
=== genii is now known as genii-meeting
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cpaelzergood morning06:03
cpaelzerhi bryyce and utkarsh210206:59
cpaelzeralready found the first glibc 2.35 victim :-)06:59
cpaelzera few other likely suspects are still rebuilding, so I'll wait to have my set of tasks for next week I guess :-)06:59
mirespacegood morning08:01
utkarsh2102uh, why am I listed as a community member? :)09:01
utkarsh2102for eg: https://code.launchpad.net/~bryce/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+git/apache2/+merge/41504709:01
rbasakutkarsh2102: everyone is because they don't officially own the branch nor are a reviewer for it13:07
utkarsh2102oh, alright, that explains it, I guess. :)13:08
petohi, can someone help me? i use nextcloud on my server, and this is error i have in error log (Image size of 6000x8000 would exceed allowed memory limit of 128) but memory limit i have set to 1G, any idea? :/13:09
ahasenackpeto: is that a php setting, the memory limit?13:30
cpaelzerlikely the latter 128 is the default13:37
cpaelzerwell the limit is a setting - so "both"13:37
peto@ahasenackyes should be php setting13:39
petoi have changed php.ini in apache2,cli, fpm , but still the error13:42
tomreynpeto: i think phpinfo() would report active limits, so you could verify what is actually applied.13:44
tomreynI can't seem to get any hits for a web search for the error message you reported, using   "Image size of" AND "would exceed allowed memory limit of"     - can you double check this is the exact message you're getting?13:47
tomreynthe default php message for the memory_limit setting would be     Fatal error: Allowed memory size of XXX bytes exhausted (tried to allocate YYY bytes)13:48
peto@tomreyn phpinfo show 1G memory limit. also serverinfo on nextcloud show 1G13:50
tomreynif your message really differs, this might hint at some other memory limit being hit, such as for a php graphics module (gd or imagemagick)13:50
petobut when i Upload a image cca 9 MB, no thumbnail or preview is showing, and the error is shown13:51
tomreynand the message is exactly as you wrote?13:52
tomreynthere seems to be an "Allocation would exceed memory limit" message, maybe it's that?13:55
peto@tomreyn the error is with the memory limit i wrote, and also ""message":"OC_Image::fixOrientation(): No image loaded""14:02
tomreynpeto: can you show the full line that gets logged?14:06
tomreynif multiple lines, use a pastebin14:06
tomreynchances are this is anextcloud generated error message then14:06
tomreynpeto: generally, with software that's not packaged in ubuntu, such as nextcloud, your best option for support is to use the support options its developers provide (if any)14:08
petohere the error https://pastebin.com/Qqb38M0114:10
petoyes, i think i will create a bug on GH14:10
tomreyni imagine there may be an irc channel on nextcloud here on libera.chat - you could ask alis about it:14:11
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http»14:11
petoon #nextcloud we cant find the problem, so i tried here14:14
kanashiroI rebuilt the container stack packages against the new glibc and ran the tests, it seems we have no issue this time \o/14:40
sergiodjkanashiro: that's great news14:58
Soniwhat's snapd and why was it using all the CPU17:45
patdk-lapwhat snaps do, needed for some things, wish it wasn't isntalled by default on server17:46
Sonihow do you figure out what snaps are installed?17:52
patdk-lapsnap list17:53
Sonicore18, core20, lxd, snapd... what are core18 and core20?17:56
patdk-lapubuntu 18.04 and ubuntu 20.0417:56
Soniwould removing snapd break anything?17:57
patdk-lapin your case, only if you use lxc containers17:58
Sonigoodbye snapd may you never eat 100% CPU again :D17:59
k8yunsdeziel: how did you manage to create https://termbin.com/a06m?  Did you use typescript or something to direct all outputs to a file, and then sent it to termbin.com using `nc`?18:04
k8yuntypescript might be using a wrong term ...I think it was script or something back in the day when I was taking a few c courses, which required the output of make and etc in the text file.18:06
k8yunit was `script`... (please ignore my question - got it sorted out)18:07
sdezielk8yun: I have "alias tb='nc termbin.com 9999'" in my ~/.bashrc18:07
k8yunI see.. I saw that at the website... yeah, I should do the same18:08
sdezielk8yun: so I when I type "tb", I can then freely enter/copy-n-paste text, then when I Ctrl-D, it is sent to termbin.com18:08
k8yunthank you sir18:08
k8yungood point - thank you sir!18:08
sdezieland I get back the URL in return18:08
sdezielyou are welcome18:08
k8yunyeah, I used the termbin a bit and I quite like it18:08
k8yunspeaking of tb, I wish there is a plug in in HexChat that you can just run "curl https://termbin.com/zhw418:15
k8yun" to display the output on the same channel window (for myself only, not for others).18:15
AlslinetAnyone know of a script or other solution to get the user home directory from the Active Directory user object and map their home drive automatically?19:44
Soniremoving snapd broke systemd: units apparmor.service and snap.lxd.activate.service are failing19:45
Sonisnap.lxd.activate.service can go away but apparmor seems more concerning19:46
Soniwhat even created this snap.lxd.activate.service and this /etc/usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine.real and why didn't they go away when uninstalling snapd?19:47
ahasenackhow did you remove it? You have to first remove all snaps, and then finally remove the snapd deb itself19:53
