
* mwhudson uploads glibc 2.35 to jammy01:00
* sergiodj braces for impact01:12
sergiodjkidding aside, thanks mwhudson01:12
* JackFrost watches as everything ftbfs.01:12
mwhudsonJackFrost: it shouldn't be too bad this time01:13
mwhudson2.34 was worse for sure01:13
JackFrostmwhudson: ...Do you still manage golang stuff?  Mentally I still have you assigned as the Ubuntu go guy. :P01:13
mwhudsonJackFrost: a bit but not so much these days01:14
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sergiodjllvm-toolchain-12 uploaded with the fix to unblock ocaml04:14
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seb128slyon, hey, the protobuf-c autopkgtest you added is going to test the binary from a new build, not the current package version no?13:22
slyonseb128: that's true. Though, it is build in the same way, using debhelper13:23
seb128slyon, right, but if there is a change in a depends that makes the library be buggy until it's rebuilt then the autopkgtest isn't going to show the issue for example13:23
slyonseb128: yes. I will look into improving this!13:25
seb128slyon, thanks!13:25
seb128slyon, one standard test desktop libs usually is to build a small code example using the lib and try to start it13:26
seb128at least you ensure the .pc/dev depends are right and that the lib is loading13:26
seb128slyon, an example in case it's of any use to you, https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/libhandy-1/-/blob/debian/master/debian/tests/build-test13:27
slyonseb128: thanks that should be helpful!13:28
ahasenackhow do I record in DEP3 the authorship of a patch to https://launchpad.net/~dzfranklin ?14:44
ahasenackthere is just a name, no email14:44
ahasenackcan I use the LP URL?14:44
ahasenackor Name <lpurl>?14:44
kanashiroahasenack, I've seen people adding only the name but I think in this case "name <lpurl>" works better14:47
* ahasenack waits for the bug number from debian's bts14:51
sergiodjdoko: llvm-toolchain-12 is FTBFS on i386 now, so I will revert the changes you made yesterday now that the autopkgtest has been fixed15:21
dokosergiodj, but the failure is about the missing libRemoteIndexProto.a which I didn't touch ...15:34
sergiodjdoko: I did15:34
sergiodjsee the latest upload15:34
dokoI'm confused why you want to revert my changes not building ocaml ...15:35
sergiodjdoko: in order to fix the autopkgtest issue, I uploaded a change (19ubuntu2) to actually install the libraries that were being previously removed.  however, your upload (19ubuntu1) disabled GRPC on i386, which means we the libraries won't exist there, and that is causing the FTBFS (dh_install tries to install the two libraries which don't exist on i386)15:38
sergiodjah, I see that protobuf-compiler-grpc isn't available in i386.  now I understand why you made these changes15:39
dokoyes, exactly15:40
sergiodjI'll have to think about it.  I'm in the middle of something else now15:40
ahasenackdoko: do you also handle i386 issues? ndctl in jammy-proposed grew a dependency on iniparser which is not built for i386, so ndctl can't be built on i386. We either allow iniparser on i386, or stop building ndctl for i38616:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1959892 in ndctl (Ubuntu) "FTBFS i386: missing libiniparser-dev on i386" [Undecided, New]16:02
dokoahasenack, I'll enable that16:03
ahasenackiniparser on i386?16:03
ahasenackor disable ndctl/i386?16:03
dokothe former: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/iniparser/4.1-4ubuntu316:05
kanashirofun, ruby-defaults is blocked by ocaml and ocaml seems to be blocked by python3-defaults :)16:08
dokowell yes, it doesn't help that ruby-defaults sticks in -proposed for more than two months16:10
kanashirodoko, there was a EOY break and also a bunch of packages to be fixed16:11
dokounderstood, just saying that it sticks there for 50% of our development time in the cycle doesn't help16:13
ahasenackdoko: thanks, I'll take care of ndctl after that16:15
kanashirotbh we have more people fixing for instance python packages than ruby packages16:16
kanashirocoordinate fixes with debian and upstream takes time16:17
vorlonjbicha: is the gst-plugins-good1.0 build-dependency on libqt5waylandclient5-dev important on i386?  Not sure how deep the stack of qt dependencies goes that we'd have to bring up on i386 for this16:28
xnoxvorlon:  i think cmake:i386 wants qt and lots of things need cmake to build (or something like that)16:57
xnoxbut it probably can be cut somehwere16:57
vorlonxnox: that has nothing to do with libqt5waylandclient5-dev?17:00
jbichavorlon: it's not very important (we skipped the dependency for 21.10) but potentially one extra diff with Debian. On the other hand, we aren't able to sync -good anyway17:01
