
feisty-fox[m]Hello UbuntuStudio users!20:58
tomreynhello there21:00
feisty-fox[m]Hi, can someone point me in the right direction to updating/upgrading Ardour? Right now I'm on 20.04 LTS. My Ardour is 5.1221:00
tomreyn!latest | feisty-fox[m]: generally, this applies21:03
ubottufeisty-fox[m]: generally, this applies: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.21:03
tomreynbut then there is the US Backports PPA, as well as https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/ardour-backports21:03
tomreynNote that the ardour backports PPA may not be supported at all.21:05
feisty-fox[m]Well thanks 21:06
tomreynthere's a chance you can get a more reliable response on its support status if you stay here for some more hours21:07
feisty-fox[m]Just trying to wrap my head around all this stuff 21:07
tomreynhttps://ubuntustudio.org/2020/06/ardour-6-0-information/ has some more background21:11
corrinado[m] feisty-fox Not that this is 'supported' directly by the folks behind the OS, version 6.9.0 is available from Flathub via Flatpak. You'd need to read up on how to get those enabled for your install. But it isn't difficult and might help you get around some of these styles of issues21:19
EickmeyerArdour 6.9 is in the backports PPA.21:20
feisty-fox[m]@tomreyn Say I was running a different OS and downloaded Ardour from ardour.org. It looks to me like the licensing is such that you have to pay something (or else get periodic silence if you choose free/demo version). But Ubuntu Studio jjust came with a licensed (?)  version of Ardour? I guess? Really what I'm wondering is, if I follow the  backports path to Ardour 6, will my existing license still work? 21:21
Eickmeyercorrinado[m]: Considering that's an Ubuntu Studio PPA, we fully support it.21:21
Eickmeyerfeisty-fox[m]: The PPA that tomreyn pointed to is supported.21:21
Eickmeyer6.9 is the latest release of Ardour.21:21
Eickmeyertomreyn: Why wouldn't we support it? Focal is still supported until April 2023.21:22
tomreynEickmeyer: i wasn't sure whether you were ready to support this specific PPA, which is not the same as the main US backports PPA.21:23
Eickmeyertomreyn: It's under the same team (~ubuntustudio-ppa).21:23
tomreynEickmeyer: yes, i noticed this, but didn't want to make false promises.21:24
EickmeyerOh, that's not a thing.21:24
EickmeyerI need to make some snippets eventually.21:24
tomreynfeisty-fox[m]: i can't comment on the licensing topic, have not checked this myself.21:25
Eickmeyerfeisty-fox[m]: Ardour themselves don't give end-user technical support to distribution-built versions of their source, but they do support us with building it.21:25
EickmeyerThe distribution-built version does not have the demo limitation.21:26
corrinado[m]That's good to know Eickmeyer . Since I was pointing directly to the Flathub/Flatpak method, I didn't want to put your team on the hook for support21:27
Eickmeyercorrinado[m]: Yeah, we can't officially support that one, and I have no experience with it myself.21:28
feisty-fox[m]Does the A6 backports have the demo limitation? I'm guessing likely not but I don't want to be badly surprised 21:28
Eickmeyerfeisty-fox[m]: No.21:28
feisty-fox[m]s/Does the A6 backports have the demo limitation? I'm guessing likely not but I don't want to be badly surprised/Does the Ardour 6 backports have the demo limitation? I'm guessing likely not but I don't want to be badly surprised /21:29
EickmeyerThe demo limitation is a patch that the Ardour people put into that specific version. The main source code does not contain that patch.21:29
EickmeyerWe build only from source.21:29
feisty-fox[m]Ok, thanks 21:30
feisty-fox[m]I understand21:30
nibblyn[m]Hi! UbuntuStudio 21.10: Qsynth, reverb and chorus are not working for me. Issue already reported by another user in https://linuxmusicians.com/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=24090. Is this a known problem?22:13
Eickmeyernibblyn[m]: New version of qsynth is building in the backports.22:36
ubottuThe Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA contains newer versions of select software that is included with Ubuntu Studio. For more info, such as how to add this PPA to your system, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/BackportsPPA and !ubuntustudio-installer. See also !ubuntustudio-controls22:37

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