[00:04] Maik: I shall consider, thanks for the information, and thanks for the response sarnold. My thanks. [00:05] just looking up irc modes instead;P [00:05] have not been typing on irc much lately... [00:07] not used to not be exempt from flood limits ;P [00:07] gosh I don't miss IRC;P [00:08] err, pastebin on ubuntu, right, I'd need an account to input data there. [00:08] sers: No, it's open. [00:08] open, gosh I must be rusty [00:08] err, looks again [00:08] jhutchins: cheers [00:09] jhutchins: it *was* open, I think it's closed now, "Please log in to create a paste." [00:09] btw, what do you guys make of Matrix, the new "Mozilla" platform? :) [00:09] that's why I use termbin.com now, pastebinit is dead.. [00:09] guess I'm not that rusty after all, phew ;P [00:09] * sers blinks [00:10] I use pastbin.com but I hate on it :P [00:10] pastebin* [00:10] everyone hates on it :) [00:10] I have a list of "all" pastebins too [00:10] arg [00:11] anyway, this, today, is pretty much my first experience made on the new network libera [00:11] pretty solid so far, heh [00:11] I used to be spoofed, somewhere... [00:12] a long time ago [00:12] ehe [00:13] * sers just takes care of the other channels# [00:13] brb [00:13] Please take the offtopic chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic [00:13] ah, good, OK. [00:14] * sers strolls off [00:14] later [01:13] New linux kernel and wifi still doesn't work. Had to revert to old kernel again === keypushe- is now known as keypusher [02:32] hi [02:33] hi [02:33] hi [02:33] Does anyone know, why the speeding up gets ignored in ffmpeg? [02:33] ffmpeg -i out6.mp4 -r 30 -filter:v "setpts=0.20*PTS" -vf "ass=subtitles.ass" -vf "eq=saturation=1.4,curves=preset=darker" -preset ultrafast -crf 10 -an -pix_fmt yuv420p out12.mp4 [02:34] "setpts=0.20*PTS" should be doing the speeding up [02:34] it works when it's a "standalone" argument passed into ffmpeg [02:34] but the moment it gets combined with other filters (e.g. saturation, curves) the speeding up simply gets ignored [02:38] Lebela: I never put much effort into figuring out the ffmpeg filters, but I think filter placement matters -- try moving it around in the command line [02:39] sarnold, moving them around is what I have tried for hours [02:39] sarnold, coming here is my last, desperate way of crying for help [02:40] :( dang === M4he is now known as mahe [03:15] should I install docker with apt? [03:16] I just installed Ubuntu server in my raspberry pi and I have no idea how to proceed to install docker. I love how upgrading packages with apt upgrade is so convenient [03:17] it looks like it gets periodic updates https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/docker.io/+publishinghistory [03:18] docker.io seems like a weird name, I expected to do sudo apt install docker [03:19] apparently if you do "sudo apt install docker" you install docker and wmdocker [03:19] but what I want is docker.io [03:20] lilgopher snal version works ok as well [03:20] snap* even [03:20] 'docker' was already taken by a different tool, see the screenshot on https://icculus.org/openbox/2/docker/ [03:20] what is the difference between apt and snap? [03:20] It's not the only one though, testssl.sh is another (great) package with a bit of a weird name. [03:20] oh, thanks sarnold [03:22] ... in much the same way, the 'snap' name was already taken for genomic research tools https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snap [03:22] apparently everyone wants the same dozen names [03:22] Netplan too. [03:22] I think I've seen three different things named "ubuntu core".. [03:22] right! [03:29] and why is there some apparently popular apps that are not in apt? for example starship: https://starship.rs/guide/#🚀-installation [03:29] is it less popular than I think it is? [03:32] lilgopher: ubuntu gets something like 99.9% of packages from debian; getting new packages into debian isn't the easiest task [03:32] lilgopher: and getting new developers into debian isn't the easiest task.. [03:32] interesting [03:32] lilgopher: so, debian's mostly composed of packages that debian maintainers use, and they only use stuff that's packaged, so there's not a lot of pressure to get shiny *new* things into debian [03:33] There have to be people who are interested in the package, interested in developing packages for Ubuntu, and possibly interested in developing packages for Debian. [03:33] lilgopher: You can always build it yourself. If you get good at it, you can submit a package for consideration. [03:34] A package may be great, but if it's of no interest to developers it'll never go anywhere. [03:39] and is there an official website for packages where I can see the most used ones? [03:39] used/installed === fullstack is now known as mostafa === mintoyatsu_ is now known as mintoyatsu === diskin is now known as Guest8715 === diskin_ is now known as diskin [08:04] Hi, what would be best way to give remote desktop access to multiple users in ubuntu server? I have already installed the desktop, and tried with VNC Server, it's working. Is there another way? [08:45] The recent kernel security update 5.13.0-28-lowlatency made my Ubuntu 22.10 unstable and crashy. The input devices starts to lag and then finally the desktop freezes and I have to restart. Booting with the previous kernel and everything works fine. What is up with that? [08:55] Hi guys [08:56] somebody had luck to install kubuntu on to a usb pendrive? Works flawless with Mageia and MxLinux but not with Kubuntu, seems to not install the bootloader (EFI mode) [08:58] lundmar: `ubuntu-bug linux` [08:59] tuxinator: you might have a better luck asking on #kubuntu or https://www.kubuntuforums.net/forum [09:19] KBar: just did a bit before you told, was unsure if there is #kubuntu :D [09:19] KBar: they use different installers, right? [09:23] tuxinator: yes. I believe Kubuntu uses Calamares [09:27] Kbar: thx [10:10] hello, what do i need to change to let other users access the internet without entering the passwords for the keyring. There comes a window with: Aktion: org.freedesktop.Networkmanager.settngs.modify.system (there i enter a password) and then another window pops up and i need to enter the keyring password [10:11] lalelu: does it ask in a guest account? [10:11] no in an normal account === circuitbone_ is now known as circuitbone === jchittum_ is now known as jchittum === nicolasbock_ is now known as nicolasbock [10:12] A guest account without sudo privileges would be more secure [10:14] Are you using wi-fi? [10:15] i tried to add the user to the "dip" group but that didn't help. [10:15] yes i use wi-fi [10:15] i want that user to auto login [10:15] check this out then https://askubuntu.com/questions/666358/why-do-i-have-to-enter-my-keyring-password-for-a-wifi-password === jgee0 is now known as jgee === phireant36 is now known as phireant3 === mkv is now known as m4v [10:15] or you can in the installer do it automatically login with a password [10:16] ill login from hexchat this is laggy [10:17] back [10:17] i checked that box ( all users may connect to this network), also did i edit the /etc/pam.d/lightdm and lightdm-autologin and lightdm greeter [10:17] Is there anything I already have on the 18.04 CD that can unzip a Windows type file and create an iso? [10:18] Sunrise : wdym? [10:18] Frost: it's Tuesday. I need it. Downloading here is next to impossible. [10:18] Sunrise : you mean that you have a cd with ubuntu in it and you wanna turn it into a iso? [10:19] that was kiwiirc dont question [10:19] ahh [10:19] Sunrise : i may have found this program : WinCDEmu [10:20] Frost, I'm on the Ubuntu live CD. [10:20] Sunrise, what file do you want to extract ? [10:20] cab, zip ? === lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje [10:20] Recovery files from another Windows computer, which hopefully can be used to recover mine. [10:21] "7zip" will unzip it, but I'd have to download that. [10:21] I can't download here. [10:21] Sunrise : p7zip [10:21] Sunrise : 7-zip is for windows, p7-zip is for the other platforms [10:21] gdebi [10:21] I need stuff that's actually here. [10:22] Archive Manager === tomaw_ is now known as tomaw [10:22] Sunrise, file-roller [10:23] yes its the archive manager [10:23] Sunrise : why do you have 18.04?, did you use this cd back then? [10:23] Or you downloaded it [10:23] lalelu: Frost how do I find that? [10:23] Frost_: my husband bought it. [10:23] open a terminal and type it [10:24] Sunrise : its called Archive Manager in activities [10:24] or alt+f2 and the type file-roller + enter [10:24] or select it from the startmenu [10:24] Archive Manager opened :) [10:25] Great I'll get the thumbdrive [10:26] Sunrise : glad i helped you :) see ya later [10:26] Thanks a lot Frost :) [10:27] Sunrise : Your'e Welcome ! [10:27] hi all, is there a way in Rhythmbox to sync a playlist, or many, to a usb device? I created the .is_audio_player file already but i would like to be able to just mark something like a playlist or songs individually in Rhythmbox and sync them like this ... again if possible === haggertk_ is now known as haggertk [10:29] check this out https://askubuntu.com/questions/17654/can-i-sync-a-rhythmbox-playlist-with-an-mp3-player === denningsrogue2 is now known as denningsrogue === wew_ is now known as wew [10:34] Now it's not seeing my USB stick. [10:34] Install the driver Sunrise [10:34] just find its name [10:37] Frost I've tried two USB ports. The computer isn't recognizing it as a drive. [10:37] Sunrise : find the driver online and install it [10:38] usb sticks don't need a special driver on linux. [10:39] cbreak : shes using an old kernel then [10:40] It's 18.04 [10:40] Sunrise : i meant the linux kernel [10:40] Sunrise : i dont think 5.4 is in the repos [10:41] Frost_: so it can't recognize the usb stick? [10:41] ... linux has supported USB storage for ages... [10:41] Sunrise : Probably yes, what is the creation date? [10:41] Frost_, in short the answer is no. Ie i can connect the device but and i can see it. I can probably drag songs one by one but no i cannot go on a playlist in Rhythmbox and say to sync it to device XYZ [10:42] gebbione : what ubuntu version? [10:42] Frost_: creation date of what? We copied the files to the usb stick a couple of days ago [10:42] 20.04 [10:42] Sunrise : the usb manufacture date [10:43] gebbione : i dont know what else ill try searching more [10:43] these are the error messages: https://imgur.com/a/injPqQg [10:44] gebbione : maybe try this? