
* echo echos00:40
luckiswithmenot really ubuntu question but, do I use "an" infront of Ubuntu. for example. how can I setup a or an Ubuntu server?01:11
zer0funHow do I make a partition auto mount without the command line01:11
zer0funUbuntu 20.04 fresh install.01:11
luckiswithmeif it's an internal partition most likely it is auto mounted01:12
tomreyni *think* gparted has an option for adding partitions to fstab01:13
luckiswithmeif it's external i don't know about any GUI way of doing so01:13
zer0funOk so I thought so.  But I have symlinked my Documents to the mounted partition.  And the links only work after I have opened the partition in the file manager01:14
zer0funOnce I just look at the partition it works until reboot.01:15
zer0funtomreyn thanks I’ll look01:15
XV8How would I find which package manages the `ping` executable under /usr/bin/ping ?01:16
tomreynXV8: dpkg -S /usr/bin/ping01:18
XV8hmm, I can't seem to get that to work01:19
XV8"dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /usr/bin/ping"01:19
XV8But I do `which ping` and that is the full path01:19
tomreynwhich ubuntu release are you running there?01:20
tomreynlsb_release -ds01:20
XV8Ubuntu 21.1001:21
tomreynwhat does    type /usr/bin/ping   report01:22
ubottuCommit 79d713e in iputils/iputils "ping: Remove 'unsupported IPv6' warning on disabled IPv6"01:23
XV8whoops, wrong paste01:23
Bashing-omxv8 correct ^^ to be ' dpkg -S /bin/ping ' >> sysop@2004x-c:~: " iputils-ping: /bin/ping ".01:23
tomreynbut /usr/bin/ping does exist on my ubuntu 21.10 as well, and dpkg -S does not know about it either01:24
tomreynso chances are it is placed there by a post-install script01:24
XV8Bashing-om, interesting, thanks. That's what I needed. Wanted to verify if that package build includes the fix in the commit in the above link01:25
XV8but unfortunately it looks like a build that is older than the fix01:26
XV8ping from iputils 2021020201:26
Bashing-omXV8: Changlelogs: focal: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/i/inetutils/inetutils_1.9.4-11ubuntu0.1/changelog .01:29
tomreyninetutils < iputils though01:33
tomreyni guess XV8 may need to explicitly run "ping6" for now01:33
circuitboneV6.06! https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/f5dAQKQN/1644197636.JPG01:34
XV8tomreyn, I remember those! My first one was 8.04 when you could request the installation CDs for free.01:35
XV8whoops, I mean circuitbone *01:35
tomreyncircuitbone: that's cute, but more suited for #ubuntu-offtopic01:35
circuitbonegot carried away there01:36
XV8tomreyn, I have ipv6 disabled in the kernel01:37
XV8root@static-rain:~# cat /proc/cmdline01:37
XV8BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-5.13.0-28-generic root=/dev/mapper/vgubuntu-root ro ipv6.disable=1 cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1 quiet splash ipv6.disable=1 vt.handoff=701:37
pycuriousA stop job is running for advanced key value store - everytime i reboot - any ideas on how to fix this? I do have enough free disk space01:38
tomreynXV8: apparently it's so important to you to stay away from current ip addressing that you even put it twice.01:39
XV8hah, I didn't even notice that tomreyn01:39
tomreynpycurious: find out what the "advanced key value store" service is, and fix its systemd service unit01:40
tomreyn(it's probably redis)01:40
XV8oh, I see what happened. One variable is for GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX and the other is for GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT01:41
pycurioustomreyn: yes, i do run redis01:41
tomreynthat's ok with me01:42
pycurioustomreyn: thanks. Will try to shutdown redis.01:52
pycuriousMy ubuntu box will boot, but will show the logo for "AORUS" and not show anything else on the monitor. I can ssh into it. Any ideas on how to solve / debug this?01:53
pycuriousI can get into the bios - but nothing else01:53
XV8pycurious, what have you tried so far02:14
pycuriousXV8 - a new bios, can ssh into the machine. When I shutdown, I can see Ubuntu written below the bios logo. If I press escape, I see the text that usually renders while shutting down02:16
pycuriousMaybe the machine is trying to output a resolution that the display can't handle - so it gets stuck at the bios logo - not sure - how to find out and fix it02:16
pycuriousctrl+alt+f1 gives me a text output on the screen :)02:17
leftyfbpycurious:  is this a server or desktop?02:36
pycuriousleftyfb: desktop where the screen isnt working well02:38
leftyfbpycurious: isn't working well or is booting to the console text?02:40
pycuriousit boots into the bios splash screen02:42
pycuriouswhen i press ctlr+alt+2 - it gives me the text screen where i can login. I tried nvidia-xconfig - no use. I did X -configure - that errored out : "Number of screens dont match the number of devices detected"02:42
