
=== _9pfs is now known as hello-smile48
=== hello-smile48 is now known as _9pfs
mncheckWalex2, I haven't found a way to format dpkg's output and currently using the text tools to cut etc., what format options are available?07:19
ducassegood morning08:04
Walex2mncheck: actually for kind of thing 'dpkg' is just a minor frontend to 'dpkg-query', and 'dpkg-query' has a rich formatting option '-f|--showformat'10:31
mncheckWalex2, thanks10:31
Walex2for example: dpkg-query --show -f '${Architecture}\t${Package}\n'10:34
mncheckWalex2, it works perfectly15:51
leftyfbsarnold: why did you mute "American"?19:06
sarnoldleftyfb: Wed 16 19:03:07 < American> kenperkins shutup please.19:06
leftyfboh, I missed that19:07
MaikAmerican probably doesn't know how a IRC support channel works and thinks he's the only one asking for help19:07
sarnoldhe's got the next twenty minutes to learn :) heh19:08
leftyfbyeah, I'm thinking we should unmute them and give them another chance19:08
leftyfb"[14:09:22] <American> I apologize my friend. I will not make the same mistake twice."19:09
sarnoldhave the PMs been "im' sorry I was a jerk" noises or .. other? :)19:09
sarnoldthanks leftyfb :) happy outcome there19:17
leftyfbsarnold: :)19:18

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