
=== genii is now known as genii-core
zwelchhi all, i was directed here from #ubuntu....  i just upgraded a couple of machines to jammy, and i'm having trouble with apt accessing my local mirror.  It uses a LetsEncrypt certificate, and apt reports it as invalid certificate.  My browsers and older machines can access it fine.  The ca-certificates package is current, which was my first guess.  Any tips?  incidentally, i can use the Acquire::https::Verify-Peer "false" trick to 02:21
zwelchaccess it, but that's not the correct solution.02:21
sarnoldzwelch: well bugger. I was hoping someone'd still be around.. could you be sure to file a bug on it?02:27
zwelchwell, it would be nice to know that it is really a bug and not a PEBKAC ;)02:36
sarnoldheh, true enough :) but it seems likely you've covered the usual debugging steps if you've figured out the apt preference to fiddle with, hehe02:39
zwelchthat said, assuming it's a bug, i'm not even sure where to file it.02:39
zwelchoh, i can do more debugging...  i was just hoping that it might right a bell for someone02:40

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