pycuriousstartx leads to a black screen02:45
AyushAare your packages upgraded?02:45
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grypycurious, hello, how many screens have you got?03:01
leftyfbpycurious: hit alt+F703:12
pycuriousgry: just 103:25
pycuriousleftyfb: alt+f7 shows /dev/nvme0….blocks03:25
leftyfbpycurious: try going through 1 - 703:25
pycuriousleftyfb: they are all text based login screens03:26
leftyfbpycurious: if there's still nothing, then it's more than likely a GPU drivers issue. You have yet to explain what version of ubuntu you are running or what changed since the last time it was working03:26
pycuriousleftyfb: last time it was working was a year ago - when my 2080ti card broke its hdmi port. I just got a 3090 card - and i think the xorg.conf is not correct. I tried nvidia-xconfig - and it doesnt seem to generate an xconfig from scratch (it still shows 2080ti in there)03:28
leftyfbpycurious: what version of ubuntu?03:28
leftyfbpycurious: you should probably backup whatever xorg config you have, remove it from the active configuration and reinstall the proper drivers for your video card03:29
pycuriousleftyfb: The drivers are working well, I use cuda on top of that - and use the gpu without any issues.03:31
leftyfbpycurious: ok, so you don't need any help then. Good luck03:33
grypycurious, what does a gpu have to do with it? Is it the same part that processes input/output to the monitor?04:30
enigma9o7[m]are you asking what a GPU is?  or what is the actual question?04:33
gryenigma9o7[m], yes, that's what I am asking. The person whom I wanted to help has quit, though, so it's probably uninteresting for now.04:43
enigma9o7[m]Ok then won't answer if no interest.  If you ever interested in the future tho, a simple web search could answer that for you.04:44
ElPresidentegood evening05:44
=== V|A is now known as VIA
devanshHow to use rtl wifi cards on ubuntu??06:58
webchat9How to use rtl wifi cards on ubuntu??06:59
grydevansh, visit http://h-node.org at the top of the page click 'Search' pastebin "lspci -vmmnn" into the text box at the bottom of the page. on the next page click the name of your wifi card. it will tell you package name.06:59
webchat9what to do after getting the package?07:03
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devanshHow to use rtl wifi cards on ubuntu?? Is there any kernel which supports these cards or any .deb driver?07:05
enigma9o7[m]I bet you had difficulty with: onthe top of the page click search pastebin lspci -vmnnn into thetext bar at the bottom of the page.07:10
enigma9o7[m]its like tricky cuz it starts with top oft he page, and ends with bottom of the page, and some gibberish inbetween and clicking and pasting, its totally confusing07:11
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biapyhi, i've got a problem with snap. When launching a snap app, i've got this error: "/user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-4.scope is not a snap cgroup". The cgroup exists, systemd --user is launched for my user, but snap seems unable to connect to it. I don't know what triggered this behaviour as snap was working previously.07:37
* enyc meows07:51
* biapy throws a catnip toy to enyc08:18
jsbachhi! bit confused here: What is the difference between a "nvidia-driver-470" and a "nvidia-driver-470-server" ?08:50
Ravagethe server driver does not include i386 libs required to run steam for example08:52
jsbachRavage, thanks for the answer. anything else?08:52
Ravageif you want all details compare "apt-file list nvidia-driver-470-server" and "apt-file list nvidia-driver-470"08:54
* enyc meows jsbach Ravage 08:54
enycjsbach: hrrm package file list might help08:54
Ravagethe package does not seem to include the actual files08:55
enycRavage: it may have depnedencies..08:55
enycRavage: which ubunut release?08:55
Ravagei think the server package also depends on some cloud stuff for azure, amazon and so on08:55
Ravagei guess if you have a server.. use the server package08:56
enycRavage: which ubuntu release? -- focal20.04  ... impish ... etc..?08:56
Ravageif not just use the regualr one08:56
enycjsbach: which ubuntu release you using?08:56
Ravagei run focal. but im sure the packages are identical08:56
Ravagei run nvidia-driver-495 on my desktop08:57
jsbachenyc, Ubuntu 20.04  5.13.0-28-generic #31~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP09:01
enycjsbach: hrrrm  interesting HWE kernel I guess09:02
enycjsbach: https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal-updates/nvidia-driver-47009:02
enycjsbach: https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal-updates/nvidia-driver-470-server09:02