vorlonjbicha: ok. do you want to handle building without on i386 so that it can migrate?17:01
jbichait was temporarily dropped for impish, I believe because it was late in the release cycle & that seemed to help the update migrate out of proposed faster17:01
xnoxjuliank:  vorlon: we don't have archive copies of update_excuses.html do we?17:09
xnoxi guess i will troll through the logs17:09
laneyxnox: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses/jammy/17:15
laneythe .gz is kind of annoying :-)17:15
ahasenackhow can I find out why this package was removed from debian? https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/libcxl17:27
ahasenackI don't see a bug17:27
bdmurray"Hint: Package not in unstable"17:28
bdmurrayOh, that's not uninstallable17:28
xnoxlaney:  nice! thanks.17:28
bdmurrayahasenack: https://ftp-master.debian.org/removals.txt "obsolete source package"17:30
ahasenackand debian's ndctl is now building libcxl1 and libcxl-dev (see bottom left corner), with the exact same name as the binaries produced by the former libcxl, but for an entirely different purpose: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/ndctl17:30
ahasenackcan package names be reused like that?17:30
ahasenackand, should we remove src:libcxl from ubuntu too, now?17:31
jbichaahasenack: I believe that's an RC bug in Debian for a package to do that without coordination17:48
ahasenackit's odd at the very least17:50
ahasenackI pinged the ndctl maintainer in #debian-devel17:50
jbichayeah, my guess it was unintentional17:50
jbichawe could open a block-proposed bug in Ubuntu for it. But Debian will have to fix it for everyone anyway17:53
jawn-smithtjaalton: I heard you had some issues with booting on a zfs encrypted device?18:11
jawn-smithI just got hit by that as well. If you saw it too perhaps it will help figure out the root cause18:11
tjaaltonjawn-smith: upgraded from impish?18:14
tjaaltonI had to do a rollback to a snapshot before the dist-upgrade18:15
tjaaltonjust finished..18:15
jawn-smithYes, though the upgrade was done quite a while ago. I did an apt upgrade of a bunch of packages yesterday which I suspect caused the issue18:16
jawn-smiththe root of the issue was that my system.key had been moved to a new location18:16
tjaaltonso you at least had a working zfsutils-linux installed so rollback to a snapshot works18:17
jawn-smithI was able to fix it by setting zfs properties from the initramfs shell18:17
tjaaltonthe sru sat in proposed for almost four months18:17
tjaaltonunverified, should move next week18:18
jawn-smithwhich sru is this?18:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1946808 in zfs-linux (Ubuntu Impish) "zfs fails reverting to a previous snapshot on reboot when selected on grub" [Critical, Fix Committed]18:19
tjaaltonwhat changed in the key path?18:22
jawn-smithokay so that likely would have helped fix the issue I saw, but doesn't explain what happened to my zpool in the first place. Do you know what caused your system to not boot? Were you also dropped to an initramfs shell after entering your password?18:28
jawn-smithokay, so we likely saw the same issue then. I'll try to recreate on my laptop so I can gather more info18:30
tjaaltonthe bug above was about mounting snapshots18:30
tjaaltonwhat did you change the keypath to?18:30
jawn-smithOriginally I had the option set as file:///run/keystore/rpool/system.key18:32
jawn-smithbut somehow system.key was moved to /run/keystore/system.key18:32
jawn-smithso `zfs set keylocation=file:///run/keystore/system.key rpool`18:32
tjaaltonxnox: ^18:33
tjaaltonoh, it's caused by 'dirname' not found on the initramfs18:42
tjaaltonpool="$(basename $(dirname ${ks}))"18:44
tjaaltonthat's why it asked 'Please unlock disk keystore-' instead of 'keystore-rpool'18:45
tjaaltonand the path is wrong18:45
jawn-smithah yeah I was seeing that18:48
jawn-smithoh so that's a foundations bug I guess18:54
vorlonsil2100: thanks for the ubiquity merge; fwiw d-i/source/README does state that the use of the per-project branches is optional, and we're not likely to ever merge these things from Debian again :)19:42
=== Unit193 is now known as JackFrost
ahasenackjawn-smith: just found this, but there is no jammy build: https://launchpad.net/~ansible/+archive/ubuntu/ansible20:21
jawn-smithoh huh20:22
jawn-smithI'll try building against jammy/python3.1020:23
jawn-smithI bet a build will work, though autopkgtests are a different story20:23
jawn-smithTargeting that 5.3.0-1 that exists in impish20:23
ahasenackthe packaging layout might be super different than the one from debian, even debian/experimental20:25
