
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:04
jibelGood morning07:08
oSoMoNsalut jibel 07:11
jibelSalut oSoMoN 07:12
dufluMorning oSoMoN and jibel 07:21
jibelhi duflu 07:28
didrocksgood morning08:06
didrockshey Nafallo 08:09
dufluHi didrocks and Nafallo 08:09
didrockshey duflu 08:11
seb128goood morning desktopers08:16
seb128hey oSoMoN, jibel, duflu, didrocks, Nafallo08:16
Nafallough. I have a feeling my fatigue might be the third shot of vaccine...08:17
didrockssalut seb128 08:18
Nafallomorning seb128 :-)08:18
dufluHi seb128, how goes?08:19
dufluNafallo, yeah I know what you mean08:19
jibelsalut didrocks Nafallo seb128 08:23
didrockssalut jibel 08:25
oSoMoNhey duflu09:11
oSoMoNgood morning didrocks, Nafallo, seb128 09:11
Nafallohey oSoMoN :-)09:21
didrockssalut oSoMoN 09:41
jbichagood morning12:59
seb128jbicha, hey, how are you?13:04
jbichaI think I need to get a groundhog. Winter went by really fast here, lol13:05
jbichaseb128: fyi https://salsa.debian.org/utopia-team/polkit/-/merge_requests/613:47
ubottuMerge 6 in utopia-team/polkit "Split the package: polkitd <-> pkexec, JavaScript <-> PKLA" [Opened]13:47
seb128jbicha, intesting13:51
ricotzhello jbicha seb128 13:52
jbichaI know the old polkit has bothered Simon for a while13:52
jbicharicotz: hi14:00
jbicharicotz: I saw this earlier today, interesting read (there's a few more related posts last month) https://nibblestew.blogspot.com/2022/02/compiling-libreoffice-with-meson-even.html14:02
ricotzjbicha, yeah, this is quite some fun to port such a huge project to a modern build-system :)14:09
ricotzjbicha, regarding build-speed, "mold" linker could result in some improvement too14:12
ricotzjbicha, seb128, I am going to prepare vala 0.55.x for debian/experimental soon, would be great to get it into jammy14:14
jbichaoh I hadn't heard of mold. Are you usinjg it anywhere yet?14:14
ricotzjbicha, no, it will be something going together with GCC 1214:15
jbichavala 0.56 should be fine. I can upload to Debian NEW and Ubuntu NEW simultaneously. See which one gets accepted first14:15
ricotzjbicha, sounds great14:16
seb128hey ricotz 14:36
Nafallojbicha: the only weird I found in that merge request was one of the postinst still referring to the old package name. worth making a comment? :-)14:42
jbichaNafallo: feel free to comment. He's looking for feedback :)14:42
Nafallohopefully my second came through as the encouragement I intended :-)14:49
jbichaseb128: I'm working on the NM merge. Do you know if we can drop ubuntu_revert_systemd.patch LP: #1914062 ?15:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1914062 in systemd (Ubuntu) "NetworkManager-wait-online.service in 1.28.0-2ubuntu1 fails to start in LXC" [High, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191406215:56
seb128jbicha, you can try, I removed it recently and had to add it back because fails were failing16:04
jbichasystemd autopkgtest was failing?16:04
seb128also we want to update to 1.35 before feature freeze, I talked to upstream and 1.36 seems will be on time for the LTS and the one we should target16:04
seb128jbicha, I don't remember which one, but the update was stuck in proposed so it's not possible to miss it16:05
seb128jbicha, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/193631216:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1936312 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "nm-online times out, failing autopkgtests" [High, Fix Released]16:07
jbichaok, I'm doing 1.34 first to at least rebase with Debian16:37
=== jbicha changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu
kenvandineoSoMoN: I am running firefox from candidate and noticed I can't get any audio output17:55
kenvandineWas not a problem before it refreshed today17:55
KGB-0gnome-terminal signed tags ca7e2b9 Jeremy Bicha ubuntu/3.42.2-2ubuntu1 * gnome-terminal 3.42.2-2ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/BlV418:03
KGB-1gnome-terminal ubuntu/master 37726cb Jeremy Bicha * pushed 17 commits (first 5 follow) * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-terminal/compare/7460123...37726cb18:03
KGB-1gnome-terminal ubuntu/master 4f07bfd Christian Persch meson.build * build: Post release version bump * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-terminal/-/commit/4f07bfd18:03
ubottuCommit 4f07bfd in gnome-team/gnome-terminal "build: Post release version bump"18:03
KGB-1gnome-terminal ubuntu/master bda3c4b Marek Černocký po/cs.po * Updated Czech translation * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-terminal/-/commit/bda3c4b18:03
ubottuCommit bda3c4b in gnome-team/gnome-terminal "Updated Czech translation"18:03
KGB-1gnome-terminal ubuntu/master 32fa17e Christian Persch meson.build * build: Post release version bump * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-terminal/-/commit/32fa17e18:03
