
=== compu is now known as lakhzis
=== lakhzis is now known as witsie
lubot[telegram] <matkoniecz> Is it possible to configure colours in run menu? Defaults are really silly (dark so dark that text is barely visible, marking of selected item is absurdly subtle...)11:17
lubot[telegram] <matkoniecz> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/c6d0b729/file_3859.jpg11:17
lubot[telegram] <matkoniecz> And how it is actually named? "run menu" seems to not be the correct one11:18
lubot[telegram] <motorolae7> Can i install lubuntu on an hdd connected with an drive adapter?11:20
lubot[telegram] <motorolae7> Beacuse my laptops motherboard hdd connector is broken11:20
lubot[telegram] <motorolae7> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/814cec12/file_3860.jpg11:23
lubot[telegram] <motorolae7> Something like this11:23
lubot[telegram] <matkoniecz> I admit that have no idea - but it should be relatively easy to check by just trying it?11:28
lubot[telegram] <motorolae7> I didnt brought it11:28
lubot[telegram] <motorolae7> And i wanna know if itll work11:28
lubot[telegram] <guiverc> You can generally install Lubuntu to any drive your system has, but your boxes firmware controls what devices can be used to boot; not the OS itself. (re @motorolae7: Can i install lubuntu on an hdd connected with an drive adapter?)12:06
=== genii-core is now known as genii

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