49
Frostchg : maybe i know something but i think its debian specific, do you have the non-free repos14:50
FrostKBar : oh i get you, you mean wind***14:51
chgI think I have the non free repo, but not 100% sure, 1) imagescan-bundle-ubuntu-20.0 4-3.65.0.x64.deb14:52
chg2) epsonscan2-bundle- 86_64.deb14:52
chg3) iscan-gt-s650-bundle-2.30.4. x64.deb14:52
chginitially only 'imagescan-bundle', but the other two to fix the issue with the problematic scanners.14:52
Frostchg : i found something https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=22107114:53
chgFrost, I think it is one of the drivers I have already installed, but I will have a closer look and see where it takes me :)14:56
BobTheTomatodoes anyone else find gnome-terminal or vim very glitchy on Ubuntu 20.04?14:57
BobTheTomatoit's to the point I don't use it anymore.14:57
FrostBobTheTomato : i dont, i used ubuntu 20.04 before14:57
BobTheTomatoI wonder if it's powerline14:58
FrostBobTheTomato : umm i never used powerline in ubuntu 20.04 i used it in a distro i cant remember14:58
Frostmaybe arch14:58
BobTheTomatoIt's buggy quite a bit. Have to exit the editor and close gnome-terminal14:59
BobTheTomatoI think I'll uninstall powerline and see if that fixes it15:00
FrostBobTheTomato : i may need a screenshot15:00
Frostaway from keyboard15:02
BobTheTomatoFrost: your jedi mind tricks don't work on me15:03
Frostbobthetomato: im back15:09
BobTheTomatoFrost: :-) when I hit a bug I'll post it15:10
FrostBobTheTomato : i just wanna see how the vim glitch looks like15:11
Frostone funny thing is the name of the shortend links website : ubbottu.com15:14
jhutchinsBobTheTomato: Are you using the graphical vim extensions?15:18
BobTheTomatojhutchins: I see stuff in ~/.config/powerline/colorschemes/vim however I don't think it's active. I am going to clobber the directory maybe that will fix it.15:21
FrostHey i have a question, how do i get nitrux apps like index?15:26
leftyfbFrost: you run a distribution that isn't Ubuntu15:27
Frostleftyfb : in ubuntu*15:27
leftyfbFrost: get the Nitrux project to port their application to Debian or snap15:28
Frostleftyfb : Nitrux is based on debian15:29
leftyfbFrost: is the "index" application Debian?15:29
FrostThe index application is in nitrux os15:29
leftyfbFrost: is the "index" application Debian?15:29
Frostleftyfb : yes15:30
leftyfbFrost: what is the package name?15:30
leftyfbin Debian15:30
Frostleftyfb : i dont know its in arch15:30
Frostthe repos of arch include it15:31
leftyfbFrost: that doesn't help your cause here. If you want to know if the package is in Ubuntu, you first need to track down what it's called in Debian. Let us know when you find it15:32
Frostleftyfb : they are Maui apps that are built on qt15:32
Frosthere is index fm15:32
Frostleftyfb: Oooh i remembered they are on flathub15:33
leftyfbFrost: ok, so completely unrelated to Ubuntu. Good luck15:34
Frostleftyfb : i also recommend you use maui apps they are beautiful15:34
leftyfbFrost: no thanks. I'll stick with what is available Ubuntu15:35
Frostleftyfb : if you use kubuntu they may fit15:36
Frostoops my pc is low battery15:38
Frostgotta leave, see you later!15:38
Frostleftyfb : here is a screenshot of index, you may like it : https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3053525/141739838-6ac11799-6354-488b-8530-df667ce78d32.png15:46
KBarFrost: please don't be nagging.15:49
FrostKBar : sorry15:49
KBarFrost: this channel is not for such things.15:49
ioriaFrost, an Appimage is available, if you want to use it  on Ubuntu15:52
ioriaFrost, https://www.linux-apps.com/p/1535897/15:52
ldiamondI have an issue that started this morning. Xorg doesn't want to start and my Nvidia GPU is marked "unclaimed" with no `driver=XXX` config by `lshw`15:52
ldiamondxorg logs shows `Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)`15:54
iorialdiamond, have you tried to reinstall the nvidia driver ?15:55
ldiamondioria: well, it wasn't installed before, I believe it was just using nouveau. I tried installing it with `ubuntu-drivers` but it still isn't working.15:56
