
=== genii is now known as genii-meeting
=== genii-meeting is now known as genii-core
BluesKaj'Morning folks13:37
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Morning!14:05
=== genii-core is now known as genii
RikMillssanta_: please see the comments on https://github.com/repology/repology-rules/commit/496d36ea70118466527371a6c506007b57580d8316:04
ubottuCommit 496d36e in repology/repology-rules "Do not trust KDE packages from deb world"16:04
santa_"Can't it be done in some more compatible and unambiguous manner? Something like 5.91.0+kde1 perhaps?"16:32
santa_compatible with what exactly?16:32
RikMillshis scripts presumably :P16:33
RikMillsor his expectations16:33
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Ah the internet.16:33
RikMillsglibc migrating16:34
santa_ok, I will think how to deal with this when I have a moment16:34
santa_I mean it's like if I say "Can't it be done in some more elegant and graceful manner?"16:35
santa_if I say that, it's obvious that I'm saying a thing, but that thing is like the thing of the movie "the thing"16:36
santa_and I don't know what's that thing16:36
santa_anyway, I guess I will try to find some time to find out how his stuff is failing to parse our "fake versions"16:37
RikMillsif you have the time. there are more vital things ;)16:37
santa_RikMills: ok, I think I get why the guy is asking that, I guess I will comment there at some point17:19
santa_we could alter the relevant parts of KA to work with +kde1, +kde2 ... for tarball respins17:19
RikMillsthanks for looking17:28
=== genii is now known as genii-core

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