
schopindanny: https://github.com/canonical/netplan/pull/15209:42
santihello from weechat :-) just moved from NM to networkd using netplan11:24
santilove netplan, could help contributing to documentation if needed, ain't got any money 11:24
slyonsanti: thanks! feel free to suggest improvements about the documentation that you can find here: https://github.com/canonical/netplan/tree/main/doc / https://github.com/canonical/netplan/tree/main/examples or https://github.com/canonical-web-and-design/netplan.io12:59
=== slyon changed the topic of #netplan to: netplan.io 0.104 | Backend-agnostic network configuration in YAML | https://netplan.io | https://github.com/canonical/netplan | https://bugs.launchpad.net/netplan
slyonnetplan.io v0.104 was released earlier today \o/ This is a big release, thank you to everybody who contributed to this version! https://github.com/canonical/netplan/releases/tag/0.10413:02
santi@slyon thanks, will do13:03
santislyon: now got it. thanks!13:03

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