iorialdiamond, dpkg -l | grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 999915:56
ldiamondI'm seeing `nouveau` still being loaded. Errors like `open /dev/fb0: Permission denied`15:56
iorialdiamond,  it wasn't installed before ?16:00
ldiamondI don't think so. I just installed it after having issues assuming there was an update to nouveau that broke it16:01
iorialdiamond, let's try again; sudo apt purge  nvidia-driver-470  nvidia-34016:01
ldiamondOne thing, `ubuntu-driver` installed 470, from the nvidia page, it shows 340 as the latest for that GPU. I had first installed `nvidia-340` which also didn't work, and later `sudo apt remove nvidia-340` said the package was not installed.16:03
ioriait's not, but we need to purge the config files16:04
iorialdiamond, sudo apt purge  nvidia-driver-470  nvidia-34016:04
ldiamondyea I did that16:04
iorialdiamond, sudo apt autopurge16:05
ldiamondAnd just reinstall right away or reboot first?16:05
ioriawhat ?16:06
ldiamondafter purging16:06
iorialdiamond, sudo apt autopurge16:06
ldiamondThat's done.16:06
iorialdiamond, dpkg -l | grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 999916:06
ldiamondYou essentially want me to purge all the packages matching nvidia16:07
ldiamondI'll just do that16:08
anddamhowdy, I am using Eclipse (lucky me) from their latest installer, it creates a desktop entry in ~/.local and I can call it from Ubuntu 18.04 launcher, but I cannot add it to favorites16:09
anddamI figure the desktop entry is lacking something, what is it? https://termbin.com/me6t16:10
FrostHello! im Here to Help Anyone!16:24
ioriaanddam, call it from 'Activities' then right click 'add to...'16:25
ldiamondioria: ok, all packages removed and purged16:25
ldiamonddpkl -l has nothing matching nvidia16:25
iorialdiamond, ubuntu-drivers list | nc termbin.com 999916:25
MaikFrost: please don't16:26
FrostMaik: Why?16:26
Maiklook, it's a Ubuntu support channel, so wait until someone pops up and actually needs support with Ubuntu16:27
FrostOk ill just wait16:28
Maikbesides that, it's just annoying16:28
Maikif you're bored and just want to chat feel free to join #ubuntu-offtopic16:29
Frostok ill just leave16:30
ldiamondioria: it's not giving me the url anymore for some reason. It lists `nvidia-driver-{460,390,470,470-server,450-server,495}.16:30
iorialdiamond, lspci -nnk |  nc termbin.com 999916:31
rdranddam: it might be missing the TryExec= line, but if that were the case it wouldn't appear at all16:38
iorialdiamond, interesting machine; now that nvidia is gone, i'd suggest to reboot and see if nouveau is working16:38
ldiamondioria: same problem16:43
iorialdiamond,  again   lspci -nnk |  nc termbin.com 9999  please16:43
ldiamondioria: exact same outpu16:46
iorialdiamond,  ls /etc/modprobe.d/ |  nc termbin.com 999916:46
anddamioria: is Activities the launcher that appears hitting the Super key?16:47
ldiamondThere's `blacklist nvidiafb` in modprobe.16:47
ldiamondif you were looking for why nvidia isn't loaded16:48
ioriaanddam, also that, yes16:48
iorialdiamond,  ls /etc/modprobe.d/ |  nc termbin.com 999916:48
anddamioria: that I could do, and a second Eclipse icon appeared, near the currently running one. I figure this has to do with some process calling in the launcher script https://i.ibb.co/XZpvxyq/2022-01-31-175044-198x604-scrot.png16:49
anddamthat's the bar after I closed the instance and clicked the Eclipse icon added to favorites, the upper one. A new icon appears downward with the running dot16:50
anddamit's good enough16:50
ioriaanddam, you have something else set in ~/.loca/share/applications16:51
iorialdiamond, sudo updatedb && locate -i xorg.conf  | nc termbin.com 999916:52
ren0v0_@crackerjack, I will try what you said thank you. I am using latest Ubuntu, I used this guide because of the way it performs it actually, I cannot remember why but it seemed more secure, I think this performs the decryption earlier, including boot?16:54
mncheckmwhere does cifs log?17:02
mncheckmI have focal17:02
mncheckmI see some in /var/log/kern.log which is also what I see in man mount.cif17:03