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1332911/music-sync-from-ubuntu-20-04-to-iphone-rhythmbox-wont-recognize-iphone [10:45] i think Iphones might be another world :) not mine . Thank you anyway [10:45] gebbione : then what device your trying to sync to? === himcesjf_ is now known as himcesjf === kenyon_ is now known as kenyon [10:46] Frost_: I'm looking at it, but other than being a 16 GB drive, the numbers don't seem meaningful. === GrantN05- is now known as GrantN05 [10:49] i got disconnected [10:49] for a random reason [10:50] Sunrise, try to look if you can see more with: gnome-disks [10:51] from there you can extract the whole usb drive to an iso === denningsrogue8 is now known as denningsrogue === de-facto_ is now known as de-facto [10:52] Hi i need support too, i installed index fm as a flatpak and it runs as superuser, how can i fix this? [10:53] Frost__, generic USB. But i am interested in a rich feature. I can copy and paste songs outside Rhythmbox. I can also see it in Rhythmbox but I still need to drag each songs individually. I cannot go to playlist and do something like right click -> sync to Device1 [10:55] look at this gebbione https://blog.desdelinux.net/en/como-usar-rhythmbox-para-sincronizar-tu-musica-con-cualquier-dispositivo-usb/ [10:55] I'm on Focal 20.04, but package is there on Jimmy. Is it common or possible to simply apt install (the one package only) from another release? [10:55] CRUZER GLIDE SDC160-016GB, BL1604254688, NCC-REM-2AD-SDC260-D33724-MADE IN CHINA [10:56] Frost__, I have done this. I can sync songs individually. Not as playlists [10:58] Sunrise: if you plug in the usb stick, and it is recognized by linux, then it should show up in `lsusb` on the command line [10:58] im back [10:58] Frost: hello [10:58] Frost: not in -ot though ;-) [10:59] gebbione : check this out https://askubuntu.com/questions/885844/pendrive-not-detected-in-ubuntu-16-04-but-it-is-showing-in-disk [10:59] oops wrong person [10:59] Sunrise : idk this may help https://askubuntu.com/questions/885844/pendrive-not-detected-in-ubuntu-16-04-but-it-is-showing-in-disk [10:59] gebbione : i meant this https://blog.desdelinux.net/en/como-usar-rhythmbox-para-sincronizar-tu-musica-con-cualquier-dispositivo-usb/ [11:00] its in dectush [11:00] instead search in google sync rythmbox to usb [11:00] if it is recognized, then check lsblk next. The device should show up as block device there. [11:00] it should also tell you which partitions are on it, and with which file systems [11:01] Frost, it is the same approach. It is not playlist specific. It is cool and better than nothing but it is only a drag and drop approach where you need to know manually what you have moved on the usb drive. [11:07] I don't think the computer is seeing it. It's seeing my other usb stick and my hard drive, I think? [11:07] gebbione : hmm, the only apporach ive seen is that. [11:08] Sunrise : did you see it in lsblk [11:09] This looks like the same thing twice? [11:09] Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0781:5575 SanDisk Corp. Cruzer Glide Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0781:5575 SanDisk Corp. Cruzer Glide [11:09] if it's not the same, then it is [11:11] Sunrise : in lsblk (type it in terminal) find the one with 16gb [11:11] well i dont know the size of the installation media you are using [11:12] but in some cases, it may be like this /dev/sdbX [11:12] Frost: did you look at pastebin? [11:12] Sunrise : umm send it to me? [11:13] did that work? [11:15] Sunrise : umm it recognizing it [11:15] i see two sandisk cruzer glides [11:15] in lsusb [11:16] try mounting /dev/sdd1? [11:16] oh great!!! [11:16] Sunrise : umm did it work? [11:17] Sunrise : i think the drive you are using has windows files [11:17] Sunrise : you have to install ntfs4g [11:17] 3g* [11:18] tell me exactly what to do (sorry been a long time) [11:18] Sunrise : sudo apt install ntfs-3g [11:18] Sunrise : your files were from microsoft windows right? === Daniel is now known as Guest6761 [11:22] Frost: correct [11:22] Processing triggers for initramfs-tools (0.136ubuntu6.3) ... update-initramfs is disabled since running on read-only media ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ [11:22] Sunrise : that happens because you are running a live environment [11:22] yes. [11:22] Sunrise : can your files be viewed now? [11:23] but we have it until i reboot [11:23] Sunrise : oh god [11:23] Sunrise : rebooting removes the program [11:23] Sunrise : because its a live environment [11:23] i know [11:23] Sunrise : i recommend you to install ubuntu to an external hdd or ssd [11:24] Sunrise : so then you can view the files [11:26] Frost: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ mount /dev/sdd1 mount: /dev/sdd1: can't find in /etc/fstab. [11:26] I'm not planning to reboot till i get this done, at least. [11:28] Sunrise : did you check this https://askubuntu.com/questions/885844/pendrive-not-detected-in-ubuntu-16-04-but-it-is-showing-in-disk [11:29] looking [11:34] did the advice there work? [11:45] GParted doesn't seem to be [11:45] rebooting, not an option [11:46] Sunrise: wait maybe rebooting the live environment [11:46] Sunrise : or try flashing a new ubuntu version, like 20.04 === sonOfRa_ is now known as sonOfRa [11:49] Frost: we had to buy the cd. [11:49] can't download reliably here at all [11:49] Sunrise : oh, you bought a canonical cd [11:51] i don't really want to reformat the drive, do i? I want to unzip the files on it. [11:51] Frost, yes. [11:55] Sunrise : this is all my ability, ive never had issues with ubuntu and sandisk cause i never tried sandisk drives on linux [11:55] Sunrise : if you have