
=== Frost is now known as frost-core
ivan_I'm from VirtualBox!09:18
=== Frost_ is now known as frost-core
nicozhi ivan 09:31
nicozahhh has already left :|09:31
frost-corehi i installed openboxbut there is no sound09:47
frost-corecan somebody help?09:54
frost-corealsa mixer does not work09:54
nicozonly when you start openbox gives you these audio problems?09:55
nicozuse another user for openbox?10:06
frost-coreuhhh i use my main one10:06
frost-corei dont have another one10:06
nicozif you launch from terminal: sudo alsamixer 10:09
nicozwhat does it say?10:09
frost-coreits shows alsamixer10:09
frost-corethere is an 00 in master10:10
nicozpaste on paste.debian.net10:10
frost-corehmm it seems like i cant copy the gui10:11
frost-coreoh nvm10:11
frost-coreok ill do it in imgur10:12
nicozif you try to make F6.. give me back this image10:14
frost-corei press f6 and there is a popup10:15
frost-corei run cedarview intel stuff10:17
frost-corei set it to HDA Intel10:18
frost-corestill no sound10:18
nicozit seems that alsamixer is affixed ...10:21
nicozcan be an openbox configuration error .... 10:21
frost-coremaybe i need an openbox restart10:22
nicoztry .. 10:22
nicozwe are here for you. if I don’t answer, there will be others to do it ;)10:23
nicozi never used openbox.. i thought it was a relevant alsa issue10:23
frost-corealso i cant install package j2pa10:25
frost-coreits in universe, i have universe enabled, but it wont install from sudo apt install j2pa10:25
frost-coreoh nvm10:27
frost-corei downloaded the deb from launchpad10:27
nicozis not present in the repositories so you can’t find it10:29
frost-corebut it has a hirsute package10:30
frost-coreits in universe10:33
frost-corehuh, i install the deb package and it found it in the repos10:34
frost-coreoops i mispelled10:35
frost-coremy bad10:35
frost-coreits jp2a not j2pa10:35
nicozah ok ok :P 10:36
nicozthis is in the repositories10:36
nicozthere you find the man with the documentation, just select the distribution above, but its use seems simple10:38
nicozyou have to see your repository list to understand which repositories you have added in your list10:39
nicozhave you touched something on sources.list? in /etc/apt/ ?10:40
frost-corei used this to add universe: sudo add-apt-repository universe10:41
nicozpaste me cat /etc/issue 10:42
frost-coreUbuntu 21.10 \n \l10:43
nicozsudo cat /etc/apt/sources.list10:46
nicozpaste me on paste.debian.net10:46
nicoztry this as sources.list10:57
frost-coreeverything is fine10:58
frost-corealso you double wrote ubuntu11:00
nicozThe last one I made a mistake :P11:01
frost-corethis got rid of my ppa11:01
frost-coreoh it didnt11:02
nicozsame speed in typing I’m doing a thousand things sorry11:02
nicoz:) Kilos 11:07
nicozHave you ever used openbox?11:08
nicozfrost-core have a problems with sounds.. alsamixer is affixed11:08
Kilosi keep all my boxes closed11:10
=== Frost_ is now known as frost-core
frost-coreahh there is no sound at all13:12
frost-corehey guys update on sound issue, i fixed it13:13
frost-coreit was muted in pulseaudios program13:13
=== genii-core is now known as genii
nicozFrost :)17:03
nicozfrost-core> it was muted in pulseaudios program ---> LOL17:03
Frostnicoz : yeah the whole time17:03
nicozfortunately you have solved ;)17:05
=== Frost is now known as frost-core
=== Frost is now known as frost-corre
=== frost-corre is now known as frost-core

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