leftyfbmncheckm: the server17:03
mncheckmleftyfb, come again?17:04
leftyfbmncheckm: what is the issue exactly?17:04
ioriamncheckm, have you checked syslog and dmesg ?17:05
mncheckmleftyfb, on an ad-joined machine the computer account gets badPasswordTime updated very often. on a different machine I have lots of "CIFS: attempting to mount" in kern.log17:05
mncheckmleftyfb, in both cases I would like cifs to tell me what its problem is but not sure if I'm looking at the right place17:06
leftyfbmncheckm: I would look at the AD/CIFS server for what is going on.17:06
leftyfbmncheckm: in this case, on the client, CIFS is only a protocol, not a service running to do any logging. You should look at the server for more information. If I had to guess, sounds like network issues17:07
mncheckmleftyfb, that's out of my hands so can only turn to that if necessary17:07
leftyfbioria: dmesg and kerne.log are the same thing. And in this case, I don't think "syslog" is going to show any additional messages since this is just a mount17:08
mncheckmleftyfb, I try tcpdump -i ${eth0} port 445 now17:10
tomreynyou'll be looking at encrypted traffic.17:12
mncheckmtomreyn, oh17:14
leftyfbmncheckm: If you mount the CIFS and it's working, but intermittently stops working, the problem isn't going to be anything to do with the CIFS protocol on the client side. Start troubleshooting network and/or server issues17:15
morganuFYI Abiword is too weird to use. Froze when I tried to put a . at the end of a filename (by mistake) - You Should Know.17:40
leftyfb!bug | morganu17:40
ubottumorganu: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:40
morganuI just want a simple world processor that will do RTF level, ie bold and clickable links. gedit wont. Help appreciated.17:41
morganuthanks leftyfb17:41
ldiamondioria: Kernel headers were missing and it was skipping dkms. I re-installed linux-headers-generic and that didn't work, my current kernel headers are still missing. I had to install the exact one I'm running. I'm guessing this will give me problems every time.17:43
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iorialdiamond, sudo updatedb && locate -i xorg.conf  | nc termbin.com 999918:23
ldiamondioria: It's fixed.18:24
iorialdiamond, ok18:24
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rachelfishso after upgrading from ubuntu 21.04 to 21.10 the application launcher no longer brings up system settings, it only shows applications, what's up with that?18:30
rachelfishlike I used to be able to search for "date" or "monitor" in the application launcher and it would bring up the system settings menu to change my date settings, or the settings for my monitors18:31
KBarrachelfish: GNOME's decision18:32
rachelfishok so I should go to #gnome and complain there? :)18:32
rachelfishstop taking useful features away... gnome team....18:33
KBarrachelfish: pointless. there was already lots of discussion about it18:33
rachelfishok well I'm still going to complain18:33
KBarrachelfish: the dev is arrogant and wont listen to feedback18:33
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KBarrachelfish: you're welcome i guess :)18:34
KBarrachelfish: #gnome is not on libera but rather on irc.gnome.org btw18:34
rachelfishaha, that explains why #gnome here doesn't have a topic or any operators18:35
KBarthat too is pointless. the channel is always dead despite always containing around 2k users18:36
rachelfishthanks again!18:36
rachelfishdid the discussion happen on a mailing list or an internal discussion forum?18:36
KBarrachelfish: i think there was a bug report upstream and a couple of devs hoppen in explaining their decision and that its not a bug  at all but a feature18:37
KBar*hopped in18:37
ioriarachelfish, correct me: you start 'Activities' (with Super Key); then you type e.g. 'Date' and nothing comes up ?18:39
tomreynrachelfish: that seems to be specific to your 21.10 system https://i.imgur.com/8LRDdlx.png https://i.imgur.com/VCRltTE.png https://i.imgur.com/QYk2Zmt.png18:39
rachelfishtomreyn: what version are you on??18:40
