[13:39] Happy Singles Awareness Day! 💘 [13:42] thought the chinese had a shopping day for singles now? [13:46] nov 11 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singles'_Day [13:49] at least it doesn't clash with gazpacho soup day :-) https://i.imgur.com/Sur1yRq.mp4 [13:50] Ah, gazpacho soup day, one day before my birthday. Nov 26 is also Listers birthday. [19:04] Oh dear lord, I'm having to become acquainted with LUKS. [19:05] one of those things you set up once and hope you never have to touch again [19:05] I hope so [19:07] Should have gone ZFS, at least it now has native encryption [19:10] there.. I have a bunch of luks encrypted in a LVM [19:12] and yes, i can unlock and mount them after a reboot.. so not all bad [20:32] now totally reinstall with LUKS at boot :D [20:37] it is luks at boot [20:39] so you've got the funky GRUB partition and what not eh? [20:40] i hope it's a nice 30 character password to unlock /boot ! [20:45] nah, /boot is not encrypted [20:46] / is [20:46] ah, not what i meant then