
OvenWerkscool, almost 24 hours and no complaints yet.21:06
EickmeyerThat's a plus.21:50
* OvenWerks is working on 2.3... or 3.0 or something.21:57
OvenWerksEickmeyer: if you want and there are no bugs before FF we can release it as 2.3 and next as 3.021:58
EickmeyerYeah, that would be cool.21:58
OvenWerksThere are a few new features (answers to feature requests)21:58
EickmeyerIn 2.2.9?22:00
OvenWerksI don't know how far behind dev ubuntu's pipewire is but the reports I have seen in LAU are very promising.22:00
OvenWerksyes there are a few new features in 2.2.922:00
OvenWerks - when there are no bridges to PA we let PA see alsa devices. before if jack was running not.22:01
OvenWerks - a2jmidid has a button to allow adding the -u parameter22:02
EickmeyerOh, cool.22:04
OvenWerksyou probably saw the emails of me closing the issues22:04
EickmeyerYep, sure did.22:10

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