enycjsbach: NB: if you get internal-error , f5/refresh09:02
enycyou can see the different package dependencies  and then erusimable different contents09:03
jsbachRavage, thanks. am using 470-server at the moment. I have a usb-c type "docking-hub". And the reason why i am asking is to get the best solution for graphics problem i am having09:03
jsbachis just xrandr having problems, to discover the monitors within plugin & plugout. The drm crashes often. not a good user experience09:04
enycjsbach: I ab not nvidia current uusre  but I can say  I've noticed  plugin/unplug  mode setting  issues etc  have more been kernel related than  xorg/mesa/etc  to me09:06
enycI imagine linux 5.15 will become the HWE kernel for 20.04 , but maybe only after 22.04 lts released [?]09:08
jsbachenyc, true, might be! And also the power management is also involved. Bit of everything i guess.09:08
Jeremy31enyc: 5.15 might be in the 20.04 repos by July09:10
enycJeremy31: sure, do you have a reference for this though?  https://ubuntu.com/kernel/lifecycle   doesn't quite answer it09:14
Jeremy31enyc: No, but I do know 5.13 was in the repos back in November, which is earlier than I expected09:15
enyc5.15 interestingly brings in that ntfs paragon native driver09:19
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mncheckmafter realm join in sssd.conf I've tried to append ", sudo" to "services= nss, pam" under "sssd" and adding "sudo_provider = ad" under "[domain/EXAMPLE.COM]" however while previously login worked and sudo didn't, now login doesn't work, i'm not sure about sudo. I've added the resolved %u part (ie. testuser) to the "sudo" group in /etc/groups and restarted. now login just times out with a really long time. in sssd_nss.log I see "SIGTERM: killing11:15
mncheckmthis is focal11:16
popeyI just did a dist-upgrade and the nvidia driver got removed, which is strange. https://pastebin.com/Sw3P22Jj11:50
=== swing is now known as fling
lotuspsychje_!info nvidia-driver-47012:49
ubottunvidia-driver-470 (470.103.01-0ubuntu0.21.10.1, impish): NVIDIA driver metapackage. In component restricted, is optional. Built by nvidia-graphics-drivers-470. Size 441 kB / 1,522 kB. (Only available for amd64.)12:49
lotuspsychje_weird popey12:51
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic impish12:52
ubottulinux-image-generic (, impish): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 3 kB / 19 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.)12:52
lotuspsychjepopey: according to graphics ppa 470 version is 470.103.01 https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa12:56
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BluesKaj'morning folks13:30
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lotuspsychje_popey: related? bug #196023714:22
ubottuBug 1960237 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-340 (Ubuntu) "package nvidia-340 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnvidia-ml.so', which is also in package libnvidia-compute-470:amd64 470.103.01-0ubuntu0.20.04.1" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196023714:22
matt__Hello. I have two monitors and one is touch. I am looking for documentation on how I can force the second monitor to always be the primary for all users so that the input writes on the correct monitor14:30
matt__I tried swapping in the DisplayPort inputs but apparently once Ubuntu has its mind made up on which is the first it doesn't want to change. I can change it in Displays but that doesn't change it for all users14:32
biapy@matt__, not sure about this. For xorg it is a setting in /etc/X11/xorg.conf(.d ?) , but for wayland i don't know. Intuitively, i would look on where the monitor settings are stored in the user profile (somewhere in ~/.config) and copy this to the profile skeleton and existing users homes.14:38
matt__biapy, I see anything for input in the Xorg. I have had to do hacks to run xinput to try and move which monitor it writes on. Currently if I use the stylus on the writable monitor it writes on the non-touch monitor. The machine is for a lab so I don't know all the users as they don't all exist yet14:41
biapymatt__, hum, instead of switching input , try switching display (output). It's been a while since i've done this, i'm gonna look if i find something in my archives14:46
biapymatt__, in xorg monitor section:     Option      "Primary" "true"14:49
biapyfound some info that could help you here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/multihead#Combine_screens_into_virtual_display14:50
biapymatt__, my xorg knowledge is old, and i've not experience in setting up touch screen in this context14:50
biapymatt__, and this one: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/touchscreen14:51
