[12:50] anyone got also librygel-renderer-2.6-2 dependency issues on recent updates? [12:51] happening on -desktop [12:51] https://dpaste.org/S51W [12:54] well apt --fix-broken install fixed it anyhow [13:02] lotuspsychje: are you on 22.04? [13:02] yeah [13:03] could you test a package? (with a local screen?) [13:03] sure thing [13:03] let me build it for 22.04 first, (cool-retro-term in experimental/debian) [13:06] i tested cool retro term on snap once, are you making an apt version? [13:07] the apt version exists since a long time :) i just upgraded it [13:07] oh [13:07] http://sid.ethz.ch/lotus/ here's the 22.04 amd64 built debs [13:07] https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=cool-retro-term was even released with bullseye [13:08] https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=cool-retro-term and focal [13:08] so if you can test it, make screenshots, i can do upload to sid and it'll get into 22.04 (or requestsync from experimental) [13:09] was the snap version good? [13:09] yeah i pretty likes it [13:09] tested on 20.04 though [13:09] i'm avoiding snap as in removing it completely [13:10] what other snaps do you use that are missing as native pkg? [13:10] im just testing vanilla ubuntu desktop LTS for my customers [13:10] so this time FF is default snap, i test it for daily driver [13:11] yeah but i'm so glad it can still be installed as .deb alternatively [13:11] usualy use apt versions most [13:12] first impression looks good tarzeau what kind of screenshots interest you [13:13] lotuspsychje: different fonts/presets [13:13] one screenshot of all the predefined consoles like: apple ][ [13:13] and all those [13:13] because of non-free fonts i did substitute fonts so it can land in main [13:15] tarzeau: i see a loading wheel taking some time on startup, on gnome [13:16] it doesn't work ? [13:17] yeah it works, just noticing top panel turning wheel on launch [13:17] 8secs [13:18] but the program launches right away [13:18] it just takes loading time [13:18] it's even much slower with xorgxrdp/xrdp (remote rdp) [13:19] tarzeau: https://imgur.com/a/02h0e7G [13:19] and it's fluid or slow? what video driver? x or wayland? [13:19] fluid on Intel UHD Graphics 620 /wayland [13:19] cool looks good [13:20] did you find the right click menu? or top menu? [13:20] where you can try other looks/settings? [13:20] there's also fullscreen mode [13:21] tarzeau: settings; https://imgur.com/a/wPlgE6G [13:22] lotuspsychje: great looks good. if using all the other profiles just works without crash, it's good i guess [13:22] tarzeau: few fullscreens https://imgur.com/a/9YgPxwt [13:23] fantastic, many thanks [13:24] tarzeau: and a launch from terminal on wayland https://dpaste.org/70wg [13:24] seems like that loading circle doesnt affect on launch from terminal [13:26] nothing more useful on journal logs about it [13:27] htop load around cpu load 3.3 seems pretty good too [13:31] tarzeau: a bit of fun :p https://imgur.com/a/l0l9F2w [13:36] looks good :) === genii-core is now known as genii === Kow_ is now known as Kow