any ubuntu 20.04 dvd/usb around, you can try there [11:55] Frost: you've been wonderful, as is everyone else. It seems I go where not many have gone before. === atol71 is now known as atol [11:56] Sunrise : you can go on the discord [11:56] oh where? [11:56] Sunrise : there are alot of people in discord [11:57] Sunrise : create one just in case [11:57] Create what? [11:57] i'm on the wrong computer but might have my pass [11:57] Sunrise : Do you have a discord account [11:57] Sunrise : create a discord account and go to the ubuntu server [11:58] I have it [11:58] ubuntu server address? [11:58] https://discord.gg/AaEQkBS [11:59] This is community made [11:59] you're wonderful [11:59] Sunrise : Thanks!, if they didnt help go on Ask Ubuntu [12:10] hi there, why is my chmod never persistent? [12:10] i keep having to chmod folders after rebooting [12:10] because applications cannot access their files [12:14] it is persistent unless you are trying to make changes and it is read only or something [12:15] i literally have to chmod a+rw -R my shit every time i reboot [12:15] lol [12:15] sounds kind of funky [12:15] why would you do that any way? [12:15] because my apps cant access their files [12:16] what directory are we talking about? [12:16] inside your home directory? [12:16] . /docker/app , basically. every app has a subfolder of /docker [12:16] ahh docker [12:17] i think the docker user is 1000 if i remmeber right [12:17] yeah but if i do a+rw and then reboot it dont work [12:17] lol [12:17] i have a script in my startup that chmods all the folders i need [12:17] i use docker compose and i have never had to do what you are doing [12:17] ok then it works [12:18] sounds like a mis-configuration [12:18] misconfiguration of ubuntu? idek [12:18] depends on how you are communicating [12:19] first you should never need to set rw on all [12:19] second if your user is set properly whne you boot the docker image it should just work with its mounts [12:20] long story short: i run about 50 applications through docker compose. everytime i reboot, folder permissions change, and my apps cant access their files. [12:20] what exactly do you mean by 'if your user is set properly'? [12:20] docker has a root user [12:20] that user is 1000 i think [12:21] the id [12:21] so chown normaluser:dockerUser [12:21] or something [12:21] but on ubuntu [12:21] will tryy [12:21] one of the first steps is adding your user to the docker group [12:22] so you don't need to run docker as root [12:22] eh [12:22] i run everything as root [12:22] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [12:22] (i know this is a bad idea) [12:22] not the way it is dont on ubuntu [12:22] Hmm, does somebody know how the connection logics on Landscape-Server are? Do the clients need to connect to the server or the server to the Client or both? [12:22] this is probably why your permissions are messed up [12:23] well, it;s either run everything as userID 0 and have it work, or run it as userid 1000 and have to chmod [12:23] groups [12:23] but i also understand i am giving you like 0 useful info here [12:23] xD [12:23] you need to learn about groups [12:23] super nice feature [12:23] mhm' [12:24] everyday im googlin [12:26] ya me too [12:26] except i use brave search :D [12:27] u use brave? [12:27] well, i got called into work so i'll look into it another time. thanks for the help so far [12:27] sloth_on_meth those are bind mounts I'm guessing [12:27] i use firefox mostly, but brave for search [12:28] i dont use brave search because its in beta [12:28] too little too late [12:28] and google does results that are 99% of the time accurate [12:28] Frost: i was using bing for awhile because they pay you 5 dollars a month [12:28] Frost: can we keep the offtopic chatter out of the support channel please? Thanks in advance [12:28] Maik : sure [12:29] I also need help [12:29] I installed a flatpak (Index FM) and it runs as root always [12:29] we don't support flatpak here afaik [12:29] And i hate it because its light theme [12:30] I run Ubuntu MATE (i think doesnt matter) 20.04.3 [12:30] you installed a package from outside the official repo's so you're basically on your own [12:31] ask for support from the index fm devs [12:32] Index FM devs are kde devs i think [12:32] then ask there [12:32] or nitrux devs [12:32] it may be an ubuntu issue [12:32] no need to continue about it, ask them instead [12:34] if index fm isn't in the official ubuntu repo's and you installed it from elsewhere it's totally at your own risk Frost. [12:34] no need to blame Ubuntu for that if it doesn't work [12:34] Maik : its by kde dont worry [12:34] well then [12:34] and its on flathub [12:34] which we do not support [12:35] this is a ubuntu support channel, not flatpak [12:35] im in #kde [12:35] good [12:35] and good luck === jgee6 is now known as jgee [12:39] wow no response [12:40] Frost: stop complaining here about things that happen or not happen elsewhere [12:41] oh hey i found the issue [12:41] im running MATE [12:41] and be a bit more patient [12:41] leftyfb: yes, but Mac Disk-Utility can create compessed and encrypted disk images. [13:23] Hi folks === Etua1 is now known as Etua === tiferrei is now known as tiferrei2000 === tiferrei2000 is now known as tiferrei === A_Dragon is now known as NotAFurry === NotAFurry is now known as A_Dragon [14:49] I am unable to reset my launchpad.net