
=== Unit193 is now known as JackFrost
=== karlnashville is now known as karl_AFK
user|92When will there be kubuntu for rasperrypi 4 8gb?06:11
user|92I love kubuntu and the KDE Desktop, but the kubuntu desktop doesn´t start on my raspberry pi 4!06:17
user|92Manjaro KDE works fine but i want to have a stable kubuntu on my raspberry pi 4 8gb!!!!06:19
user|92(Ubuntu 21.10 works fine too but the Ubuntu desktop is just awful!!!!)06:22
user|92I want kubuntu with KDE on my raspberry pi 4 because i love the kubuntu desktop!!!!06:24
IrcsomeBot<veryrichliu> kubuntu works fine on my ARM64 system, should be also ok on RPi406:42
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IrcsomeBot<SadddBoi> Need some help guys09:39
IrcsomeBot<SadddBoi> sudo apt purge ubuntu-desktop -y && sudo apt autoremove -y && sudo apt autoclean09:39
IrcsomeBot<SadddBoi> Ran this09:39
IrcsomeBot<SadddBoi> And after a reboot my internet isn't working09:39
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=== onepict is now known as tisiphone
user|30I need to install kubuntu11:43
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=== karlnashville is now known as karl_AFK
user|83kubuntu 22.04 on RaspberryPi 4?12:43
atraoreHello everyone! In Arch I can add a user to "uucp" group to allow him use serial ports. However, it seems like there is no such group in Kubuntu. How can I allow someone to use serial connections (/dev/tty*)?13:05
atraoreNevermind, there is "uucp" group.13:10
atraoreAnother question:13:12
atraoreWhen I "sudo usermod -a -G groupname atraore" and "group" I see no changes. What I am doing wrong?13:13
atraoreOk, I see, I am just retarded. I was supposed to relogin into account.13:15
atraoreProblem solved.13:15
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BluesKaj'morning folks13:41
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=== equipo is now known as equipo_
DaneGeldGood evening!  I wonder if someone could help me with a little sizing problem I have with my Kubuntu setup please.  I have an extended monitor layout, laptop at 1366x768 extending into a DVI monitor at 1280x1024.22:02
DaneGeldThe thing is, that windows which I open on the DVI monitor, don't obey the size contraints of the display; instead they spill over onto the laptop monitor. Is there any way I can stop this from happening?22:03
DaneGeld*for DVI, read VGA. Sorry, I've got the two mixed up.22:07

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