
blahdeblahBish: If you put the mirror first in /etc/apt/sources.list, it takes priority.  Here's how I set up mirrors when building Docker images: https://github.com/paulgear/docker-base/blob/main/Dockerfile05:39
Bishblahdeblah: thanks09:26
Bishi tried something similiar but failed 09:26
Bishbut good to know i was on the right track09:26
blahdeblahBish: Keep in mind, if the original contents are still in the file, they will still get polled for updates, and could still potentially be used if the ones above them are down.09:28
blahdeblahSo if I really want a particular mirror to be used, I take the originals out.09:28
blahdeblah(as shown in the above Dockerfile)09:28
sarnoldyeah I came to the same conclusion, it's best to just have *one* of something in the apt sources -- if you put your fast one first, the 'slow' connections will happen near the end of the process. if you put the slow ones first, they'll be preferred over the fast ones.20:57
sarnoldit's better to not allow overlap..20:57
tomreynyou could maybe list the supposedly buggy one first and then pin-priority its origin slightly lower than that of the other. but... messy,22:55
tomreyn(and i have not tested this)22:55

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