
ahoneybunHas anyone seen this bug? https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/issues/464200:36
ubottuIssue 4642 in flatpak/flatpak "[Bug]: Found icon of unknown type 'unknown' in 'system/flatpak/flatpak/cc.nift.nsm/*', skipping it." [Open]00:36
ahoneybunMm we don't ship Driver Manager in 22.04 LTS?00:49
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mamarleyRikMills: Just as a heads up, it looks like the layer-shell-qt in staging-plasma is missing an epoch (or plasma-workspace-wayland has an incorrect dependency).  It wants ">= 4:5.23.90~", but the actual version is "5.24.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu22.04~ppa1".03:47
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RikMillsmamarley: thanks!06:22
RikMillsahoneybun: we have it, but launch the one in software-properties-qt now06:43
RikMillssee the link in systemsettings06:45
RikMillsour native package was breaking and unmaintainable. plus no point duplicating was was already there now in software properties06:47
BluesKaj'morning all13:02
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Yea I found the one in software-properties so I recommend that one.14:49
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santa_hi everyone21:42
santa_RikMills: I would like to do fw 5.91 this weekend21:42
santa_the idea is either:21:43
santa_- testing latest KA things, and maybe do a KA release soon21:43
santa_- the thing above + showing someone who expressed interest in KA show how KA works while doing the fw release21:44
RikMillssanta_: ok with me22:11
santa_btw have you seen the kuserfeedback mail?22:11
RikMillssanta_: the backport request? if so, they made a new release instead22:13
santa_ahhh, nice22:14
santa_does it need an SRU for impish, do you know?22:15
RikMillsI got the impression it was only needed with newer things, but I can check with Nate ti be sure22:16
santa_ack, thanks a lot22:16
=== genii is now known as genii-core

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