password, the login.launchpad.net gives me an "Invalid OpenID transaction" error after submitting my new password, and its not reset, any ideas on who to contact? Can't really file a bug, because I cannot login to file the bug. [14:52] blaker: maybe you could forward this issue, to #launchpad think they can better help you there [14:52] war: please disable auto away messages [14:55] lotuspsychje: will do, thank you === dbristow__ is now known as dbristow [15:47] Heya, anyone know an RSS feed for this? https://ubuntu.com/blog/tag/ubuntu-server [15:47] I can only seem to be able to find a feed for the entire ubuntu blog, not just the server news [15:49] do you know [16:16] Hi. Is there a way to express the equivalent of "/sbin/ethtool -s eth0 wol ug" in a Netplan .yaml file? "wakeonlan: true" didn't reliably work during tests (explicitly executing "netplan apply" after boot worked "somewhat", but it would only change 'd'->'g', not 'ug') on Ubuntu Focal. [16:17] (A workaround was to create a "oneshot" service wol.service which executed the above ethtool command at boot time, but shouldn't Netplan be able to do the same?) [16:26] hi all, since some days i'm in trouble. Running a Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Can't work with apt anymore and getting Error:  "Error reading the CPU table". Already copied cputable to usr/share/dpkg from running stable server, but it didn't help... any thread for this or somebody having the same problem? best regards [16:27] ubuntunewbi: what caused you to get into this state? === svm_invictvs_ is now known as svm_invictvs [16:29] leftyfb that's the Problem. The server was running all time and noone did any change... maybe any auto update or sth. like this... need to say i'm a real ubuntu newbi:) [16:33] ubuntunewbi: Are you "only" new to Ubuntu and do you have experience with another .deb based distribution? In the latter case, I'd suggest to boot from a LiveCD and force a reinstallation of dpkg, apt. [16:33] I've never experienced said error message, but maybe this helps after you temporarily back up the original files in question first? --> https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/243770#code-11 [16:33] Issue 243770 in gitlab-org/gitlab "license_scanning job fails with 'E: Error reading the CPU table' error if 'apt-get update' used" [Closed] [16:36] ubottu, can you paste the full apt-get update error ? [16:36] ueberall, have you tried to use a networkd-dispatcher hook ? [16:37] ubuntunewbi, can you paste the full apt-get update error ? [16:38] ueberall some base experiences with .deb based, but not professional. I run a self hosted workboard for friends and it ran well till some days ago (no big experiences needed till now). Already created the /usr/share/dpkg files (even copied from working server) but still running this error... [16:38] ioria: I did not. Do you know of an example/introduction w.r.t. said hook? Else I will have to ask Google… ;) [16:38] ueberall, https://netplan.io/faq/#use-pre-up%2C-post-up%2C-etc.-hook-scripts [16:39] ioria: Thanks! [16:39] ok [16:39] @ioria [16:39] @ioria  E: Error reading the CPU table (thats all, or do you mean the bugtrace?) [16:40] ubuntunewbi: I don't know about the contents of said files, so maybe empty files work (temporarily) where copies from another machine don't. [16:40] ubuntunewbi, sudo apt-get update | nc termbin.com 9999 [16:44] @ioria done, but getting no link... says: E: Error reading the CPU table.       (tested on other machine the command worked fine...) [16:45] ubuntunewbi, apt-cache policy dpkg | grep Installed [16:46] @ioria same error... [16:46] ubuntunewbi, ok, what's still working on that pc ? [16:47] @ubuntunewbi: Could you try "sudo apt-get update 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999"? [16:47] ioria: https://stackoverflow.com/a/57302615 [16:47] https://stackoverflow.com/a/57302615 [16:48] or I would just attempt to reinstall dpkg using dpkg [16:48] ioria can login with ssh... i'm fucked up, am i? [16:48] ueberall https://termbin.com/7j82.        (only the same error) [16:49] ubuntunewbi, so, when you run ' apt-cache policy dpkg | grep Installed' ... what happens exactly ? [16:50] coraggioso [16:50] brave [16:51] ioria running the command directly ends in: "E: Error reading the CPU table". no other output [16:52] ubuntunewbi, try again please: apt-cache policy apt [16:53] ioria tried again - same Error [16:54] ubuntunewbi, dpkg -l | grep dpkg ; same error ? [16:55] ioria nope. Says this: "ii dpkg amd64 Debian package management system" [16:56] ubuntunewbi, dpkg -l | grep apt [16:58] ioria ii apt 1.6.2 amd64 commandline package manager [16:58] ii apt-transport-https 1.6.2 all transitional package for https support [16:58] ii apt-utils 1.6.2 amd64 package management related utility programs [16:58] ii aptitude 0.8.10-6ubuntu1 amd64 terminal-based package manager [16:58] ii aptitude-common 0.8.10-6ubuntu1 all architecture independent files for the aptitude package manager [16:58] ii libapt-inst2.0:amd64 1.6.2 amd64 deb package format runtime library [16:59] !info apt bionic [16:59] 'bionic' is not a valid release [17:01] ubuntunewbi, you have apt 1.6.2 ; repo version is 1.6.14 ; so ... whay is that ? [17:01] *why [17:01] !paste | ubuntunewbi [17:01] ubuntunewbi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [17:01] How can I stop Alt+` from opening up the window