[12:21] enchant-2 signed tags 8c605e6 Jeremy Bicha upstream/2.3.2 * Upstream version 2.3.2 * https://deb.li/3DuBM [12:21] enchant-2 upstream/latest 1344b58 Jeremy Bicha * pushed 27 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/B8fy [12:21] enchant-2 upstream/latest d646417 Reuben Thomas .appveyor.yml * AppVeyor: use GNU m4 on macOS (broke with recent XCode) * https://deb.li/30xi4 [12:21] enchant-2 upstream/latest 3421ca9 Reuben Thomas src/ lib.c pwl.c * lib.c, pwl.c: update copyright dates for myself * https://deb.li/dxrV [12:22] enchant-2 upstream/latest b459f39 Reuben Thomas src/lib.c * lib.c: remove redundant NULL checks * https://deb.li/31I0g [12:22] enchant-2 upstream/latest 7903b74 Reuben Thomas src/ enchant.c lib.c pwl.c * Remove redundant braces; merge initializers with declarations * https://deb.li/3pDYN [12:22] enchant-2 upstream/latest 9e3bd03 Reuben Thomas src/ (5 files) * Clean up whitespace in main sources * https://deb.li/iQ82x [12:22] enchant-2 pristine-tar 8c29ab2 Jeremy Bicha enchant-2_2.3.2.orig.tar.gz.delta enchant-2_2.3.2.orig.tar.gz.id * pristine-tar data for enchant-2_2.3.2.orig.tar.gz * https://deb.li/xxL2