
=== genii is now known as genii-core
xubuntu_hi xubuntu community02:05
=== xubuntu_ is now known as xubuntu_21_live
xubuntu_21_livewhile start live two errors appear and dialouge to report problem02:06
xubuntu_21_livethis is 2nd time in past i installed but after install errors notification appear frequent 02:07
xubuntu_21_livei mean an unknown frequent irritating error notification in live and after install too02:16
KBarI have libgtksourceview-3.0 (version 3.24.11-2) and mousepad (version 0.4.2-1) installed. correct mimetypes are all set in /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs/sh.lang05:20
KBarbut shell scripts with proper shebang without the .sh extension appended to their name aren't recognized05:20
KBari have to set shell syntax highlighting manually every time05:21
KBarshould i delete the line that has the "globs" property?05:22
=== TiZ8 is now known as TiZ
userCould someone please help me diagnose whats wrong with my xubuntu dekstop? ive been on desktop linux sinve 2001 (suse 6 or something like that), xubuntu fo 10 and a couple on this laptop model. I'm truly stumped. I believe it to be Gaby Lake with one of the major series sound/wifi all intel cchipsets, which appears to be the problem area.  At low processor and memorty utilization, I get really high load symptoms such as toping here 13:18
usert<ks seconds to turn up, local video plays accelerated hd, web video stutters, mp3 player and volume manager are also a comedy in terms ofd speed. Skipping along a few mainline kernels  the issue looks progressivvely worse, while the 3.15.20 (xubuntu repositories) has been the only tenable version. I can't seem to google it in the right way to get the great big elephant bug in the room13:18
gnrpuser: It sounds like an interesting problem16:11
gnrpis there anything using the hard drive badly?16:11
Maikgnrp: they've had help on Telegram and seem to be cross posting in various places16:13
gnrpwho is they?16:15
Maikthe "user"16:15
userThanks. My lx user has always been called user. According to my access logs, no brute forcer ever tries the user name user ;)17:26
useri'm posting on a few lx support chats, having been down the askubuntu/bugs/forums quick fixes routes in the hopes that one of you lot may be affected17:27
userThanks. My lx user has always been called user. According to my access logs, no brute forcer ever tries the user name user ;) moment17:27
user_chrome is unusable. firefox sort of works. might be one of a bunch of extension i have on there that's particualarly harsh on wahtever the bottleneck might be17:36
user_So desktop use, browser open and mp3s running, cpu usage graph low, hdd and mem graph low17:42
gnrpBut the system being slow?17:43
user_yes "load" is really high, while 8 gb sys with n5000 processor and mem are all underused17:45
user_there must be a bottleneck somewhere and i dont even know how to describe this lag, such as typing here on in whatsapp web it takes 3 seconds befoe the letters start to appear, app swirches via panel take several seconds17:46
user_volume manager tab change17:46
gnrphow do you determine hdd usage?17:46
gnrpit sounds to me like some issue with not being able to write stuff to the hdd17:46
user_i know youre more first responders of sorts, i used to provide some on forums at times, is light switch in on position, check fuse, rattle lightbulb, escalate in that order ;) but youre also a bunch of expert desktop users so i thought id give it a crack - and yes, i posted this on two xub supprt channels (i think thee, two on tg)17:49
user_its an sdd and theres nothing to be written. the dmesg had a bunch of sound issues17:49
user_intel-snd-hda, i just ended up at a dead end there17:49
Maikwe are not experts at all, just some volunteers of which one has more knowledge than the other17:50
ItheVinshi everyone20:13

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