switcher? This particular shortcut does not show up in keybinding settings and I would like to turn it off. [17:01] and 'bionic' is not a valid release ... ok [17:02] It's overriding an in-game shortcut that I need to use and cannot change [17:02] !hotkeys | VadimP [17:02] VadimP: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/ - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=2209015&seqNum=3 [17:02] VadimP: see also gnome systemsettings/hotkey or dconf-editor to tweak them [17:02] ubuntunewbi: That's a bit "old". I created a container using "lxc launch ubuntu:18.04 test; lxc shell test", destroyed /usr/share/dpkg/cputable and saw the same error as you. Renaming the file and creating a new, empty one (touch /usr/share/dpkg/cputable) allowed me to reinstall dpkg using "apt install --reinstall dpkg". In your case, the last command may fail due to outdated indexes before "apt update". [17:03] Yeah it doesn't show up in keyboard shortcuts [17:03] Where in dconf-editor would I be looking? [17:04] ubuntunewbi, also dpkg has a wrong version; you have but current on 18.04 is [17:04] VadimP: dconf editor has a search function, try hotkey as keyword [17:05] ioria don't know...  uff... seems like a big problem, right? [17:05] ubuntunewbi: behind updates? [17:05] ueberall tried your way, but you are right - leads to same error... [17:05] lotuspsychje jep... far behind... [17:06] !uptodate | ubuntunewbi [17:06] ubuntunewbi: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`. [17:06] ubuntunewbi, ls /usr/share/dpkg/ | nc termbin.com 9999 [17:06] I don't find it in dconf-editor [17:07] Ah, both Super+` and Alt+` did the same thing but it showed up as Super+` in keyboard shortcuts. Disabling it worked. [17:07] ioria wtf, it's doing things!   don't know which one helped, but apt seems to work again [17:07] Confusing [17:07] ubuntunewbi, we did nothing [17:09] ioria uhm... just recreated empty cputable and tupletable -> running "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade" seems to work [17:09] ok good [17:15] ioria seems to work - thank you very much and all the other ubuntu goods here - you saved my day:) [17:16] *gods === spinull1 is now known as spinull [17:53] Can some kind person help me with my bootloader. I dual booted with windows and ubuntu side by side but when reboot I get dropped into a grub shell. [18:02] howdy folks... I'm trying to debug a CIFS error. One of our servers, and only one, gives me a -126 error code invalid key when mounting using cifs. smbclient to that server works fine. This is with Ubuntu 20.04 HWE kernel [18:05] Hi guys, in the past I was running my own repo's for Ubuntu, just copies under repo.company.tld/ubuntu... now I'm wondering what todo with download.docker.com. Can I put that under /docker in a sane way ? [18:06] Tach: that has nothing to do with Ubuntu. Try #docker [18:06] nemo: maybe related, maybe not: ENOKEY 126 Required key not available [18:06] leftyfb depends, I was using the Ubuntu repo copy tool for it [18:06] need to check what it was [18:07] Tach: no. You're asking about the directory structure and format of a docker repo. Try #docker [18:07] leftyfb whatever you want... [18:08] but not because of you ;) [18:14] sarnold: yeah. that's the error I get. but going further than that, no idea. The ubuntu is 5.13 kernel. my personal development machine, devuan chimaera w/ 5.14 kernel mounts the same machine just fine. [18:14] sarnold: note, this machine is one of those annoying custom hardware file servers, and when mounted in Devuan, I get "FS-Cache: Duplicate cookie detected errors [18:14] s/detected/detected"/ [18:14] I'm just kinda running out of ideas on what to try on why this might be only Ubuntu specific [18:18] nemo: I'd probably dig a little further before trying anything, but you might purge all of the CIFS client files, make sure you clean up any hidden keys and ids, purge any reference to that workstation from the server's records and try again from scratch. [18:21] jhutchins: so... purge references to the erroring ubuntu machine from the windows file share appliance server's records? [18:22] jhutchins: BTW, the reason we are on HWE 5.13 was because there's a pretty bad CIFS bug that was causing reliable kernel panics in 5.4 - we were testing this in our test env to see if 5.13 at least no longer panicked against this windows server. it's not panicking, but then, it's not mounting either ☺ [18:22] jhutchins: (we'd foudn some details on patching it for opensuse, but not ubuntu) [18:23] jhutchins: so... I do think this server is doing something weird. maybe it's working in devuan 5.14 simply due to new code in cifs module ☹ [18:24] nemo: My superstitious guess would be that the failures due to the previous bug corrupted a key file on the server. [18:24] nemo: hah, I wonder if this error message *is* the panic that you were seeing before.. [18:25] nemo: Did you go throgh the process of joining the machine to the CIFS network after the update? I think that's where the key is generated. [18:25] sarnold: I'd have to dig up the panic again, but it seems related to CIFS badly handling disconnects [18:26] sarnold: we even get it on well-behaved servers [18:26] jhutchins: none of these machines are joined to the domain or using kerberos [18:26] jhutchins: sec=ntlmssp [18:26] username/password [18:27] https://github.com/openSUSE/kernel/commit/a52930353eaf443489a350a135c5525a4acbbf56#diff-365e109294d97a19e9458fa962d35d39ee87651aa464ad34c68606d81783c170 [18:27] Commit a529303 in openSUSE/kernel "cifs: handle empty list of targets in cifs_reconnect()" [18:27] ↑ that was what was causing the panic I believe unless we had multiple issues === enick_649 is now known as krabador [18:35] nemo: btw, a recent update to samba apparently introduced some changing behaviour.. I don't understand the system well enough to know what it actually means though :( https://www.samba.org/samba/security/CVE-2020-25717.html [18:35] ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. [18:35] nemo, why don't you enable cifs debugging ? [18:38] nemo, and then check dmesg (as stated here) --> https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/LinuxCIFS_troubleshooting [18:41] ioria: good idea. totally forgot about that. did in fact try that when 5.4 was reliably crashing on me. worth trying again. [18:44] ioria: wow. that is really interesting. cifs_compose_mount_options: Failed to resolve server part of //NTNX-servername.localdomain/share to IP: -2 [18:44] NTNX is nutanix I guess [18:44] that was appended. I was trying to mount //servername.localdomain/share [18:48] OMFG. using //NTNX worked [18:48] aaaaagh [18:53] some mismatch between DNS and windows naming? I dunno. I hate windows networking [18:53] weird it only happens on the one machine but eh [18:59] lol [19:05] fefffe05: can we help you with something? [19:18] list === beaver is now known as pong [20:13] hey folks. I have a weird situation happening that's confounding me (on 20.04.3 LTS, using xfs). https://termbin.com/8mp6 [20:13] fyi, it's a vps [20:13] image provided by the isp [20:14] hah [20:14] thunder: did you du the file before dd'ing it? [20:15] yes. it said 1GB as expected [20:15] only shows 2GB after using dd [20:15] purpose is to use it for a swapfile, but since diskspace is limited, having it double the desired size is problematic [20:16] https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/MsrjYXswhZ/ [20:17] that was on 18.04 desktop [20:18] https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/ch58VJHYWY/ this is on 20.04 server [20:18] neither of which is xfs === bert_ is now known as bertptrs [20:18] leftyfb: I've already confirmed it can't be replicated on my other box (running mint with ext4), and another helpful fellow in the arch channel similarly couldn't replicate. so it must be something weird about my system. I'm not sure where to start to diagnose though [20:18] so not sure if this is an xfs thing or a silly VPS shared storage/custom kernel thing [20:19] yeah. I'm wondering how to query the block size. that seems to be a possible place to start [20:19] but I'm not that well versed in fs related stuff tbh [20:19] thunder: does it stay 2G consistently for a while afterwards? [20:20] thunder: are there snapshots that might track multiuple versions of the file? [20:20] yes. it will always say 2x whatever the intended size was [20:20] so if I create a 2gb file, it ends up being 4gb, and so on [20:21] no. I just create the file as in the above examples. it seems to be a direct result of using dd to zero it out [20:21] are they on mdraid things? [20:22] no idea [20:22] how would I check that? [20:22] thunder: which kernel? [20:23] 4.15.0-112-generic x86_64 running on qemu [20:23] qemu 0.12 specifically [20:23] thunder: sudo lshw -c storage [20:23] hrmph. an mdraid ext3? ext4? filesystem I've got showed the 'expected' 1G.. even though I kinda expected 2G ;) [20:24] sarnold: it's xfs on a VPS. There's no telling what the block storage is actually on [20:24] sudo: lshw: command not found [20:24] leftyfb: yeah... or if 'du' would pass that through. I know it does on zfs .. [20:24] thunder: install it [20:24] I wonder if it's backed by a zfs? [20:24] k. 1 sec [20:25] xfs on top of zfs ... gross [20:25] thunder: this is storage is abstracted multiple times, I don't think you're going to get much performance out of xfs. Why bother with it? [20:27] I didn't set it up that way. it was a prefab image provided by the isp. I haven't had any issue with it til now when trying to add a larger swap file to get around oom reaper killing off some important stuff like freshclam and IDE stuff [20:28] from lshw: https://termbin.com/tpbc [20:29] thunder: xfs out of the box running a custom kernel in qemu. I think we're getting well beyond supportability here [20:29] * thunder nods [20:30] thanks for giving it a shot [20:31] thunder: try du -b /file [20:31] I've installed mate desktop - can someone explain how I apply it? [20:31] bunjee: you should be able to select it from the login screen at the corner i guess [20:32] bunjee, if you are logged into another desktop, you need to log out, and choose mate when logging in [20:32] bunjee: 1073741824 [20:33] thunder: so that's correct [20:33] yeah [20:33] weird [20:33] I'm still learning this Linux OS - I have Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS is there a certain way to logout? [20:34] logout from what? the window manager? [20:34] thunder: it's due to 'holes' in the file, fragmentation, etc [20:34] thunder: du -b should show the actual data on the file, whereas du -h is showing the disk usage [20:35] EriC^: is there any harm in that? or a way to defrag the file maybe? [20:35] thunder - what is 1073741824? [20:36] thunder: no i dont think it's harmful [20:36] sorry bunjee. that was intended for EriC^. I tagged you by accident [20:36] EriC^: what would cause that? is it a mismatch of the filesystem block size? [20:36] thunder - how do I logout and get in to another desktop? [20:36] bunjee: there should be a button in the top right corner to logout [20:37] or try pressing ctrl+alt+del it might give a menu [20:37] thunder - I see it - I will be back later - thanks..... [20:38] thunder: it's normal i guess, tbh it's a huge difference though usually it's not that big, maybe it's a xfs something, or maybe cause you ran fallocate -l first on the file [20:38] try one without fallocate [20:38] okay. thanks [20:39] no problem [20:39] howdy, can I put an application in fullscreen in 18.04? GNOME is 3.28 [20:39] anddam: F11 [20:39] anddam: but only for applications that support it [20:40] thunder: id guess its cause of the fallocate, cause it creates a sparse file, then you filled it with dd and it just put stuff here and there [20:42] leftyfb: ofc it doesn't work [20:42] leftyfb: it's Eclipse btw [20:42] maybe fn+f11? [20:44] EriC^: that worked like a charm. thanks not only for helping, but also for explaining the cause. === Apachez- is now known as Apachez [20:47] EriC^: that would just be the underlaying media key, wouldn't it? [20:47] yep, volume down [20:47] brilliantly detected by GNOME [20:48] I am specifically wondering if I can reduce that space https://i.ibb.co/6JnJvL0/fullscreen-detail.jpg by placing menus in the GNOME bar, IIRC it was a thing on GNOME [20:49] I also wouldn't mind hiding the left gutter (dock, or whatever its proper name is) [20:52] anddam, dbus-send --session --type=method_call --dest=org.gnome.Shell /org/gnome/Shell org.gnome.Shell.Eval string:'Main.overview.dash.hide();' abit long , i know [20:58] ioria: seemingly no effect at all [20:58] that should have done the trick at runtime, right? [20:58] no restart of the apps [20:58] or the session [20:58] anddam, ah, 3.28 shell [20:59] anddam, try this : gdbus call --session --dest org.gnome.Shell --object-path /org/gnome/Shell --method org.gnome.Shell.Eval 'Main.overview.dash.visible' [21:01] should that visible be set to false or the like? [21:01] anddam, should be : true, true [21:02] (false, 'TypeError: Main.overview.dash is undefined') [21:02] the output, i mean [21:02] anddam, ok, it's another shell ver, sorry [21:02] that's ok, thanks [21:02] at least I know that's "dash" [21:02] oh https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-help//stable/shell-introduction.html.en#activities [21:03] should I go this long route to get more screen estate? https://github.com/gonzaarcr/Fildem [21:04] anddam, you can always set the 'autohide' [21:04] anddam, gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock autohide true [21:25] how can I select a window manager from login? I don't see the gear icon [21:25] i have root access but someone else setup my ubuntu so i think it's disabled [21:25] not sure how to enable logging into different window managers [21:47] anyone explain how to apply a new desktop? [21:47] bunjee, did you install one? [21:47] coz_ - mate [21:48] bunjee, and you are running gnome right now? [21:48] bunjee: 2022 Feb 01 15:31:48 bunjee: you should be able to select it from the login screen at the corner i guess [21:49] bunjee, yes.. not sure where on the login screen it will be on ubuntu, but somewhere, likely lower right corner, somewhere [21:51] coz_ - can't find it anywhere - not at the top right or the bottom left... [21:52] bunjee: next to the login where you type the password, or when you select your user, to the right there should be a gear or icon [21:52] coz_ - running Ubuntu Gnome 20.04.3 focal [21:52] bunjee, let me check, hold on [21:56] bunjee, did you restart? sometimes may be necessary, the logon screen, look for a "gear" icon, I believe [21:57] coz_ - yes I did restart - I will again - thanks - I might be back....... [23:00] Still can't figure out how to get to mate desktop - anyone? [23:01] bunjee: If you installed the mate de package, it should be as simple as a log out, click gear icon, select mate [23:01] bunjee: hit 'ubuntu flavours' link on https://ubuntu.com/download to see the different flavour options [23:02] oh hah, clicking mate doesn't just bring you to a mate download :( [23:07] bunjee: apt install ubuntu-mate-desktop doesn't work? [23:07] (I think it should give you the whole DE, with all the bells and bagpipes) [23:08] maybe apt install mate-desktop-environment-core is enough, if you only want the bare minimum [23:09] or ubuntu-mate-core === pasiz0 is now known as pasiz [23:21] cbreak - I'm gonna check now.. [23:34] !info firefox [23:34] firefox (96.0+build2-0ubuntu0.21.10.1, impish): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Built by firefox. Size 60,323 kB / 224,947 kB [23:38] !mate [23:38] Ubuntu MATE is a supported !flavor of Ubuntu that uses MATE as the default desktop environment. It functions similarly to older versions of GNOME. For more information, see https://ubuntu-mate.org/ === genii is now known as genii-core === zman_ is now known as zzman [23:54] I should note that this is a channel for help with ubuntu, not finding a mate, if you need that you can try #ubuntu-mate [23:58] rdr: MATE is a desktop environment [23:58] sorry bad joke [23:58] rdr save the jokes for offtopic, please [23:58] why so serious [23:59] old and tired?