biapymatt__, this last one has a section on your problem. it speaks of xinitrc or manual udev rules14:52
matt__biapy, thanks but all of these look to be user fixes for that profile. Not a system wide config. Maybe I'm missing something. Also, shouldn't this just be in the System -> Displays UI?14:56
biapymatt__, look at the last link, in the multihead section, it speaks of using udev for a system wide fix.14:57
matt__that was what I was doing xandr xinput hacks but if any of the info changed across reboots it stopped working and that was just for that user. The login screen or new users was broken14:57
biapymatt__, and using a system wide xinitrc is possible too14:58
biapymatt__, i speak of this page: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Calibrating_Touchscreen#Do_it_automatically_via_a_udev_rule14:59
matt__biapy, Thanks. I tried to make some udev rules. I will see if they work when I can reboot. I appreciate the help15:06
biapymatt__, you're welcome15:07
ogramatt__, by default all monitor configuration is done per-user via ~/.config/monitors.xml (which is where the various desktop configuration tools store it, i.e. if you pick "primary monitor" in the gnome or kde settings apps) ... but as biapy said, you can override it via udev or xorg.conf15:08
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biapyogra, thank you for the info in monitors.xml15:25
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pinheadmzdoes jq come in ubuntu by default? or json_pp ?15:59
pinheadmzi have both but cant remembner which i had to install myself15:59
leftyfbpinheadmz: neither is installed by default15:59
KBarpinheadmz: releases.ubuntu.com check the manifest file15:59
leftyfbno need to check in this case, neither is installed by default16:00
pinheadmzi think my digital ocean installation had json_pp16:00
pinheadmzor maybe i did install that manually16:00
pinheadmzOSX at least seems to come with json_pp but not jq16:01
leftyfbpinheadmz: DO droplets are not standard ubuntu installations16:01
pinheadmzyeah thats what i figure16:01
KBarWell, this is not OSX so16:01
enigma9o7[m]osx even more bloated than ubuntu?16:02
leftyfbenigma9o7[m]: lets not16:02
jason1234how to install Roblox game on Ubuntu amd64?16:54
leftyfbjason1234: contact Roblox for support with that16:54
leftyfbjason1234: also, first result on google https://www.how2shout.com/linux/how-to-install-roblox-game-on-ubuntu-20-04-lts/16:55
enigma9o7[m]roblox is not in ubuntu repos, or available for linux.  you'd probably wanna use android or windows version with waydroid or wine.16:55
jason1234it is written on youtube that roblox works with wine on ubuntu...16:57
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu16:58
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
jhutchinsjason1234: You can't believe everything you see on YouTube (I can't believe that actually needs to be said).17:15
bancroftI believed that if I added a file in /etc/profile.d/ that all users and all shells would have the script executed prior to logging in, but its now what I am observing. Am I missing some sort of enable command to make it work?17:18
bancrofti'm on ubuntu 1817:18
leftyfb!yy.mm | bancroft17:18
ubottubancroft: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle17:18
sarnoldbancroft: that'll only happen if the user's shell reads and executes /etc/profile. Not all shells do.17:19
sarnoldbancroft: note /etc/profile only sources files that are readable by the user in question -- are the permissions correct?17:19
bancroftleftyfb: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS is what I see in lsb_release -a17:19
enigma9o7[m]That's great, that's fully up to date ubuntu 18.17:20
bancroftsarnold: it's owned by root17:20
bancrofthmm ok I think it might be a permission thing then17:20
bancroft1 is exec, so I could just put 711 and leave it owned by root?17:20
enigma9o7[m]but no need to mention all the extra numbers, everyone in the entire channel knew what you meant by unbuntu 18, other than lefty17:21
sarnoldbancroft: but can the user in question read it?17:21
sarnoldbancroft: *read*17:21
sarnoldbancroft: not execute, read :)17:21
bancroftthe file in question had -rwxr-xr-x alreaddy so I believe the answer is yes17:22
sarnoldokay, cool17:22
sarnoldso, what shell is the user using? does it use /etc/profile?17:22
leftyfbenigma9o7[m]: the "extra numbers" matter17:23
enigma9o7[m]even yer little reply only asked for the month17:24
bancroftsarnold: maybe i'm asking the wrong question, I'm trying to install pyenv python everywhere instead of the apt python and add the path to pyenv to everything. Ansible doesn't have a nice way to have the path for every task and play, but I read a post saying that I could make use the /etc/profile.d for both the interactive and non-interactive parts17:24