tomreyni posted three images, the last one will tell18:40
tomreynit could be related to the upgrade, though, this was a fresh install.18:40
tomreynKBar: which makes me even more interested in the source of your information18:41
ioriarachelfish, you might have lost something in the upgrade process ; how did you do it ? with do-release-upgrade ?18:42
rachelfishI actually found a bug report for it on the pop-os github! I wasn't aware there were such significant differences between ubuntu and pop18:42
ubottuIssue 301 in pop-os/cosmic "[bug] Application search is now worse in 21.10" [Open]18:42
rachelfishoh but weird18:43
rachelfishI'm on the same gnome version as you18:43
gordonjcpIf they need to play with the sound settings that much, why don't they just script it?18:43
tomreyn!popos | rachelfish18:43
ubotturachelfish: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)18:43
gordonjcpor drop the sound control panel icon onto their desktop18:43
leftyfbrachelfish: so wait, you're running popOS?18:44
rachelfishgordonjcp: when you press the "windows" button it's supposed to be like a search bar for your entire computer, applications, settings, everything. That's how both windows and osx work and that's what people who use computers in 2022 expect18:45
rachelfishso it's not just about having a shortcut to the sound menu, it's about having a shortcut to anything you could possibly want18:45
rachelfishsometimes it's sound, sometimes it's monitors, sometimes it's other system settings18:45
rachelfish ¯\_(シ)_/¯18:45
leftyfbrachelfish: are you running popOS or Ubuntu?18:46
rachelfishI already read the bot18:46
Maikrachelfish: that still doesn't answer leftyfb's question18:48
gordonjcprachelfish: yeah, but constantly fiddling about with the control panel is unproductive and they should fix that18:48
leftyfbgordonjcp: it's a valid use case. I have multiple reasons to jump into several different settings menu's for different reasons pretty often. One use case does not rule them all18:49
KBargordonjcp: they're already introducing a new feature called quick settings18:49
KBarinvokable by clicking on top right of the panel18:50
leftyfbKBar: the keyboard is quicker and more convenient18:51
KBargordonjcp: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/issues/4795 & https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/12/gnome-shell-quick-settings-concept18:51
ubottuIssue 4795 in GNOME/gnome-shell "Quick settings" [Opened]18:51
KBarleftyfb: yes, that's why we need to bring unity back18:51
leftyfbKBar: I don't see why that is necessary. I do just fine with Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04 without it18:52
leftyfbKBar: either way, offtopic here18:52
gordonjcpI quite liked Unity once I got used to it18:52
KBarleftyfb: do you mean the quick settings? its because we need to follow mobile GUI and all that proprietary garbage like macOS and w-word18:52
Maikbetter to take it to #ubuntu-discuss18:53
Guest13I installed ubuntu server 21.10 and noticed firewalld is running.  When I do a web search on ufw vs firewalld and also look for firewall ubuntu 21.10 they all seem to say that ufw is the default.  Some saying iptable is being gradually replaced with nftables.19:24
leftyfbGuest13: how did you install ubuntu 21.10? On what hardware?19:26
gmcastili'm using xterm (353) on ubuntu 20.02.3 LTS - in my terminal, the output of a makefile is echoing these strange rectangular characters with dotted lines.  I seleted them and pasted them into a different editor and they render as backticks19:27
Guest13downloaded iso, put on a flash drive and installed on a laptop19:27
gmcastilis there a reason why xterm isn't rendering them as backticks?19:27
leftyfbgmcastil: 20.02.3 is not a version of ubuntu19:28
leftyfbGuest13: firewalld is not installed by default on ubuntu19:29
leftyfbgmcastil: why are you running xterm as opposed to gnome-terminal?19:29
gmcastilleftyfb, a variety of reasons - gnome-terminal renders it as backticks properly, I would like to fix whatever is causing xterm not to render it the same19:30