ahasenackbut maybe, if it installs, we get more info about that broken symlink20:25
jawn-smithyeah, there aren't even any tests in it haha20:36
jawn-smithby that I mean anything in d/tests/ for an autopkgtest to run20:37
jawn-smithit sbuilt fine though20:52
ahasenackwith python 3.10?21:01
melodieI wonder what package or files are used in the live images for the first screens where one chooses the language to boot into? Dees someone have a hint on that?21:17
sarnolderr, probably ubiquity ; I think subiquity is the server version, sorry21:18
melodieis that so? I'll check right away21:18
dbungertmelodie: server or desktop image?21:18
melodiedbungert, desktop image21:18
dbungertubiquity is the one you want unless you're trying out the new "canary" desktop image21:19
melodiedbungert, what is the canary image?21:20
melodieI was making a master for a project, and I happened to have the language choice at boot not working right anymore21:20
melodieif I reinstall ubiquity it should solve it then?21:20
melodiewhen I say not working right, I mean : in the boot stanza some lines are translated and some are still in English21:21
melodieinstead of being all in the same language21:21
jbichaI don't think that part comes from ubiquity21:26
melodiejbicha, perhaps it isn't. Do you know of any other leads I could test? I have tried reinstalling some packages that are in an original Ubuntu edition and were not on my master, but that has not helped and I don't know what else I could try before starting all over again21:31
jbichait's not very likely that reinstalling will fix that. I think the translations are probably actually incomplete21:32
jbichaoh wait, you are using a custom Ubuntu build? that makes things a lot more complicated21:33
jbichait's been a long time since I've dealt with the low level installer booting. There are multiple components: casper, isolinux, grub (probably others)21:35
seb128if it's only on your remix and not on the ubuntu image then it's probably not a bug in ubuntu21:35
melodieI started months ago with a Xubuntu edition which I modified, using the Customizer script (available on github), and stripped it too much resulting in this issue. But recently I made it grow again and comparted all packages between the same Xubuntu version/edition and my spinoff, and installed anew whatever was missing in the system. I thought it would solve it but it didn't.21:37
melodiecomparted/compared (sorry for the typo)21:37
melodieI used a diff file (diff -y) from both filesystem.manifest files21:38
melodieso I made sure all the languages files available in Xubuntu were there too, among else21:41
=== genii-core is now known as genii
seb128but do you have the issue on a stock xubuntu image?21:42
jbichaone of the strongest motivators for me to request official flavor status for Ubuntu GNOME was because it was a pain building my own ISOs 🙂21:43
melodieseb128, not at all, only on the stripped master I made from it, which I am not trying to make a bigger version21:43
melodiejbicha, you did well!21:44
melodieaside from that, it works. Perhaps if I come back here during the week work hours someone will be able to give me the right pointers21:59
melodiehere are two pics, https://linuxvillage.org/Downloads/VirtualBox_bento-lts-tests_04_02_2022_22_56_13.png https://linuxvillage.org/Downloads/VirtualBox_bento-lts-tests_04_02_2022_22_58_16.png22:03
melodiefor a description, here would be the minimal version, very small : https://linuxvillage.org/en/blog/2022/01/13/bento-openbox-remix-20-04-core22:04
melodiewhen I first started in 2012 I used Ubuntu Mini Remix for a base, but a few years ago Fabrizio Balliani stopped producing them.22:09
melodiethanks, good night22:43
jawn-smithtjaalton: and any other developers. I have a fix for the issue of zfs encrypted installs no longer booting. I uploaded a patch to bug 196008322:57
ubottuBug 1960083 in busybox (Ubuntu) "dirname applet missing from initramfs" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196008322:57
jawn-smithI'm confident that it works, but because busybox has security implications I'd like another set of eyes on it before I go ahead and dput this22:58
=== genii is now known as genii-core
jawn-smithI'm going to hold off on uploading that for now, but a PSA to others running the development branch:23:16
jawn-smithif you're running a system with zfs encryption, avoid updating cryptsetup until busybox-initramfs has been updated. If you do end up in this situation however, run `zfs set keylocation=file:///run/keystore/system.key rpool` from the initramfs and reboot23:18

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