enigma9o7[m]sure, they matter, but not in this case, you're just being an ass17:24
leftyfbenigma9o7[m]: yes, because 18.04 != 18 != 18.1017:25
Maikenigma9o7[m]: please behave17:25
leftyfbenigma9o7[m]: watch the language and attitude please17:25
enigma9o7[m]Attitude?  you're the one hassling people.  I'm done responding, will just ignore assholes like you now.17:25
leftyfbenigma9o7[m]: and yes, if they were running 18.10, that is an unsupported release which will probably not be able to install packages after some period of time17:26
Maikenigma9o7[m]: enough with that attitude and language17:26
leftyfbenigma9o7[m]: and also yes, lose the attitude and watch the language. This is a support channel17:26
sarnoldbancroft: ahhh. /etc/profile is only used for *login* shells. I don't think there's any kind of corresponding bashrc drop-in directory for interactive non-login shells :(17:27
enigma9o7[m]Maik, noone asked you for input, but I'll put you on ignore too.17:27
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK DJones el Flannel genii hggdh ikonia krytarik mneptok mwsb nhandler Pici popey sarnold tomreyn Unit193 wgrant17:27
EriC^^bancroft: very interesting, i tried it just now, it seems that without a .sh extension it ignores the file in profile.d17:27
bancroftEriC^^: if I run sudo -i so I can get on root, and run pyenv then its there. I just want it available for all users, not just root17:29
EriC^^bancroft: hmm, try from a user typing 'bash -l'17:29
jhutchinsbancroft: What's your environment?  How many shell-level users do you have?17:30
bancroftEriC^^: same issue, it doesn't think pyenv is installed17:30
EriC^^bancroft: what exactly did you add to profile.d ?17:30
bancroftjhutchins: I have 4 shell users17:30
jhutchinsbancroft: Development environment?17:30
bancroftjhutchins: I assume yes? I want my server to be a mirror of what I have locally. EriC^^ https://bpa.st/CTQA that's the entire contents of /etc/profile.d/pyenv-test.sh17:31
bancroftwould it be easier to just put a symbolic link in /usr/local/bin?17:35
bancrofts/easier/more best-practice -y?17:35
EriC^^you could use /etc/environment i think17:35
EriC^^if you want, try "bash -x -l exit >/tmp/test 2>&1" from a user, then grep -C4 pyenv /tmp/test17:36
bancroftit's in /tmp/test copied to https://bpa.st/E4KA17:38
EriC^^hmm, it seems it's added it to PATH, maybe something wrong in ~/.bashrc or /home/global/.profile17:40
EriC^^where it doesnt use PATH=....$PATH and resets the whole thing17:41
bancroftEriC^^: There it is!!! In bashrc, it's overwritten17:42
bancroftThank you!17:42
EriC^^no problem17:42
Guest34Having a bit of trouble with an old (Trusty) version of Ubuntu (14.04). It suggested I update to snap to get a updated version of postgresql10, and then it updated the kernel to 4.4.4.  It seems to have wiped my existing postgresql10 install, as it says it's not installed anymore.  I'm really concerned it's also gone and wiped the databases also.18:56
leftyfb!eol | Guest3418:56
ubottuGuest34: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:56
fahadis kubuntu better than ubuntu18:56
Guest34None of this was ever mentioned in the upgrade to snapd that it encouraged me to do :-(18:56
leftyfbGuest34: Ubuntu 14.04 is no longer supported18:57
lotuspsychjeno polls here please fahad18:57
sarnoldGuest34: depending upon how you wiped your old postgres install, it could possibly be gone, yeah18:57
Guest34I didn't wipe anything.18:57
Guest34snapd did18:57
sarnoldtry dpkg -l 'postgres*' and see what that returns18:58
lotuspsychje!chat | fahad18:58
ubottufahad: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:58
Guest34I had this.  https://snapcraft.io/install/postgresql10/ubuntu18:58
Guest34sudo apt install snapd   upgraded from a 3.x kernel to a 4.x kernel and looks like it also removed a bunch of stuff, like postgresql.18:59
Guest34even booting back into the 3.3x kernel, it's no longer installed.18:59
Guest34stash@github:~$ dpkg -l 'postgres*'19:00
Guest34| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend19:00
Guest34|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)19:00
Guest34||/ Name                       Version            Architecture       Description19:00
leftyfbGuest34: what is this machine for? Also, use pastebin19:01
Maik!paste | Guest3419:01
ubottuGuest34: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:01
MaikGuest34: also we do not support EOL versions19:01
leftyfbGuest34: I HIGHLY recommend installing a supported release, preferably 20.04 since it is LTS and supported for 5-10 years19:03
