=== JanC is now known as Guest7251 === JanC_ is now known as JanC === not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy [08:22] Morning! [08:46] good morning [08:55] two days ago I had a coding nightmare... in the dream there were loops, for example, up to 10 000, then to 100 000, then to 1 000 000, etc. and it would become slower as it increased [08:56] I woke up all sweating [09:07] marcoagpinto: did your dream run out of memory? [09:07] I can't remember [09:08] but each time the loop increased, I would feel a pressure in the brain [09:08] :) [09:08] thus the sweating [23:56] Bashing-om: how cold is it there? -3C?