[13:08] Hello [13:11] I just installed xubuntu 21.10 and I have a problem with the screen backlight, previously used xubuntu 20.04 lts and it worked with acpi_backlight = vendor but not now please help [13:22] nobody? [13:26] ok I forget upgrade-grub, now it's working [13:27] support here is basically dead due lack of volunteers who are actually willing to help. Try searching and asking on the forums or askubuntu.com the next time [13:28] have i nice day, bye === xu-help46w5 is now known as Sunrat [19:26] Guys is it me or I just don't feel xubuntu lightweight anymore? [19:26] I just compared fresh installation between win10 and xubuntu and both at the beggining are using the same resources 900MB ram [19:27] it's probably you, xubuntu uses up to 490MB RAM when idle in Htop [19:27] taskmanager does not work? [19:27] is what I used to check [19:27] it's probably inaccurate [19:28] let me check [19:28] anyway in general the system feels slower, could it be drivers? [19:28] i ran xubuntu 21.10 on a T410 and it was flying [19:29] apps opened up instantly [19:29] also notices a lot of errors in dmesg [19:30] noticed [19:30] https://justpaste.it/2s8yt what are those [19:30] maybe something related with my problem too [19:31] can't tell, i'm no expert [19:31] dammit [19:47] must be a driver thing [19:47] I just installed stock ubuntu and works a lot way better [19:48] my hardware is not bad [19:51] i doubt that... but ok [19:52] besides that i don't know your specs [19:52] amd a10-8700p radeon r6 12gb ram, ssd 256gb 1tb hdd [19:53] as i said before, xubuntu 21.10 ran smooth and was fast on my old T410, i5 processor, 4GB RAM, Intel graphics [19:53] you are not getting it [19:53] anyway, thanks. [19:53] still with your specs it should fly [19:54] exactly something is wrong obviously [19:55] brb let me boot ubuntu stock [19:56] save me this please https://pastebin.com/PraGsm52 those are from xubuntu [20:03] ok I'm in Ubuntu [20:08] I think uses the same drivers, I don't get it. [23:57] hello