leftyfbGuest34: there's no sense in trying to shoe-horn modern versions of software into an 8 year old release of ubuntu19:05
newbiehi i didnt upgrade my ubuntu computer in awhile and now i am stuck on gorilla19:08
Maiknewbie: either https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:08
newbieis there a way to upgrade it to indri without complete reinstall?19:08
Maikor re-install19:08
enigma9o7[m]Ah bummer newbie, what happens when you try to upgrade?19:08
Maiknewbie: check the link19:08
leftyfb!eolupgrade | newbie19:08
ubottunewbie: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:08
Maiknewbie: however, clean install is faster19:09
Guest34OK, I think I have found my postgresql database, I have tar.gz of the database,19:10
leftyfbGuest34: Ubuntu 14.04 i not supported. Please upgrade to a supported release19:10
Guest34that's something I guess.  I just need to get back running, is there a way to going back to apt package management and not this snapd stuff19:10
MaikGuest34: again, we do not support EOL releases19:10
enigma9o7[m]sudo apt purge snapd19:11
MaikGuest34: if you want support either install 18.04, 20.04 or 21.1019:11
leftyfbGuest34: do not listen to enigma9o7[m]. They will only make things worse for you19:11
enigma9o7[m]if you want to make sure it doesnt reinstall gotta do stuff in /etc/apt/preferences i believe19:12
Guest34Of course, but right now, I am stuck in the middle, and "we don't support" is hugely unhelpful when trying to ensure data is safe19:12
MaikGuest34: your own fault, you should have kept upgrading to a supported version of Ubuntu19:13
leftyfbGuest34: at this point, it is going to be faster to make a backup of your database (which you should already have) and reinstall Ubuntu 20.04 from scratch19:13
newbiecan i downgrade to 20.04 ?19:13
Maiknewbie: clean install is the only option19:13
jhutchinsnewbie: We could ask "from what", but the answer is the same.19:13
leftyfbnewbie: Ubuntu 20.04 is an upgrade from 14.04, not a downgrade. And no, it would take you WAY longer to follow that upgrade path19:14
newbieim on gorilla now19:14
leftyfbugh, wrong person, sorry19:14
Maiknewbie: as said clean install19:14
jhutchinsnewbie: Why do you want to downgrade?19:14
leftyfbtoo many people running unsupported versions of ubuntu19:14
Maikjhutchins: for a supported version19:15
enigma9o7[m]for LTS support probably....19:15
leftyfbjhutchins: because 20.04 is still supported19:15
newbiei am stuck on 20.1019:15
mannequinand it will be for years19:15
enigma9o7[m]What happens when you try to upgrade following those instructions someone linked when you asked for a wya to upgrade?19:15
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leftyfbnewbie: reinstall19:16
newbiei dont have a usb stick right now19:17
enigma9o7[m]Basically, why do you keep saying you're "stuck"?  What happens when you try to upgrade, does something go wrong?19:17
mannequinalways have 2 usb sticks19:17
leftyfbnewbie: let us know when you get one if you run into issues with the upgrade. We'll be happy to help19:17
enigma9o7[m]I have half a dozen, but irrelevant, dont need one.19:17
Maikmannequin: if you don't have anything constructive to say then please do not try to provide support19:18
newbieenigma - it says failed to download repository information19:18
mannequinenigma was the german cryptographic communication mechanism poles cracked19:19
Maiknewbie: you were given a link twice on how to perform a EOL upgrade19:19
enigma9o7[m]What says that?19:19
mannequinjust a reminder19:19
enigma9o7[m]What were you doing when "it" said that?19:19
Maikmannequin: keep the nonsense out of the channel19:19
Sven_vBhi :) can someone help me obtain JavaFX 17 for Ubuntu focal? all the pages I found lead to https://gluonhq.com/products/javafx/ but the downloads list at the bottom is empty, with all filter options only offering "[any]".19:19
enigma9o7[m]Were you doing what was suggested in that link, or something different?19:19
leftyfbnewbie: if you would like a broken system, making it more difficult to recover your data for backup when you will inevitably be required to reinstall from scratch feel free to follow enigma9o7[m]'s advice19:19
Maik!ot | mannequin19:20
ubottumannequin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:20
Sven_vBI tried installing openjfx via apt but it's only version 1119:20
leftyfb!latest | Sven_vB19:20
ubottuSven_vB: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.19:20
Maiknewbie: don't take any advice from enigma9o7[m] please and follow our guides19:20
newbiei see the EOLUpgrades page19:20
Maikfollow that19:21
newbiei dont know what sources.list is19:21
Sven_vBleftyfb, yeah, that's why I tried downloading it from the vendor website19:21