Guest13Then how did it get there and is running?  This is after installing server today and then also running "unminimize".  Would unminimize do that.  I'd need to see.19:30
leftyfb!bug | gmcastil19:30
ubottugmcastil: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:30
gmcastilleftyfb, I doubt that it is a bug19:31
leftyfbGuest13: what is "unminimize"?19:31
gmcastilleftyfb, I commonly work on systems that do not include desktop environments like gnome or kde19:31
leftyfbgmcastil: ok, try it in a tty then19:32
Guest13I installed minimal server.  With that when I ran man some file it says it can't do that and says run unminimize to get mandb files and other things - I did that19:32
gmcastiltty works fine19:32
leftyfbgmcastil: ok, then the problem is with xterm, a use case you don't need to worry about19:33
leftyfbgmcastil: xterm is not a valid way to test output in tty19:34
tomreynGuest13: what's the name of the iso file you downloaded?19:35
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gmcastilleftyfb, xterm is entirely the use case i'm concerned about19:35
leftyfbgmcastil: why?19:35
gmcastilxterm doesn't require gnome or anything like19:35
leftyfbgmcastil: it's also broken compared to gnome-terminal or just a plain tty19:36
gmcastilleftyfb, because i'm using xterm?19:36
gmcastilleftyfb, that's not a helpful response19:36
Guest13ubuntu-21.10-live-server-amd64.iso from ubuntu site19:36
tomreynGuest13: okay, sorry, i wasn't aware that this behaves like cloud images when using the 'minimal' installation mode19:38
jhutchinsgmcastil: Would you care to paste some version of the suspect make output?19:39
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:39
tomreynGuest13: based on what you're saying it seems that minimal installation mode uses firewalld. you could uninstall this and instead use something else, or nftables / iptables directly,19:39
Guest13I am trying in a vm with non minimal.  Maybe the is the difference.19:40
gmcastiljhutchins, yeah, i'm trying to pastebin a screenshot19:40
Guest13Correct.  For a test I -ssh'd over to the server, then removed ssh with firewall-cmd, the tried ssh again, then turned off firewalld (systemclt stop firewalld) and tried ssh again and it worked just to test things.19:41
Guest13I'm installing server in a vm to double check.  Probably will not select minimal in future installs.19:42
tomreynGuest13: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Minimal discusses its purpose19:43
gmcastiljhutchins, i really dont want to make an imgur account - suffice to say, the backticks are all rectangles with dotted lines - the actual make output is not relevant19:43
Guest13tomreyn  OK.  Thanks19:44
tomreynGuest13: note there is also #ubuntu-server for server specific questions19:44
gmcastiljhutchins, but, if i do echo \` it renders it just fine19:45
tomreyngmcastil: for what it's worth, imgur does not require user accounts for posting images.19:45
gmcastiltomreyn, oh?19:45
Guest13ok.  Thanks19:45
tomreyngmcastil: on a quick glance, this looks like a font limitation19:49
gmcastilyeah, that was what i was assuming....but i can print those characters to stdout though...19:49
tomreynpossibly related to -ansi ?19:49
tomreynhmm no probably not19:50
gmcastilnope, but i tried it anyway without CCFLAGS and just ran the compiler startight19:50
gmcastiland that's the default xterm font too19:51
Guest13fyi - on normal server install, firewalld is not running.19:52
gmcastilrelevant section from .Xresources19:52
gmcastili had assumed that it was something like a font problem, but it renders fine19:56
tomreyngnu unifont would probably help there.20:01
morganu`20.04 Is there a way I can get one of those windowns that shows some text, for each font IN ITS STYLE?20:11
morganuinstead of just a long list of font names...20:11
circuitbonemorganu:  open the folder in Blender and it will show you the fonts in action20:16
tomreyni'm not sure i'm getting the question right, but you can try: activities -> fonts, then just wait for all fonts to load and show "Aa" in their very type. or click a font to see an example text rendere din this font.20:17