ahasenackand  when removing snaps with `snap remove`, the core ones have to be last19:53
Odd_BlokeThe `snapd` package doesn't prevent removal if there are still snaps installed?19:56
Odd_Bloke(pretends_to_be_shocked.jpg, etc.)19:57
ahasenackI wouldn't be shocked19:58
ahasenacksometimes I don't go out looking for bugs :)19:58
Odd_BlokeI have an Ansible playbook that does it in the right order, so I wouldn't have hit it.19:59
ahasenackbtw, do you use ansible from debian/ubuntu? I just found out this week that what we carry is very old19:59
ahasenackin terms of versioning, at least (which is also confusing, looks like there were some strong version bumps done by upstream)20:00
Odd_BlokeI use this PPA for my personal stuff: https://launchpad.net/~ansible/+archive/ubuntu/ansible20:01
sergiodjI know athos is a big ansible fan20:01
sergiodjnot sure which version he uses though20:02
Odd_BlokeAnd we pip install it at $dayjob.20:02
sarnoldAlslinet: that sounds a bit like something sssd ought to do20:07
AlslinetIt doesnt it seems20:12
sarnold:( sorry20:13
Soniahasenack: meh. so just rm /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.[...] ?20:20
ahasenackdepends what the error is, you just said "broke my system"20:20
ahasenacknote that removing the file from disk doesn't remove it from the kernel (the apparmor profile, that is)20:21
Soniit just says the apparmor unit failed because of this file20:21
ahasenackcheck /var/log/syslog, and/or journalctl -u apparmor, see if it has more info20:22
SoniFeb 04 19:35:38 lavabit apparmor.systemd[312]: AppArmor parser error for /etc/apparmor.d in /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine.real at line 11: Could not open '/var/lib/snapd/apparmor/snap-confine'20:22
SoniFeb 04 19:35:38 lavabit apparmor.systemd[356]: AppArmor parser error for /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine.real in /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine.real at line 11: Could not open '/var/lib/snapd/apparmor/snap-confine'20:22
ahasenackok, so that looks like profiles that were including other profile files, which are now gone20:23
ahasenackI don't have a one-size-fits-all solution, if you have leftover snaps running, after you removed snapd20:24
Sonithis was after a reboot20:24
ahasenackyou could try reinstalling snapd (the deb), then see if with "snap list" you get to see the snaps, and then remove them one by one with snap20:24
Sonimeh *rm -rf /etc/apparmor.d/the_offending_file*20:24
ahasenackor maybe apt purging snapd (the deb) does remove the snaps, but then you wouldn't ahve this error20:24
sarnoldor just delete those files, if you don't have the programs they confine installed any more20:24
ahasenackyeah, look carefully, make sure they are about apps/paths you don't have anymore20:25
ahasenackor else you could be removing the apparmor profiles for existing apps20:25
Sonithis *should* be fine20:25
Soninot rebooting again to find out tho20:26
ahasenackin jammy I just did an "apt purge snapd" with many snaps installed, and it removed them all during the deb purge20:30
ahasenackand restart apparmor after that was also fine20:30
ahasenackso that's good20:30
ahasenackapparmor is also fine (green) after a reboot20:31
Sonihmm yeah in hindsight apt purge seems like a better idea20:33
Sonithat should be snapd fully gone tho ^^20:35
blackboxsworndorffgrant:  yeah so today I releaned about systemd.paths :) thanks for the discussion https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/1244#issuecomment-1030243537. testing locally with a shell script that dumped a message to a file  I validated that compound [Unit] ConditionPathExists    and [Path] PatchExists/PathChanged directives seem to work and noop in the right places20:38
ubottuPull 1244 in canonical/cloud-init "WIP: cloud-id: publish /run/cloud-init/cloud-id-<cloud-type> files" [Open]20:38
blackboxsw*PathExists/PathChanged* rather20:41
orndorffgrantblackboxsw: very cool! I'm not sure if we actually _need_ the .path (just a check on startup should be sufficient for what ua needs) but that would be nice to have systemd handle starting/stopping automatically on those state changes, I'll play around with it20:41
blackboxswthe thing I wonder w/ systemd.path is the race we'll have at systemd compilation time. /run/cloud-init/cloud-id-X won't exist until later in the boot process after systemd alreafdy comiled boot goals and ruled out your service20:42
blackboxswso I wonder without using systemd.path to camp on inotify whether you'd never trigger your service in practice20:43
orndorffgrantRight, I was hoping something like `After: cloud-config.target` could be sufficient to make sure that file would be in place, but would need to test to confirm20:43
blackboxsworndorffgrant: +1. I think/thought I validated that the service remains inert based on anything in /run which wasn't present at system boot. But, yes will involve testing to confirm that's the case.20:45
orndorffgrantGot it, yeah I'll test it for sure and the .path will probably be useful anyway so we'll probably use that too20:47
blackboxswI think the After just implies ordering of execution, not whether the systemd unit is included in the boot target goals20:51
znfis there a simple way to allow everything in/on the docker-created interfaces dynamically with ufw?21:28
znfie: I want my docker containers to be able to connect to the mysql instance running on host, but I don't want to have to manually whitelist interfaces21:29
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=== genii is now known as genii-core

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