
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> looks like libinput needs to be rebuilt for libwacom10, else build depends of qt and other things are now uninstallable07:25
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> e.g. vlc07:26
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> Ummmm. wrong channel07:26
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> may as well post the info though as it impacts Qt... ;)07:28
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> /# apt-get install qtbase5-dev07:28
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> Reading package lists... Done07:28
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> Building dependency tree... Done07:28
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> Reading state information... Done07:28
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have07:28
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable07:28
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> distribution that some required packages have not yet been created07:28
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> or been moved out of Incoming.07:28
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> The following information may help to resolve the situation:07:28
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> The following packages have unmet dependencies:07:28
lubot[telegram] <RikMills>  libwacom2 : Depends: libwacom-common (= 1.12-1) but 2.0.0-1 is to be installed07:28
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.07:28
lubot[telegram] <mitya57> I created https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/qt/qtwayland/-/merge_requests/5.14:41
lubot[telegram] <mitya57> But I can't test-build because libinput is broken in Debian too. (re @RikMills: @mitya57 https://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/s8etjq/the_patches_required_for_wayland_and_nvidia_to/)14:41
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> awesome. thanks!14:42
fvogtmitya57: If you take the frame callback threading patch, you have to backport the various pending mutex fixes from upstream as well15:32
fvogtOtherwise you get hangs15:32
mitya57fvogt: So KDE's branch is broken?15:33
fvogtmitya57: Yep15:44
fvogt(As is upstream)15:44
mitya57Maybe you can create a merge request upstream adding the missing patches?15:46
fvogtIf you mean for the qtwayland fork, it's a bit early for that, they're not even reviewed upstream15:48
fvogthttps://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qtwayland/+/393273, https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qtwayland/+/393828/1 and https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qtwayland/+/393826/115:48
mitya57Ok. I will remove the frame callback threading patch for now.15:48
mitya57Thank you for the information!15:48
mitya57fvogt: Is it this one? "Move the wayland socket polling to a separate event thread"15:51
mitya57Removed in https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/qt/qtwayland/-/commit/69d1657b99f5f648. Thanks again.15:57
mitya57But it is exactly the patch which was referenced by Reddit post linked by @RikMills :-(15:58
fvogtFor proper nvidia gbm support you'd need several unreviewed patches15:59
mitya57I will better wait.15:59
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> seems so :/16:03

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