
=== JanC is now known as Guest7251
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
noodles551hello, having a little issue setting the preferred NIC.  I have two interfaces, bond0 ( 1GB ) and eth0 ( 10GB ).  Even if we configure external sources to use the ip of the eth0 interface, the overwhelming majority of the traffic goes to bond0.  We didn't realize this until our traffic was approaching 1GB, and causing severe slowdowns.  An iftop command showed the bond0 interface was full, but like I said, 0 services are 22:29
noodles551configured to use the bond0 interface22:29
noodles551I'm new to netplan, and I see the person that set this up doesn't have the 10GB Nic in the bonded interfaces, how its getting any traffic is a surprise22:55
noodles551THanks !22:59

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