circuitboneAlternatively the font tool you can get free in the repo20:18
gabrielHello. Are there any Ubuntu Mate developers present?20:24
leftyfbgabriel: try #ubuntu-devel20:30
gabrielI send this feedback to whoever is developing the dock (Unity type) on Ubuntu Mate. Note that there is an incongruity between dark mode and light mode. The blank panel bar is really annoying and annoying, and doesn't make any incongruity with the theme. For those who don't use dark mode, like me and hundreds of people, the most appropriate thing would be to leave the panel contrasting with the dock in black. Attached are the20:31
gabrielimages. Thanks. ;D20:31
gabrielDark Mode: https://imgur.com/tpjYKcO20:31
gabrielLight Mode: https://imgur.com/Q3stnPe20:31
leftyfb!bug | gabriel20:32
ubottugabriel: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.20:32
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gabrielSorry, but I'm a layman, if you could do this for me, both I and the whole community would be extremely grateful! Thanks a lot for the guidance!20:33
leftyfbgabriel: that's not how this works20:33
gabrielSee, I'm trying to help where I can. I think it could be extremely important, even more so for the next LTS. I don't remember, as far as I know, any formal protocol dedicated to end users. Thanks! ;D20:35
circuitbonethe sum of the people contributing to a ticket gives the developers a scope of how many people it is affecting.20:40
circuitboneIf you contribute, you add weight to the problem and might provide insights from your wordsalad.20:40
gabrielSee (again), maybe it's a mistake because I don't master English properly. I just think that if someone could report this bug to the dev team it would only make the distribution even more design congruent. Unfortunately I don't know how to do this, but if anyone knows and has the slightest sense of community, please report this bug to the dev team. Thank you very much.20:44
leftyfb!bug | gabriel this is how you report a bug20:45
ubottugabriel this is how you report a bug: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.20:45
leftyfbgabriel: this isn't a developer channel, nor is anyone here going to report usability issues for you20:45
tomreyngabriel: there is #ubuntu-mate as well as https://ubuntu-mate.community/ if you're looking for help with identifying the Ubuntu package that provides the dock you are referring to. once you know, you can file a bug report against it by just running a simple command in a terminal window, as indicated by ubottu. you seem to be able to do this, if you want it enough.20:51
gabrielThanks a lot for the guidance!!!!!!20:55
bunjeewhat software is there for Linux that works with lightscribe discs?21:13
bunjeeI have the optical drives.21:14
VIAheay all o/21:16
VIAdoes anyone have a clue how to fix " E: Package 'libcurl3' has no installation candidate " .. ? im tryign to install redshift and it fails21:16
VIAconsole wont let me install libcurl3 for some reason but suggests libcurl4, which manages to install fine. but redshift install doesnt go with libcurl4 it wants 3 ._.#21:17
VIAif the last of " Package libcurl3 is not available, but is referred to by another package.21:18
VIAThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or21:18
VIAis only available from another source21:18
VIA.." is true, that owuld be neat i just need another source? but doesnt really add up to me oO21:19
sarnoldVIA: maybe install apt-rdepends, then you can run apt-rdepends redshift   to find which package has a libcurl* dependency21:20
sarnoldVIA: then you can use apt-cache show <packagename> and hopefully you'll see an alternation of which packages are required..21:20
VIAwhat do i enter for install apt-depends, is apt-depends the feature which i wanna install ?21:21
sarnoldVIA: apt-rdepends is a very useful tool used for exploring package dependency graphs21:25
VIAi run it on redshiftgui, gives me"  Depends: libcurl3, libxcb-randr0 "21:28
VIAso nothing changed21:28
