
cpaelzergood morning06:05
utkarsh2102cpaelzer: do you see my emojis? :)06:48
cpaelzerutkarsh2102: I see too many emojis in general :-)06:49
* cpaelzer likes hand-typed :-) ascii smileys06:50
utkarsh2102I can't make sunrise ones hand-typed06:54
utkarsh2102hey, is there anything that I can help with that'll help others? eg: reviews/bugs/etc that'll unblock others?08:01
parideTIL that ~/.pam_environment is being deprecated08:12
mirespacegood morning here as well :)08:43
cpaelzerutkarsh2102: https://code.launchpad.net/~paelzer/ubuntu/+source/chrony/+git/chrony/+merge/415170 ?08:55
cpaelzerutkarsh2102: in regard your ask for helping somewhere08:56
utkarsh2102gotcha! I'll TAL in a few minutes or after lunch.09:06
utkarsh2102like, server-todo, we have server-backlog, too, no?09:07
utkarsh2102or did I get it wrong?09:07
utkarsh2102cf: tags for bug triages09:07
fricklercoreycb: are you planning to run with py3.10 for jammy? then this might be interesting for you https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/196020409:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1960204 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "pyScss via django-pycss is incompatible with Python 3.10" [Undecided, New]09:09
cpaelzerutkarsh2102: I can pass you a link for the extended backlog to go through - just a sec09:09
utkarsh2102thank you!09:13
cpaelzerutkarsh2102: do you have a list of our mysql master bugs to dup to?09:26
utkarsh2102I don't think so09:26
utkarsh2102but somewhere in e-mail, I guess09:26
utkarsh2102I see Lena did a lot of duping of bugs onto some specific ones09:27
utkarsh2102I get mails of all mysql* related activities, so that way, I know09:27
cpaelzerutkarsh2102: I knew we had something https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-5.7/+bugs?&field.tag=triage09:30
cpaelzerfrom the newer completed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/mysql09:30
utkarsh2102btw, we have more mysql-8.0 bugs than mysql-5.7 ones09:31
cpaelzerthe mysql-8.0 bug sorted by heat are also handy to identify dup-candidates09:32
paridecpaelzer, fiy upstream s390-tools with fuse3 support has been released09:50
paride(for some permutation of fiy)09:51
cpaelzeryeah fheimes already told me this morning09:52
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utkarsh2102cpaelzer: hiya, MP #415170/chrony review done. Some questions sent your way. :)11:03
cpaelzerthanks utkarsh2102 having a look11:04
cpaelzerutkarsh2102: answered11:10
utkarsh2102danke, taking a look11:10
cpaelzerutkarsh2102: if you are still looking for MRs this one just got ready https://code.launchpad.net/~paelzer/ubuntu/+source/open-vm-tools/+git/open-vm-tools/+merge/41518311:46
cpaelzerparide: ^^ that would be the next try to switch to fuse3 hoping for no conflicts at image build this time :-)11:46
paridecpaelzer, utkarsh2102 I can review that open-vm-tools one11:51
cpaelzerthank you paride11:55
paridecpaelzer, done12:03
ahasenackgood morning12:03
mirespace_hi ahasenack12:04
cpaelzerhi ahasenack12:04
ahasenackutkarsh2102: thanks for all the reviews!12:34
utkarsh2102ahasenack: yay, you're welcome! \o/12:36
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coreycbfrickler: thanks for that, yes we are at python 3.10 in jammy13:09
fricklercoreycb: oh, has the default already been changed? last time I looked it was still 3.9 and using 3.10 had some weird issues with pip13:23
coreycbfrickler: it doesn't look like it has changed but I think that is the plan13:24
fricklercoreycb: according to https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-schedule/23906 it was planned for mid January, but this doesn't look promising to me https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#python3-defaults13:31
utkarsh2102sergiodj: hey, can you take a look at LP: #1959581, please?13:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1959581 in ocfs2-tools (Ubuntu) "OCFS2 intermittently not mountable on a second Node in Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195958113:32
utkarsh2102it's an interesting bug and I am not sure what more I/we can do about this.13:32
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ahasenackfrickler: 3.10 is the default in jammy-proposed, it's currently going through the migration process. Some packages are still failing tests with it13:32
ahasenackfrickler: check https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#python3-defaults for the list of "reds"13:33
ahasenackops, which you know already13:33
fricklerahasenack: yes, the python3-pip failure matches what I'm seeing locally13:33
ahasenackfrickler: check my ubuntu-devel "+1 maintenance" report, where I solved many of those reds13:33
ahasenackpip3, is that the one where it didn't find the packages in /usr/local?13:34
ahasenackin the test failure13:34
fricklerahasenack: yes13:34
ahasenackyeah, I looked briefly at that yesterday, and just confirmed it, but no clue what's going on13:34
fricklerahasenack: or rather, it seems to install things into /usr/lib, but doesn't find them there are installing13:34
ahasenackmy maintenance shift ended, someone will have to look at that this week13:35
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petohi, please help, i have webserver apache2 on my server, from pc in local lan, i can connect to the server/website, but from android did not work (cant connect) - it worked, but now i dont know why it isnt working, same network --- nobody can help me?15:20
petoi find out that im not listening to port 80 on tcp15:21
utkarsh2102peto: you probably need to be more specific. What's not working. What error message d'you get. 15:21
petoon adroid browser i became error, that i cant connect , site is not reachable or busy (or sometning else, dont know to exactly wording in english, sorry)15:23
petobut the site, with IP 172.16.. work on pc, so I dont understand15:23
petoapache2 service is running15:25
ahasenackmaybe your android is on 3g/4g instead of the wifi your pc is connected to? Looks like a private address15:46
petoandroid is on the same wifi15:50
petobut i know it works, but now no more, and i dont know why15:50
sergiodjutkarsh2102: hey, sure.  but TBH I don't know if there's much more we can there...15:51
utkarsh2102sergiodj: oh cool, if that's what you think, then we're probably on the same page.15:51
utkarsh2102I wasn't sure about my last comment, so I'd like you to double check and see if that's not entirely stupid. :)15:52
sergiodjbut thanks for the heads up, I will take another look later today and see if I can come up with something15:52
utkarsh2102great, thank you! I mentioned this in my triage report, too.15:52
sergiodjcool, thanks :)15:53
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ahasenackhuh, I managed to break networking in a jammy VM I was using :/20:25
ahasenackthe network interface doesn't even show up anymore20:25
ChmEarlahasenack, biosdevice naming scheme?20:27
ahasenackno, didn't mess with that20:27
ahasenackI now plugged in a normal "e1000" nic (via virt-manager), but the vm just does not react20:28
ahasenackoh, udev got removed20:30
ahasenackthat's bad20:30
ahasenackI guess I didn't pay too much attention in one of the dist-upgrades I did20:32
ahasenackoh well, nothing but a test vm20:32
mwhudsoneh apt really shouldn't remove a priority important package wihtout making a fuss, i thought20:56
ahasenackI'm unsure what happened, I saw dpkg logs showing these removals21:01
ahasenackbut not what triggered them21:01
mwhudsonapt has logs too? but i'm not quite sure what the intended behaviour is21:30
JanCthe logs should show what other packages were involved in that dist-upgrade, which should at least give you an idea about what might have caused it...22:03
JanCand when you don't have udev, it should still be possible to reload the kernel module to get networking again22:04
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