
=== JakeSays_ is now known as JakeSays
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> You don't have the backports PPA added then01:31
user|76the Feature Tour in kubuntu.org doesnt work02:36
IrcsomeBot<Pixel> VEQE08:31
* enyc ROARs08:35
enycsome sort of relay ?08:35
sheytanHey! What do i need to use finger print with 5.24 plasma? Kubuntu 21.1010:57
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== some_ is now known as some
IrcsomeBot<daanota> Linux should really be systemD-free!12:27
BluesKaj'Morning folks13:49
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest6317
Maiksheytan_: did you google it?16:39
sheytan_Maik sure. I've installed libfingerprint and it works for adding fingers but does not unlock the screen16:40
=== xelix is now known as JHM-The-Cincinat
=== JHM-The-Cincinat is now known as JHMFinCincinatti

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