sarnoldoh, dang21:28
VIAit complained about not havign libcurl3 without rdepends21:28
Bashing-omVIA: I am running 20.04 and I do not see a dependency on libcurl (?) .21:35
VIAsee how, where21:36
EriC^^'apt-cache show redshift'21:36
VIAmy gut says its my desktop enviroment? xfce ?21:36
VIAmight as well be completely off, ofc21:36
VIAEriC^^: *redshiftgui21:37
Bashing-omVIA: I also run xfce4 as  my DE.21:37
VIAoh dang i have an idea :o21:37
EriC^^VIA: type 'apt-cache policy redshift-gtk'21:37
Bashing-om!info redshift-gtk focal21:38
ubotturedshift-gtk (1.12-2, focal): Adjusts the color temperature of your screen with GTK+ integration. In component universe, is extra. Built by redshift. Size 37 kB / 469 kB21:38
sarnoldyeah, this was drastically complicated by the redshiftgui package not existing on 20.04. it'd be have been so much easier if it did..21:38
tomreynbunjee: none, because it's not open source nor a compatible license, i think. there seems to be vendor software if just 32-bit.21:38
VIAjust doing updates/grades maybe that helps21:41
tomreynVIA: for many, (gnomes') "night light" is a good enough (and supported) alternative to redshift - had you tried this?21:42
VIAthe .deb file i downloaded sais i86 and x64 support21:42
bunjeetomreyn - ok - another question - I have an ASUS motherboard that is not compatible with Linux - ever heard of such a thing?21:42
VIAnop alwas looking for alternatives but couldnt find nada21:42
VIAwhats the packet name/link tomreyn ?21:43
tomreynbunjee: i'm aware of many mainboards where vendors do not offer linux support21:43
bunjeetomreyn - what? Why?21:43
VIAwhat mainboard is it ?21:44
tomreynVIA: i think it's part of gnome, should already be installed, see settings -> displays21:44
VIAi hade to force all to legacy to make it work proper here, uefi wrecks everything. was especially tough to get win7 unning but all smooth now with legacy21:44
tomreynbunjee: officially supporting operating systems means they need to test every release against it. that's a cosiderable cost factor. note, though, that not explicitly supporting Linux does not mean it can't work.21:45
VIAyou might as well tell me the name tomreyn21:45
VIAcause im pretty sure its not21:45
jhutchinsbunjee: I haven't seen an outright incompatible iX86 motherboard yet, and I'be been at this a LONG time.  Sometimes special features don't work.21:45
tomreynVIA: the name of what? "Night Light"?21:46
bunjeetomreyn - what software could I get for just plain printable discs?21:46
tomreynbunjee: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LightScribe and https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/LightScribe (not Ubuntu, but probably applies similarly, and is more recent)21:46
bunjeejhutchins - so there probably is a work around? If so - I would have to be coached to figure it out.21:47
tomreynbunjee: tell us what does not work with the mainboard.21:47
tomreynand how you tell21:47
jhutchinsbunjee: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?21:48
tomreynVIA: which ubuntu release are you on?21:48
bunjeetomreyn - I just burned an ISO of Ubuntu 20.04 - the screen has weird lines in it and doesn't do anything - like it's froze.21:49
VIA20.04 ubuntu studio21:49
tomreynVIA: oh, well, that's not Gnome based.21:50
VIAim using xfce ?21:50
VIAisnt gnome another desktop enviroment21:50
tomreynThat's correct, VIA21:50
VIAthats why i asked for a packet name to install21:51
tomreynbunjee: i would recommend that you verify the ISO download against the checksum on the download servers, and then verify that the ISO file was properly written to the installation media (usually DVD-ROM or some USB stick).21:52
tomreyn!checksum | bunjee21:52
ubottubunjee: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which a checksum is provided), see https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-verify-ubuntu21:52
tomreynVIA: there's the "ubuntu-desktop" package if you want to also install the default Ubuntu graphical environment. However, note that different desktop environments installed side by side may not always play out well. You can normally switch between them, but there can be corner cases where one stops working or changes behaviour.21:55
