
cjp256thanks blackboxsw/falcojr for the last minute ask :D18:10
blackboxswcjp256: falcojr https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/1265/files#r807157218 would this cause a problem across boot stages with our unpickle resetting _iso_dev = None every time we deserialize the cached DS obj,pkl?18:21
ubottuPull 1265 in canonical/cloud-init "sources/azure: report ready in local phase" [Merged]18:21
falcojrI was understanding it as not wanting the value to get cached at all, but maybe that was a wrong assumption18:25
cjp256blackboxsw: nah, we are purposely clearing/(re)initializing these vars that we don't want to persist - iso_dev is now one of them.  Previously it needed to be re-used in non-local phase18:41
blackboxswI think _report_ready should have been called by crawl_metadata anyway which should effectivly set self._iso_dev = None anyway. ok thanks for clarification there18:42
blackboxswI just got pricklies seeing us back off from the hasattr check18:43
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