[01:04] UWN: Issue721 up for review and final edits: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue721 :D [02:11] ack. page opened & will review [02:17] guiverc: :D ^ [03:17] Bashing-om, read thru complete; no reactions/comments; looks good [03:18] guiverc: Outstanding on our part :D [10:02] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Stuart Langridge: Contact the CMA about the browser ecosystem @ https://www.kryogenix.org/days/2022/02/07/contact-the-cma-about-the-browser-ecosystem/ [12:14] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Jonathan Riddell: KUserFeedback 1.2.0 @ https://jriddell.org/2022/02/07/kuserfeedback-1-2-0/ [15:43] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Finserv hybrid cloud strategy – it starts with Linux @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/finserv-hybrid-cloud-strategy-it-starts-with-linux [19:31] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::UbuntuOnAir:: Ubuntu Desktop Indaba - February 25, 2022 @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mdo2NJBsMAw (by Ubuntu OnAir) [20:36] UWN: Pulling "WIP" - log checked and no further edits are known, Time to push 21:00 UTC. [21:01] UWN: ubuntu-news@lists is away - Doing the Forum post next. [21:18] * guiverc has noticed the day; my upgrades still running so going to get drink & hopefully do UWN shortly [21:19] UWN: Forum post done - Re-directs next. [21:27] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2022/02/07/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-721/ [21:29] UWN: Re-directs done. [21:30] UWN 721 posted to telegram & twitter [21:31] Fridge: Spot check - checks good :D [21:31] guiverc: Clear now to wipe away the evidence ? [21:31] yep scrub away [21:39] UWN: We do Issue722 :D [21:40] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 721 @ https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2022/02/07/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-721/ [21:54] uwn 721 pasted to fb