VIAyea not interested21:55
VIAnow somethign is iffy with my updates argh21:55
AngryTomCan Gnome Disks create compressed disk images?22:09
leftyfbdisks is meant to manage block devices22:11
cryocaustik7hey all - has the method for changing the default kernel changed in 20.04 LTS? I have tried swapping the kernel to the generic variant (e.g. Ubuntu, with Linux 5.13.0-28-generic) on both Google Cloud and Azure,  but both become on responsive after running a update-grub and reboot; I am not sure what has changed as using the same methods on 18.0423:15
cryocaustik7LTS works just fine23:15
sarnoldcryocaustik7: this is what we give to people when they want to swap to HWE or back to GA https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack23:19
llanhmodHi, as far as I can tell, Maven 3.6.3 is the only version in the Ubuntu repository? If not, I'd like to install 3.8.3 as it works with Java 17.23:22
llanhmodThough, I'd rather much use Gradle, the project was setup with Maven...so gotta get that working first.23:25
Bashing-omllanhmod: Though PPAs are not supporte here - you will find https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=maven of interest.23:27
sarnoldllanhmod: yeah, that's about what it looks like https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maven23:27
llanhmodBashing-om: sarnold: *Sigh* okay thank you guys.23:27
sershm, hi23:31
cryocaustik7sarnold: thanks! I will give this a try23:34
sersIs anyone currently present who really knows about the ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS installer on the LIVE DVD and its partitioning schemes done upon an install of multiple systems WINDOWS10/UBUNTU 20.04.1 LTS on the same disk/drive?23:34
jhutchinssers: What's your actual question?23:46
sershi jhutchins, second...23:46
Maiksers:  stop cross posting everywhere, thanks in advance23:48
sersThe scenario is the following, a windows10 system was installed on a drive, roughly half the space of the drive for the win10-partition, afterwards, ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS was installed from the LIVE DVD, occupying the rest of the space of the drive. Now, upon only reinstalling ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS thru the installer from the LIVE DVD, leaving windows 10 intact, the unbuntu installer creates after each new install23:53
sersof ubuntu, a new W95 FAT32 537MB /dev/whatever* partition. Now after reinstalling ubuntu multiple times, leaving the windows OS untouched, there are now multiple W95 FAT32 parititions, which mostly only contain $RECYCLE.BIN and System Volume Information folders, and occupy roughly 20,5 kB, and only in the last 295 FAT32 partition mounted at /boot/efi and the necessarly files stored created by the ubuntu23:53
sersNow, do I need these newly created partitions which only contain said windows files or what would happen if I were to remove them via ubuntu discs and source the grub files afterwards?23:54
sarnoldit might be way easier to pastebin the output from cfdisk or something23:54
sersprobably right, but I'd rather now want to post sensitive information :)23:55
sersBut do you understand what I am trying to say?23:55
sarnoldyou've described a bunch of partitions, but I can't guess if they're right or wrong or what..23:56
serssda       8:0    0 465,8G  0 disk23:56
sers├─sda1    8:1    0   579M  0 part23:56
sers├─sda2    8:2    0   108G  0 part23:56
sers├─sda3    8:3    0   513M  0 part23:56
sers├─sda4    8:4    0     1K  0 part23:56
sers├─sda5    8:5    0   512M  0 part23:56
llanhmodshame really...23:56
Maikuse paste.ubuntu.com sers23:56
llanhmodat least its +q and not a ban23:57
Maikpeople should know better23:57
llanhmodI agree23:57
sershm perhaps I think of something else than posting to the channel...23:57
sarnolda pastebin, perhaps..23:57
Maiksers don't be stubborn and just use paste.ubuntu.com23:58

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