leftyfbSven_vB: if you'd like help installing 3rd party packages, you'll need to reach out to the vendor for support19:21
enigma9o7[m]`sudo apt edit-sources`19:21
enigma9o7[m]That will open /etc/apt/sources.list for you19:21
enigma9o7[m]It is a list of repositories that APT will check for software from.19:21
Maiknewbie: if it's too difficult then please do a clean install of a supported ubuntu version as you were told four times now19:23
Maikwait until you have a usb stick then19:23
anarcatis there a place to report spam on launchpad?19:24
anarcati had a kind of hilarious one https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+question/40291319:24
Maikthough i find it hard to believe people do not have a usb stick at hand these days19:24
leftyfbanarcat: try #launchpad19:24
enigma9o7[m]rofl! unbiases reviews of home toilets19:27
leftyfb!ot | enigma9o7[m]19:27
ubottuenigma9o7[m]: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:27
enigma9o7[m]Thanks but no thanks ubottu.19:28
anarcatisn't it hilarious?19:29
anarcatmaybe they misread ubuntu and thought it was ubuttu or something19:29
anarcatit's monday19:29
leftyfbanarcat: feel free to chat about it in #ubuntu-offtopic19:30
webchat12I have SSL problems now that I upgraded to kubuntu 22.04, all problems are connection over a vpn19:30
sarnoldenigma9o7[m]: cmon, you've been asked nicely several times19:30
anarcatleftyfb: sure, sorry :)19:30
anarcatyou folks have a nice day!19:30
leftyfb!next | webchat1219:31
ubottuwebchat12: Jammy Jellyfish is the codename for Ubuntu 22.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.19:31
enigma9o7[m]sarnold, wtf are you talking about?  asked nicely what?  are you talking about to register for nickserv and join offtopic channel, as that ubottu was the first person to ask me that, and i told them no thanks.19:31
enigma9o7[m]I have no interest in doing either.19:31
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Sven_vBin case anyone else has the OpenJFX/JavaFX problem, here's my solution: via Wayback machine, I found a mement from 2018 when the downloads page still had some download links. I copied the old download link for the linux version from back then, and replaced the version number in the URL with current OpenJFX version (17), and fortunately, this yielded the current download link: http://gluonhq.com/download/javafx-17-ea-sdk-linux/19:50
sarnoldSven_vB: sheeeesh :)19:53
sarnoldSven_vB: what a pain19:53
Sven_vBsarnold, well, it's a java program. I expected that.19:53
=== movah4c_int21 is now known as movah4c
oscurochua dual boot install with another os went bad, now i cant get back into ubuntu. https://postimg.cc/ns6Bwcdr20:11
leftyfboscurochu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows20:12
leftyfboscurochu: ^ first result on google for "ubuntu recover boot"20:12
oscurochuhow do i reinstall the kernel? my /boot partition got messed with also20:12
leftyfbalso "ubuntu fix boot"20:13
leftyfboscurochu: define "messed up"20:13
oscurochui've tried grub-install, and i still get the erro20:13
leftyfboscurochu: reinstall ubuntu20:13
oscurochuoh the ubuntu cd has a boot repair. i see that now20:14
oscurochuthats too much work.20:14
leftyfboscurochu: what version of ubuntu is this?20:14
oscurochureinstall ubuntu would take me 4 hours... fixing a boot issue should take 10 minutes.20:14
leftyfboscurochu: you're 3 minutes into not being able to fix your boot issue in 10 minutes20:15
oscurochucause after i get ubuntu installed and booted, i gotta spend another several hours getting all my software installed.20:15
leftyfboscurochu: make a list20:15
leftyfbok, good luck20:16
oscurochui'd rather wait for someone more experienced to help me20:16
oscurochuunless this boot repair actually works20:17
leftyfboscurochu: no, you're looking for someone willing to give you every single command already written up in articles and documentation, one of which has alread been given to you20:17
oscurochulol no20:17
nick75I am using Ubuntu 16.04.7 64bit OS.20:29
nick75I am trying to make xrandr customization to my display, permanent by placing them in my20:29
nick75.profile file. Any changes I make to .profile in my home directory is lost upon reboot?20:29
nick75Any thoughts on a why this may be occurring.20:29
nick75Any feedback would be appreciated.20:29
leftyfb!eol | nick7520:30
ubottunick75: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:30
leftyfbnick75: Ubuntu 16.04 is EOL. You need to upgrade to continue to receive support20:31
nick75Ok, thank you!20:32
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Guest94Hey i was curious how to rename my network device from enp0s25 to eth0. I am running Ubuntu 2020:55
jhutchinsGuest94: What release are you on?20:58
Guest94Ubuntu 20.0420:59
