
ifiokekott1good day14:17
gnrpifiokekott1: Hi14:18
ifiokekott1do you still use xubuntu?14:20
AccelSharkwell I know I like to use it... :D14:39
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=== frost is now known as Frost
Frostif anybody needs any type of help, im here to help!15:33
MaikFrost: as in the other support channel, stop with that15:33
Maikseems you just don't know better kiddo15:34
Maiknot funny imho15:36
Frostok this is support, lets stop the offtopic15:37
MaikFrost: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines15:37
Maikread that15:37
Maikand for once stop beying annoying in support channels15:38
Frostok i wont sorry15:38
TsukiHi There, I have an issue with the authentication password17:33
TsukiAny way that someone can help me?17:34
gnrpTsuki: What is the issue, exactly?17:39
TsukiI can log in when the window appear, however when I am inside and I want to update software it asks me an authentication password. I insert my log in password, but it is not recognized.17:41
frostTsuki : just type your password somewhere else, then copy it to the program17:42
TsukiI have done it but it doesn't work17:43
TsukiIt should be the same right?17:44
frosttry rebooting17:44
gnrpTsuki: Could it be that you have a differnt keyboard layout on the login screen than when logging in? Are there any characters in your password that might change between e.g. US English and yours?17:45
frostTsuki : just change your layout17:46
TsukiI had set it up a different keyboard (which I didn't know was possible in the beginning) UK Eng and Italian. But now I set it up an Italian keyboard in Xubuntu. I had open Libre Office and typed my password and past in the authentication as suggested, however it didn't work17:47
gnrpTsuki: The thing is, could it be that you type in what you *think* your password is, but if you type it in the same way in UK En it will be different?17:53
gnrpI mean, that the password is set to the "wrong" one, i..e, when you type it in UK Eng17:54
gnrpI don't know how much this is an issue anymore, but I used to have trouble with this quite often17:54
gnrptry to change the layout of the running system to UK Eng and then type it into libreoffice and check17:54
TsukiI have found the issue, but if someone can help me to fix this I would be extremely grateful. Apparently in my log in password there is the - which is correct as Italian Keyboard. In my authentication password instead is not the - but the /.17:55
TsukiIs there any way to set up the same - on both the log in and authentication password? And, how can this two password be different?17:56
frostTsuki : switch to italian then uk17:57
TsukiI'm sorry what do you mean? I meant set it up one password or...set it up the same keyboard. (UK keyboard doesn't have the - in the /...that's why I found it odd)17:59
gnrpno, this must be the same password. I guess some confusion with the keyboard layouts, what was used during installation, which one during login, and which one in the system17:59
gnrptry the command `sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration` and then set your password again on the console and then reboot and check if it works17:59
TsukiThanks! I will try it out18:01
frostTsuki : tell us your results when done18:09
TsukiI will! Thanks18:11
frostTsuki : can you tell us the results?19:18
TsukiI'm doing now19:19
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TsukiI have tried and eventually I managed to have everything in Italian19:38
TsukiHowever when I login the - is placed in the UK keyboard even if at the end the language is it19:39
TsukiSo quite odd...19:39
TsukiFixed it! I had to restart the VM and they italian was applied to everything!! Thank you19:51
frostTsuki : you are using linux in a vm?19:57
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=== genii is now known as genii-core

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