
tjaaltonanyone using sublime-text as the $EDITOR? I'm having issues with dch, they don't seem to play along :)07:49
tjaaltonah, needs -w07:52
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juliankautopkgtest cloud is down for maintenance, see #ubuntu-release for details; should be back up soon09:51
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juliankautopkgtest cloud seems better now, ongoing monitoring10:06
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juliankThe design of rabbitmq means that if it is about to run out of memory, it blocks publishers11:32
juliankconsumers can consume11:32
juliankIf you wonder why autopkgtest-cloud completely blocks, the answer is that in order to consume the item; after the test is run, it tries to publish a notification that the test has finished11:33
juliankalongside other status images11:33
juliankso all our consumers are publishers too and the whole thing deadlocks of sort11:33
juliankwhat we can do is restart it regularly11:35
juliankshould add a cron job11:35
ahasenackgood morning12:04
ahasenackexcuses is lagging, Generated: 2022.02.07 11:18:07 +000013:38
ahasenackthat's over 2h ago13:38
ahasenackat least the log is current, so it's running: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/log/jammy/2022-02-07/13:39
tewardvorlon: fyi coredev is now part of that unity group13:55
tewardfinally got a hold of simon so he approved the add just now13:55
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ubottuddstreet, rafaeldtinoco, rbasak, sil2100, slashd, teward, tsimonq2: DMB ping16:02
tewardsil2100: *steals a $20 from your wallet to buy lots of caffeine*16:03
cpaelzerhi rbasak and lena - doko asked if we could have a look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdbd-mysql-perl/4.050-4build116:12
cpaelzerany immediate opinions on that to be related to the new mysql?16:12
vorlonteward: yep, I've already pushed my branch and uploaded the metapackage, thanks16:13
tewardyep, just letting you know16:14
lenacpaelzer: Looking into the build logs it seems like the transition to OpenSSL 3.0 is causing the error. I'll keep digging to see what the problem is specifically16:32
xnoxdoko:  not sure why i started talking on the #debian-devel channel; but it seems that dwz doesn't do anything with .ko kernel module files.18:35
xnoxwill continue with dwo / dwp experiments18:35
Eickmeyersil2100 bdmurray: Hi! RE: bug 1959971: I don't think the size allocations take it far enough, especially with initrd's if nvidia drivers are installed.19:28
ubottuBug 1959971 in partman-auto (Ubuntu Jammy) "increase /boot partition size" [High, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195997119:28
EickmeyerSee bug 1960089 for more info on that.19:28
ubottuBug 1960089 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Jammy) "Ubiquity Boot Partition for LVM needs to be 2.0 GB for 22.04LTS" [High, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196008919:28
EickmeyerI was thinking of marking as dupe, but I don't know if that's the way to go.19:29
Eickmeyerjuliank: Would it make sense to patch focal's version of packagekit with this commit? https://github.com/PackageKit/PackageKit/commit/fe883921fa627666d50f4861fdcf23fb747630cc21:33
ubottuCommit fe88392 in PackageKit/PackageKit "aptcc: Apply auto/manual state from previously resolved pkgids when needed"21:33
EickmeyerWould help to prevent some overfull boot directories RE: bug 191427821:34
ubottuBug 1914278 in packagekit (Ubuntu) "Kernel updates marked as 'manually installed', prevents old kernels cleanup" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191427821:34
juliankEickmeyer: that's a bit premature,it needs to be in devel first, and then age a couple months at least in a stable release21:35
juliankebarretto: The changes are huge21:35
juliankUgh sorry21:35
Eickmeyerjuliank: Yeah, I get the SRU process, but once it's in devel would it be easy to backport that particular patch?21:35
EickmeyerI mean, in theory.21:36
juliankEickmeyer: the changes are huge and not tested yet. I don't know, I haven't tried21:36
Eickmeyerjuliank: Ok, yeah, that was part of my concern since it's basically a difference in ABIs as implied by the version number (1.2 opposed to 1.1)21:36
Eickmeyerjuliank: I think we should just forget about focal at this point, but going forward this is something I helped work with the PackageKit devs on and would be extremely helpful to have in jammy.21:40
Eickmeyerjuliank: I just know that we're getting down to the wire and they haven't pushed a release yet.21:46
Eickmeyerjuliank: I'll test a git snapshot.21:46
bdmurrayEickmeyer: what installation process leaves you with 3 different kernel flavors?22:54
lord_daemonGoodnight. does anyone use termux + ubuntu + openvpn23:24
sarnoldneither of these channels is for user support, try #ubuntu23:26
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