sarnoldare you using systemd-networkd or networkmanager or ..?20:59
jhutchinsGuest94: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1317036/how-to-rename-a-network-interface-in-20-0420:59
jhutchinsThat seems unnecessarily complex, I believe there's still a kernel boot parameter that restores the old naming conventions...21:00
Guest94lol yeah i was about to say21:00
Guest94The issue i am truly having is with snort21:00
Guest94I keep getting a "WARNING: No preprocessors configured for policy 0." and i noticed alot of examples use eth0. Figured id give it a shot and see how it operates21:01
kexecdoes ubuntu live have some different package repositories? i am trying to download and install refind (https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/refind) by "sudo apt install refind" but getting error "Unable to locate package refind"21:04
Guest94what exact command did u type in21:04
sarnoldkexec: try running apt policy, I wouldn't be surprised if universe isn't enabled in the live sessions by default21:04
Guest94kexec : "sudo apt-get install refind"21:05
jhutchinsGuest94: There we are: pass net.ifnames=0 on the kernel command line21:05
sarnoldkexec: if universe isn't configured, try this, it might be a nice quick way to enable it if it works :) add-apt-repository universe21:05
Guest94jhutchins : Thank you21:06
jhutchinsGuest94: Note that I haven't tested that recently, but I believe it still works.21:06
kexecGuest94: thats basically the same command and i got the same result21:07
Guest94jhutchins: will play with it later. i appreciate your guidance21:07
kexecsarnold: thank you, universe wasnt in apt policy. your command helped :)21:07
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dman777my system froze up and I did not find any errors in the systat log.... https://dpaste.org/xJS8 could this of caused the my system to freeze?22:12
sarnolddman777: yeah, that looks a lot like it would cause a lockup22:20
sarnolddman777: I think chrome / chromium / blink / electron have a button somewhere for "don't use hardware rendering" that might help you22:21
sarnolddman777: it'd probably be worth a bug report against the nvidia drivers22:21
hggdhdman777: it might. The backtrace shows it heavily in the nvidia kernel module, doing... who knows? But if this is the single soft lockup you see, perhaps not. Also, this backtrace is a best effort, but the unwinder cannot guarantee these are indeed the calls22:23
hggdhoh sarnold was already on it :-)22:24
dman777sarnold: hggdh: thanks22:41
=== Daniel is now known as Guest783
rhatAm I allowed to ask a question about ubuntu here?23:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:08
rhatI'd like to install ddcci_dkms running $ echo 'ddcci 0x37' | sudo tee /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-3/new_device If it doesn't work well, can I delete the driver as follows? $ echo 'ddcci 0x37' | sudo tee /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-3/delete_device23:08
Bashing-om!info ddcci_dkms focal23:10
ubottuPackage ddcci_dkms does not exist in focal23:10
Bashing-omrhat: ^ We will need additional info to answer properly. Where did you get the tool and how did you install it ?23:11
rhatYes, I installed it from repo. sudo apt install ddcci_dkms23:13
rhattypo ddcci-dkms23:13
Bashing-omrhat: Then a ' sudo apt purge ddcci-dkms ' should UN-install.23:16
rhatDoes that mean sudo apt purge ddcci-dkms would delete the driver on /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-3/new_device?23:19
Bashing-omrhat: Yeah - I would expect so.23:20
rhatThank you! By the way, would the command $ echo 'ddcci 0x37' | sudo tee /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-3/new_device remove and override the existing driver(possibly i2c_dev?) on 0x37 (and cause some troubles)?Is the command safe to run?23:22
lord_daemonGoodnight. does anyone use termux + ubuntu + openvpn?23:24
Bashing-omrhat: That I can not comment on as I do not have the supporting hardwaare - the command inserts "ddcci 0x37" into that target file.23:25
dilipI use ubuntu and openvpn23:25
lord_daemonapparently connected everything ok, I saw the log on the server but I can't ping the private network23:25
dilipActually i imported the config file.23:26
lord_daemonMon Feb  7 20:15:50 2022 Initialization Sequence Completed23:26
dilip.ovpn file23:26
rhatBashing-om: OK.Thank you :)23:26
lord_daemonI have the configuration file, I connect, I compared the log with another machine, the log is the same, but from here I don't ping the private network23:27
dilipPrivate network, Do you mean to say LAN?23:36
dilipPing reply from lord_daemon: 1.038 second(s)23:38
dilipIts working for me.23:38
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