
fooTrying to increase swap. Getting this: "swapoff: /swapfile: swapoff failed: Cannot allocate memory" -> I imagine this is because swap is being used and I need to clear it somehow?00:24
fooI suspect a reboot might fix this? 00:24
fooah, had to stop docker, heh.00:27
=== peninsularshabbz is now known as shabbz
cpaelzergood morning06:11
utkarsh2102cpaelzer: \o06:12
cpaelzerhi utkarsh210206:12
utkarsh2102why is docker.service masked when installed in a container (LXD VM in this case)?07:02
cpaelzerutkarsh2102: for a start LXD-VM isn't a container or it isn't a -VM - so which one is it?07:28
cpaelzerif it is a normal container then maybe to avoid container stacking in some incompatible cases (just guessing) ?07:28
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cpaelzerutkarsh2102: the d/rules says there is a debconf defining all that07:31
cpaelzerutkarsh2102: they use --no-start --no-stop-on-upgrade to not have devhelper unmask/start/enable it and refer to debconf07:32
cpaelzerutkarsh2102: https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/docker.io/tree/debian/rules#n10407:33
cpaelzerutkarsh2102: but with all default in jammy for me it ends up after install as07:34
cpaelzerLoaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)07:34
cpaelzeris it different for you utkarsh2102?07:34
utkarsh2102cpaelzer: ah, thanks, sorry for the mixup with LXD VM and an LXD container.08:22
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utkarsh2102cpaelzer: in an LXD VM (Bionic), when I install docker, the docker.service is masked. But when I unmask and start, it works just fine.08:23
utkarsh2102so I was wondering why do we mask in the first place? or if we don't, then I'll check what's up here.08:23
utkarsh2102simultaneously, in an LXD container (Jammy), when I install docker, the docker.service is active and running.08:24
utkarsh2102which is weird and interesting! :)08:24
cpaelzerutkarsh2102: as I said for me it was unmasked and started right away08:29
utkarsh2102ok, thanks!09:14
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athosgood morning!11:56
utkarsh2102hello! \o11:57
cpaelzerhi athos12:00
parideutkarsh2102, hey! you run Jammy on your laptop, do I remember correctly?12:28
athosparide: I do run jammy here as well :)12:46
* athos recalls the time spent with initramfs boot issues; goes grab coffee :|12:47
parideathos, can you please do a sanity check for me? What does `systemctl --user is-active graphical-session.target` return for you?12:47
athosparide: inactive12:50
parideathos, thanks12:56
utkarsh2102paride: I run Focal! :D13:15
bbezakfnordahl: Hello. Is it possible to bump OVN to 21.09.1 in ubuntu cloud-archive for openstack xena release? https://openstack-ci-reports.ubuntu.com/reports/cloud-archive/xena_versions.html - I've seen some bug fixes around loadbalancers there13:46
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fnordahlbbezak: Thank you for reaching out. Updating Ubuntu Impish and subsequently the Xena UCA pocket with a new OVN point release is definitively something we should consider. I have created a SRU bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-archive/+bug/1960827 and I'll bring in up when planning short term work items.14:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1960827 in ovn (Ubuntu Impish) "[SRU] OVN 21.09.1 point release" [Undecided, New]14:21
bbezaklovely thank you! fnordahl:14:22
bbezakfnordahl: thank you! :)14:23
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brycehfollowup from standup - if you're seeing frequent Firefox crashes (I get them ~daily), if you navigate in the browser to about:crashes, it brings up a page where you can submit the crash reports, and it will helpfully suggest possibly related bug reports16:23
brycehmine appears to be https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1743386, which seems specific to radeon and potentially fixed with a pending libx11 sru (LP: #1782984)16:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1782984 in libx11 (Ubuntu Focal) "Assertion `!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost' failed with multiple applications" [High, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178298416:24
ubottuMozilla bug 1743386 in Core "Crash in [@ mozilla::ScopedXErrorHandler::ErrorHandler]" [S2, New]16:24
bryceh@rbasak, regarding +1 maintenance tips and tricks, I make reference of prior +1 maintenance reports posted to ubuntu-devel@ to get a sense of history for a package, and I try to file update-excuse tagged bugs for anything I look at but don't fix, in order to at least help with ongoing status tracking16:56
rbasakack, thanks16:59
ahasenackTIL about:crashes17:24
utkarsh2102me, too17:37
ahasenackathos: was there any reply in the debian bug about rm_conffile for the local apparmor profile?17:58
athosahasenack: not really18:13
ahasenackathos: I was just checking the version listed in that rm_conffile call18:13
ahasenackit's 1:9.11.4+dfsg-1~18:13
ahasenackthat still covers bionic iiuc18:13
ahasenack1:9.11.3+dfsg-1ubuntu1.16    | bionic-updates18:13
ahasenackdid you test the upgrade with bionic as the base?18:14
athosahasenack: not really. Since the bionic package (1:9.11.3+dfsg-1ubuntu1.16) already uses dh_apparmor, it should behave as the recent ones (no-op from the rm_conffile snippet since the local profile does not belong to the package). The Xenial one is the one which would cause issues, as I described in my last comment18:24
athosdh-apparmor was introduced in 1:9.11.2+dfsg-5 in Debian18:24
ahasenackathos:  ensure_package_owns_file "$PACKAGE" "$CONFFILE" || return 019:28
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