
=== genii is now known as genii-core
IrcsomeBot<iqchroot> ODWC00:48
IrcsomeBot<iqchroot> /names@IrcsomeBot00:48
IrcsomeBot<iqchroot> hlw00:48
kirvesAxeWhen opening a context menu with right-click, is there a way to adjust the minimum time the right mouse button must be held so before releasing the button will automatically activate an option from the said menu?02:53
kirvesAxe(small screen issues, if the context menu doesn't fit completely above or below the cursor, even an extremely short click activates whatever happens to be under the cursor on the menu, even without making the menu visible)02:54
IrcsomeBot<Thomas> Hi03:01
IrcsomeBot<Thomas> I need help03:01
IrcsomeBot<Thomas> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/08803e82/file_52964.jpg03:02
* enyc meows03:18
IrcsomeBot<laurel_sprout> 9vcg08:50
IrcsomeBot<laurel_sprout> hello all!08:50
IrcsomeBot<laurel_sprout> how to solve no bootable device error after installing?08:52
tomreynlaurel_sprout: on a laptop, disable 'Intel RST' in BIOS, on a desktop, set 'SATA mode' fro 'RAID' to 'AHCI' in BIOS. make sure you boot in the same mode you installed in ((legacy) BIOS or UEFI).09:32
IrcsomeBot<laurel_sprout> i dont find intel rst in bios, sata mode is ahci (re @IrcsomeBot: <tomreyn> laurel_sprout: on a laptop, disable 'Intel RST' in BIOS, on a desktop, set 'SATA mode' fro 'RAID' to 'AHCI' in BIOS. make sure you boot in the same mode you installed in ((legacy) BIOS or UEFI).)09:41
tomreynlaurel_sprout: try brinign up the bios boot menu when you boot and see what's available. try the "ubuntu" entry as well as the one which sounds like your first hard disk09:43
IrcsomeBot<laurel_sprout> it's dont start from boot menu (re @IrcsomeBot: <tomreyn> laurel_sprout: try brinign up the bios boot menu when you boot and see what's available. try the "ubuntu" entry as well as the one which sounds like your first hard disk)09:44
IrcsomeBot<laurel_sprout> I'm turn off uefi, and trying to install again09:44
tomreynlaurel_sprout: before you switch tolegacy bios booting, better try booting with secureboot disabled09:45
tomreynit *should* work in uefi mode if you installed in that mode and then booted in that mode. there are some uefi's which will only accept to boot microsoft signed windows boot loaders, or even just windows boot loaders by default, though.09:46
IrcsomeBot<laurel_sprout> i dont have secure boot option (re @IrcsomeBot: <tomreyn> laurel_sprout: before you switch tolegacy bios booting, better try booting with secureboot disabled)09:47
tomreynstrange, that's only the case in very old bioses usually09:48
tomreynwhats this hardware?09:48
IrcsomeBot<laurel_sprout> acer aspire 5750g, i installed mod bios, with uefi support (re @IrcsomeBot: <tomreyn> whats this hardware?)09:49
tomreynoh, a modded bios? i guess that means you're on your own then. :-/09:51
tomreynand yes, give the bios (installation and) boot a try if that's what this laptop originally supports09:55
alkisgEeew that telegram bridge looks horrible, it should at least not include the "re:" part...11:33
BluesKaj'morning folks13:56
=== ethan is now known as Mendaxxx
Guest69I'm on Kuuntu 21.10. I updated some packages without paying much attention, rebooted my machine and it failed to boot. Apparantly something within the nvidia drivers broke. I booted into recovery (screen was about 720p) and installed new nvidida drivers (from 470 to 510) and now it seems to work fine. Question: why did I have to go through this16:44
magic_ninjahow do I get debug symbols17:09
magic_ninjaplasma shell has been crashing for 1.5 years and I'm so sick of it. Every time I try to report it they just close the fucking thing.17:09
IrcsomeBot<zparihar> Thank you Kubuntu Team for releasing the update to Kubuntu 20.04 and the latest release of KDE Plasma 5.18.8!18:08
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> 👍18:09
HashIrcsomeBot: what?21:05
HashAre you telling me that now the kubuntu 20.04 has latest KDE plasma?21:05
HashThat's amazing.21:05
HashWait what?21:06
HashPlasma is 5.23 or something isn't it? how can 5.18 be latest?21:06
HashI'm confused. I thought you said latest plasma is now in 20.0421:06
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I think 5.18.18 is the latest on the LTS before since 5.24 is the new LTS21:17
=== Tsynk-Voin is now known as Tsynk
cbreakI have the newest ubuntu that exists, and I have 5.22.5-0ubuntu1, what ever that means.23:02

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