ubottuCommit 32fa17e in gnome-team/gnome-terminal "build: Post release version bump"18:03
KGB-1gnome-terminal ubuntu/master 3cd6019 Boyuan Yang po/zh_CN.po * Update Chinese (China) translation * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-terminal/-/commit/3cd601918:03
ubottuCommit 3cd6019 in gnome-team/gnome-terminal "Update Chinese (China) translation"18:03
KGB-1gnome-terminal ubuntu/master 925a065 Jeremy Bicha ChangeLog meson.build po/cs.po * New upstream version 3.42.1 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-terminal/-/commit/925a06518:03
ubottuCommit 925a065 in gnome-team/gnome-terminal "New upstream version 3.42.1"18:03
oSoMoNkenvandine, can you share the output of `snap changes firefox` ?18:04
oSoMoNto confirm your current revision, and the previous one18:04
oSoMoNI just realized I was running it from beta, switching to candidate now18:05
oSoMoNI do have audio out here18:06
KGB-1gnome-desktop signed tags b5fc071 Jeremy Bicha ubuntu/41.3-1ubuntu1 * gnome-desktop3 41.3-1ubuntu1 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-desktop/tags/ubuntu/41.3-1ubuntu118:15
KGB-1gnome-desktop ubuntu/master c1ecd4e Jeremy Bicha * pushed 13 commits (first 5 follow) * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-desktop/compare/c9b3de5...c1ecd4e18:15
KGB-1gnome-desktop ubuntu/master 67ec3af Abderrahim Kitouni NEWS meson.build * 41.2 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-desktop/-/commit/67ec3af18:15
ubottuCommit 67ec3af in gnome-team/gnome-desktop "41.2"18:15
KGB-1gnome-desktop ubuntu/master eae454b Simon McVittie NEWS meson.build * New upstream version 41.2 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-desktop/-/commit/eae454b18:15
ubottuCommit eae454b in gnome-team/gnome-desktop "New upstream version 41.2"18:15
KGB-1gnome-desktop ubuntu/master dbf2ad7 Simon McVittie NEWS meson.build * Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/41.2' * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-desktop/-/commit/dbf2ad718:15
ubottuCommit dbf2ad7 in gnome-team/gnome-desktop "Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/41.2'"18:15
KGB-1gnome-desktop ubuntu/master 878e693 Simon McVittie debian/changelog * New upstream release * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-desktop/-/commit/878e69318:15
ubottuCommit 878e693 in gnome-team/gnome-desktop "New upstream release"18:15
KGB-1gnome-desktop ubuntu/master 02e5936 Simon McVittie debian/patches/languages-Look-at-LOCPATH-before-compile-time-LIBLOCALEDI.patch * Refresh patch * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-desktop/-/commit/02e593618:15
ubottuCommit 02e5936 in gnome-team/gnome-desktop "Refresh patch"18:15
kenvandineoSoMoN: 1135  Done    today at 10:23 EST  today at 10:24 EST  Auto-refresh snap "firefox"18:43
kenvandinewhen it refreshed, it crashed on me18:43
kenvandinei've restarted firefox a few times and can't get audio18:43
kenvandineoSoMoN: also, firefox shows up in the sound panel of g-c-c as an app playing audio18:48
kenvandineoh, I am running pipewire rather than pulseaudio.  But this was working fine until today18:51
kenvandineand chromium still works fine18:51
oSoMoNI have both pipewire and pulseaudio running here, that's on impish18:55
KGB-1gdm signed tags fb050ce Jeremy Bicha ubuntu/41.3-1ubuntu1 * gdm3 Debian release 41.3-1ubuntu1 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gdm/tags/ubuntu/41.3-1ubuntu119:02
KGB-1gdm ubuntu/master 98c775a Jeremy Bicha * pushed 45 commits (first 5 follow) * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gdm/compare/18a7884...98c775a19:02
KGB-1gdm ubuntu/master 0a87a2b Javier Martinez Canillas data/61-gdm.rules.in * gdm.rules: Keep wayland enabled for simple-framebuffer DRM drivers * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gdm/-/commit/0a87a2b19:02
ubottuCommit 0a87a2b in gnome-team/gdm "gdm.rules: Keep wayland enabled for simple-framebuffer DRM drivers"19:02
KGB-1gdm ubuntu/master 22c1544 Ray Strode data/61-gdm.rules.in * Merge branch 'simpledrm' into 'main' * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gdm/-/commit/22c154419:02
ubottuCommit 22c1544 in gnome-team/gdm "Merge branch 'simpledrm' into 'main'"19:02
KGB-1gdm ubuntu/master 5cc096c Xiaoguang Wang daemon/gdm-local-display-factory.c * local-display-factory: restart greeter session when crashed * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gdm/-/commit/5cc096c19:02
ubottuCommit 5cc096c in gnome-team/gdm "local-display-factory: restart greeter session when crashed"19:02
KGB-1gdm ubuntu/master 1e172ad Ray Strode daemon/gdm-local-display-factory.c * Merge branch 'wip/xiaoguang/restart-greeter-session' into 'main' * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gdm/-/commit/1e172ad19:02
ubottuCommit 1e172ad in gnome-team/gdm "Merge branch 'wip/xiaoguang/restart-greeter-session' into 'main'"19:02
