[17:48] Eickmeyer: Regarding your latest -default-settings commit, while amending the commands for testing here due to not having any lowlatency kernels installed.. '_lowLatencyKernels=$(ls /boot/vmlinuz-*); _lowLatencyArray=("${_lowLatencyKernels[@]}"); echo "${_lowLatencyArray[-1]}"' outputs "/boot/vmlinuz-5.15.0-2-amd64" and "/boot/vmlinuz-5.15.0-3-amd64" here, while just ... [17:48] ... '_lowLatencyKernels=(/boot/vmlinuz-*); echo "${_lowLatencyKernels[-1]}"' correctly outputs "/boot/vmlinuz-5.15.0-3-amd64" - also you wrote "lastest" in the comment. XD [17:49] krytarik: Ooops [17:50] krytarik: No? It uses ls /boot/vmlinuz-*-lowlatency [17:50] back later [17:51] The point being you can just skip 'ls' here and put the file paths in an array directly. [17:54] And due to the quoting you are doing in the middle step currently, the whole 'ls' output ends up as a single element in the array. [17:58] Which also makes the result completely invalid as an argument to the 'touch' command, because it contains a newline character in between those two file paths as in my case. [18:01] ls: cannot access '/boot/vmlinuz-5.15.0-2-amd64'$'\n''/boot/vmlinuz-5.15.0-3-amd64': No such file or directory -- like this, while just using 'ls' for testing here of course. [18:37] krytarik: I understand I could avoid LS, but I use shellcheck for best practices and it says that's not a good idea. [18:38] Either way, removed the quote which should fix the problem. BUT, I will not remove ls. [18:42] Interesting that shellcheck differs there on what's otherwise pretty widely known as bad practice.. :3 [18:46] Everyone has different coding styles. :P [18:53] I mean a glob like "/boot/vmlinuz-*-lowlatency" on its own already gets expanded to any paths that actually exist, and throwing in a command to list them so the output can be parsed back into the bare paths just makes things unnecessarily inefficient and more error-prone.. [18:55] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10981439/reading-filenames-into-an-array - example commentary on this I've just found. [18:57] Very weird that shellcheck doesn't recognize that. [22:05] krytarik: I did your thing, it works, pushed. [22:05] And shellcheck liked it this time. [22:07] Huh.. [22:11] Yeah, before I was leaving a $ before the ( which caused it to freak. [22:11] So, mea culpa. [22:12] Ah yeah, that makes sense then!