[04:37] N8AI [04:37] SGRA [04:38] S6RA [06:41] hi, and i have a problem here,could u help me to find a package? [06:41] it "kcmshell4",idk where to find it [06:43] i tried to search it and found it in kde-runtime [06:44] but it's not in my system [06:44] i didn't find it in apt either [07:49] kcmshell4? That sounds reeeealy old [07:49] !info kcmshell [07:49] Package kcmshell does not exist in impish [07:50] @TenHian if you are trying to build something that needs it, search for some -devel package for kde-runtime [07:50] or ask in kde-devel [09:07] thx,ill try latter === roman is now known as rosch9203 === rosch9203 is now known as mindthecats [13:58] 'morning folks === genii-core is now known as genii === mikhail is now known as mikhail_ === mikhail_ is now known as mike_ === mike_ is now known as mrak === mrak is now known as mralky === jrresilientplc is now known as cart_man === some is now known as cart_man [18:00] hello guys, I am trying to install kubuntu-restricted-extras and I am following this https://itsfoss.com/install-media-codecs-ubuntu/ instruction and I am getting an error [18:00] W: Failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gst-plugins-bad1.0/gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.18.5-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb [18:00] Hash Sum mismatch [18:00] Hashes of expected file: [18:00] - SHA512:9806675d90bfeca38b26445ef26b0aa23d4ada9a6b6c56042e32c513a6d91297c0b8962d3d6715d0fa8af652067714319ee588220bab24740307d941c2ebd2cb [18:00] - SHA256:0b4e8b7daf9e8a849087cecc566b64264b41c535290e6bce3f6db6548b615bd9 [18:00] - SHA1:ef4d8f915e7c9f5a60b4e3f2661cb5b679c60e37 [weak] [18:01] !pastebin [18:01] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [18:07] Ac1d: the file I just downloaded from the in.archive.ubuntu.com URL you provided has exactly the SHA512 checksum your system expected to see for the download (but apparently your download differed) [18:08] this can happen due to unstable internet connections, or due to transparent (?) proxy servers modifying what you download. [18:09] using a httpS mirror server can help there, see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors [18:09] Maybe there's some cached sum if something like apt-get update wasn't performed first? [18:10] could be, but it seems less likely that the checksum is not just inknown but *changed* for this very file [18:10] hm === aa is now known as Marian [18:11] ok thank you. [18:12] Ac1d: but, yes, as genii correctly points out, make sure you run sudo apt update before installing the package. === some is now known as cart_man