
xypronI am looking for a sponsor for aiocoap 0.4.3-0ubuntu1 available in ppa:xypron/merge-from-debian (LP: #1959315). This version provides Python 3.10 compatibility.08:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1959315 in aiocoap (Ubuntu) "autopackage tests fail" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195931508:41
schopinxypron: I'll take a look.09:01
xypronThanks schopin.09:19
xypronPackage make-dfsg - 4.3-4.1ubuntu2 is available in ppa:xypron/merge-from-debian. I am looking for a sponsor. LP: #98996109:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 989961 in make-dfsg (Ubuntu) "Provide a gmake symlink" [Wishlist, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98996109:19
schopinI'll leave that one to a core dev ;-)09:20
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eoli3nsomeone said here that ubiquity will be replaced10:20
eoli3nwhich will be the new tool ?10:20
ograeoli3n, https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/new-desktop-installer-preview-build/2476510:25
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eoli3nthanks ogra10:43
eoli3nogra will ubuntu 22.04 LTS be released with this new installer ?11:14
eoli3nso preseed will not be used anymore ?11:14
ograeoli3n, no idea wheer the new installer stands, sorry ... perhaps ask in the thread11:15
seb128eoli3n, no, the LTS will not get the new installer by default but rather available as a tech preview, we decided to be conservative and postpone the switch to next cycle11:18
ahasenackgood morning11:52
eoli3nseb128, i need to automate luks-tpm install with preseed12:23
eoli3ni'm wondering if I should wait for the new installer, will it be usable, even if not the default one ?12:23
eoli3nwill it be simpler to get luks-tpm install with the new one ?12:24
ahasenackfor those on +1 maintenance, I'm handling stunnel4 (a dep8 test failure as part of the python 3.10 migration) in https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/stunnel4/+git/stunnel4/+merge/41482913:48
eoli3nso ubuntu core supports full disk encryption with TPM, and secure boot14:04
eoli3nbut not ubuntu desktop ?14:04
enr0ntumbleweed: I was looking at an autopkgtest failure for src:python-gmpy2 caused by using Python 3.10, which is ultimately resolved in the upstream repo (https://github.com/aleaxit/gmpy/issues/296). I noticed that you had previously pulled in a patch related to Python 3.10 for that package. Is this issue already on your radar for the Debian package?14:27
ubottuIssue 296 in aleaxit/gmpy "Python 3.10.0a6 test failure" [Closed]14:27
cpaelzerparide: what is the latest summary on fuse3 as I'd soon upload qemu which is another "ready for fuse3" case but would cause conflicts if not all are ready to move14:32
cpaelzerjust as we had it with open-vm-tools :-/14:32
* cpaelzer is reading the recap on the bugs that you recently posted ...14:33
paridecpaelzer, so IIRC grub2 is still waiting for us, while s390-tools is waiting for upstream, fheimes is confident they'll release in time for FF14:34
paridethe other packages are Fix Released14:34
cpaelzerok trusting in fheimes on s390xtools then14:35
cpaelzerparide: grub is waiting for what exactly ?14:35
parideanyway grub2 and s390-tools only depend on libfuse, not on bin:fuse, so they _should_ not cause the same issue we had with open-vm-tools14:35
cpaelzerhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1935659 I guess14:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1935659 in grub2-unsigned (Ubuntu Jammy) "grub2 FTBFS when built with libfuse3-dev" [Undecided, New]14:36
paridecpaelzer, yes. There's a patch available.14:36
paridecpaelzer, on s390-tools, there are patches that can be cherry-picked if we start worrying about FF14:38
cpaelzerparide: I think we also need to switch launchpad-buildd for https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-buildd/+bug/1956949 - what do you think14:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1956949 in unionfs-fuse (Ubuntu) "CPC AWS jammy builds fail with: 'fuse3 : Breaks: fuse'" [Undecided, New]14:38
cpaelzernot blocking the transition, but just looking forward14:39
cpaelzerso we might switch that task back to new14:39
parideyes, after re-reading Colin's comment I agree14:41
paridenot blocking, but we should switch14:41
cpaelzerparide: so while we need to get rid of all of these before we can demote fuse2 I think we might be ready to make the switch now14:44
cpaelzerparide: comparing these two (as only fuse / fuse3 are mutually exclusive)14:45
cpaelzerI thought ahasenack worked on the glusterfs portion of it14:45
cpaelzeropen-vm-tools is ready to be uploaded14:45
ahasenackglusterfs does not use the system fuse14:46
cpaelzerand qmeu is another one only depending on the lib, not the fuse[3]14:46
ahasenackI think that `Depends: fuse` is wrong even, or superfluous14:46
cpaelzerI remember you said that, but have seen glusterfs-server in the output I linked above14:46
cpaelzertherefore I wondered14:46
ahasenackjust because of that depends. And fuse3 provides fuse, right?14:47
ahasenackalthough I think apt will give preference to the exact match, fuse14:47
cpaelzerProvides: fuse (= 3.10.5-1)14:47
ahasenackbut I replaced that with fuse3, and even removed it, it makes no difference14:47
ahasenackI filed a bug with upstream about starting to use system fuse, no response yet. I was hoping for a response there before I went to debian asking to drop that Depends:fuse14:48
cpaelzerIndeed I see no dependency to fuse in glusterfs-server of jammy14:48
cpaelzerI wondere why/where the germainate report picked that up14:48
cpaelzerthe report is of today14:49
ahasenacka seed?14:49
cpaelzerglusterfs-server -> glusterfs-client -> fuse14:49
cpaelzerFull line "Depends: libc6 (>= 2.34), python3:any, fuse, glusterfs-common (>= 10.1-1)"14:50
cpaelzerno | fuse3 or better "fuse3 | fuse" or since you say it doesn't use it just no fuse at all14:50
cpaelzerahasenack: could that just not list fuse at all if it doesn't use the system binary?14:52
ahasenackyes, that's what I think14:52
cpaelzerthat would be great to be able to let it go and not interfere with the promotion of glusterfs14:53
cpaelzerparide: for qemu that means I can upload with the libfuse3 dependency14:53
* ahasenack -> lunch14:54
paridecpaelzer, I don't see other blockers14:56
cpaelzerparide: I pinged the grub bug, I will upload qemu as proposed (only dep to the lib), ahasenack will look at dropping the dep to fuse from glusterfs and we give s390x a chance to complete, then open-vm-tools can be re-uploaded - does that sound right as a summary ?14:57
paridecpaelzer, yes sounds 100% right to me14:57
cpaelzeror actually, I think we can even upload open-vm-tools now, the old issues are gone14:57
cpaelzerparide: I updated the bugs with the status-of-the-day :-)15:07
cpaelzerthanks paride and ahasenack15:07
cpaelzersergiodj: ahasenack: have you seen the ldap question at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/service-ldap-with-tls/11578/4 ?15:09
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ahasenackcpaelzer: I have not seen that discourse question15:59
tumbleweedenr0n: nope, I see the new upstream fixes the issue, I'll have a look at that18:03
LocutusOfBorghello seb128 do you plan a gst-plugins-bad1.0 merge from experimental?19:15
seb128LocutusOfBorg, hey, jbicha is working on the gstreamer merges21:18
jbichayes, I'm working on it now :)21:20
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