KGB-1gdm ubuntu/master 3c9ee19 Ray Strode NEWS * NEWS: Update for release * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gdm/-/commit/3c9ee1919:03
ubottuCommit 3c9ee19 in gnome-team/gdm "NEWS: Update for release"19:03
jbichahow do you tell what is being handled by pipewire?19:03
oSoMoNkenvandine, I have a laptop with jammy, will test after dinner19:08
kenvandineI did the switch to pipewire-pulse19:46
kenvandinejust for testing19:47
KGB-1nautilus signed tags d54a8bc Jeremy Bicha ubuntu/1%41.2-1ubuntu1 * nautilus Debian release 1:41.2-1ubuntu1 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/nautilus/tags/ubuntu/1%41.2-1ubuntu119:53
KGB-1nautilus signed tags 109c657 Jeremy Bicha upstream/41.2 * Upstream version 41.2 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/nautilus/tags/upstream/41.219:53
KGB-1nautilus ubuntu/master d6f0b8b Jeremy Bicha * pushed 18 commits (first 5 follow) * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/nautilus/compare/371726a...d6f0b8b19:53
KGB-1nautilus ubuntu/master 19082b6 Ondrej Holy meson.build * Post release version bump * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/nautilus/-/commit/19082b619:53
ubottuCommit 19082b6 in gnome-team/nautilus "Post release version bump"19:53
KGB-1nautilus ubuntu/master bcd971d Hugo Carvalho po/pt.po * Update Portuguese translation * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/nautilus/-/commit/bcd971d19:53
ubottuCommit bcd971d in gnome-team/nautilus "Update Portuguese translation"19:53
KGB-1nautilus ubuntu/master 8c0700e Rafael Fontenelle po/pt_BR.po * Update Brazilian Portuguese translation * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/nautilus/-/commit/8c0700e19:53
ubottuCommit 8c0700e in gnome-team/nautilus "Update Brazilian Portuguese translation"19:53
KGB-1nautilus ubuntu/master 60d2f4b eshagh shahidani po/fa.po * Update Persian translation * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/nautilus/-/commit/60d2f4b19:53
ubottuCommit 60d2f4b in gnome-team/nautilus "Update Persian translation"19:53
KGB-1nautilus ubuntu/master 67927cb António Fernandes build-aux/flatpak/ org.gnome.Nautilus.json org.gnome.Nautilus.yml * flatpak: Pin libportal dependency * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/nautilus/-/commit/67927cb19:53
ubottuCommit 67927cb in gnome-team/nautilus "flatpak: Pin libportal dependency"19:53
KGB-1nautilus upstream/latest e94e439 Jeremy Bicha * pushed 11 commits (first 5 follow) * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/nautilus/compare/21d10d7...e94e43919:54
KGB-1nautilus upstream/latest 19082b6 Ondrej Holy meson.build * Post release version bump * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/nautilus/-/commit/19082b619:54
ubottuCommit 19082b6 in gnome-team/nautilus "Post release version bump"19:54
KGB-1nautilus upstream/latest bcd971d Hugo Carvalho po/pt.po * Update Portuguese translation * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/nautilus/-/commit/bcd971d19:54
ubottuCommit bcd971d in gnome-team/nautilus "Update Portuguese translation"19:54
KGB-1nautilus upstream/latest 8c0700e Rafael Fontenelle po/pt_BR.po * Update Brazilian Portuguese translation * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/nautilus/-/commit/8c0700e19:54
ubottuCommit 8c0700e in gnome-team/nautilus "Update Brazilian Portuguese translation"19:54
KGB-1nautilus upstream/latest 60d2f4b eshagh shahidani po/fa.po * Update Persian translation * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/nautilus/-/commit/60d2f4b19:54
ubottuCommit 60d2f4b in gnome-team/nautilus "Update Persian translation"19:54
KGB-1nautilus upstream/latest 67927cb António Fernandes build-aux/flatpak/ org.gnome.Nautilus.json org.gnome.Nautilus.yml * flatpak: Pin libportal dependency * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/nautilus/-/commit/67927cb19:54
ubottuCommit 67927cb in gnome-team/nautilus "flatpak: Pin libportal dependency"19:54
KGB-1nautilus pristine-tar 32af6ed Jeremy Bicha nautilus_41.2.orig.tar.xz.delta nautilus_41.2.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for nautilus_41.2.orig.tar.xz * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/nautilus/-/commit/32af6ed19:55
ubottuCommit 32af6ed in gnome-team/nautilus "pristine-tar data for nautilus_41.2.orig.tar.xz"19:55
oSoMoNkenvandine, audio works with firefox 97.0-2 from the candidate channel on my fully up-to-date jammy laptop19:58
* kenvandine wonders what's up19:58
kenvandineoh interesting19:59
kenvandinebut no audio from video playback on youtube or facebook20:00
kenvandineok... seriously... what the hell20:01
kenvandinenow youtube is working :(20:01
kenvandineand so does facebook20:01
kenvandineand i haven't restarted firefox since last time i saw it didn't work20:02
oSoMoNsometimes articulating a problem is enough to solve it :)20:02

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