
=== Unit193 is now known as JackFrost
dokorbasak: yes, didn't have an explicit transition tracker for that. now uploaded05:09
cpaelzerrbasak: if you have some +1 power/time left to spare today I've just seen that wireshark is an FTBFS now and IIRC it has no owning team07:34
GunnarHjcjwatson: As regards fonts-ubuntu: Unless you have a brilliant solution offhand, I'm inclined to give up and keep a diff between Debian and Ubuntu.08:47
ubottuCommit 002b5c3 in gunnarhj/fonts-ubuntu "debian/rules: Reverse control hack for Ubuntu"08:47
slyondidrocks: hey! sorry for asking for more testing around bug #1960500 but I suggested two easy cases that should be really simple to implement and will benefit all of us :)10:00
ubottuBug 1960500 in libxcvt (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libxcvt" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196050010:00
slyonoh I guess this MIR was actually done by tjaalton ^10:02
didrocksslyon: yeah, this is not really part of desktop team realm :) And agreed with you10:08
tjaaltonI knew it10:16
tjaaltonslyon: #1 and #2 are the same thing?10:17
slyontjaalton: yes. I prefer #1. but if there is some manual testing story, we could downgrade it to #210:18
slyontjaalton: have a look at protobuf-c's ubuntu delta, I've implemented a test there for libprotobuf-c that you can pretty much copy & paste, with minor adoptions10:19
tjaaltonguess I'll just use cvt.c with hardcoded defaults10:34
tjaaltonuploaded to sid10:50
cjwatsonGunnarHj: I had a look last night and all the other approaches I could think of were worse.11:21
xypronlibcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl is currently stuck with "libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl blocking libcrypt-openssl-random-perl (0.15-2build3 to 0.15-2build4) for 11 days". Executing the autopkgtest locally against jammy-proposed shows that the missing dependency is fixed. Could someone, please, be so kind as to trigger a rebuild: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=jammy&arch=amd64&package=libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl&trigger=11:58
ahasenackdoes anybody know if something changed in jammy recently regarding debconf prompts, debconf-set-selections, etc?13:26
xnoxGunnarHj: jbicha: if i recall correctly the build itself cannot control dpkg-genchanges which is executed by lp-buildd/sbuild. and it does compare the contents of .dsc i thought. However i also thought we had something somewhere to allow building non-free in restricted or multiverse. But I don't think we support building Debian's non-free in Ubuntu's main.13:42
xnoxi'll try to look where we have this non-free => (restricted,multiverse) mapping, and if we could hack fonts-ubuntu into that.13:43
xnoxGunnarHj:  jbicha: the "non-free/" prefix in .dsc is required for Debian right? (i have never done non-free uploads into debian)13:44
jbichaxnox: fonts-ubuntu has always been in main; this is just about hacking the metadata. It's not a big deal; we can keep an Ubuntu diff here13:52
xnoxjbicha: yes i understand all that. but in launchpad, when importing .dsc with non-free/* we only allow to build it into multiverse & restricted; not main. and it's not really about the diff/metadata of the .deb; but what is listed in .dsc vs .changes.13:58
xnoxand debian/rules cannot change .dsc => or rather shouldn't. I hope .dsc is immutable during the launchpad build.14:00
jbichaI don't understand what you're saying about not being able to build non-free into main. There's https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fonts-ubuntu/0.83-214:00
xnoxjbicha: interesting, but that's bionic.14:06
jbichapersonally, I don't think it's worth spending much time on this :)14:09
GunnarHjxnox: Our only problem is that vrms lists fonts-ubuntu as non-free (even if it's in "main"), which makes some users tend to think they should uninstall it, and with that uninstall important reverse dependencies.14:10
GunnarHjjbicha: Agreed. I'll submit a MR with a reversal in a minute.14:10
cjwatsonxnox: The only thing Launchpad does with non-free is to set the initial default component override to multiverse.  Nothing else.14:13
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xnoxcjwatson:  ack. will check dpkg-genchanges evolution. it looks like it became more strict over time. with current behaviour different to the past. And yeah, we don't really care about component/ prefix in launchpad, as we handle that separately.14:19
fheimeshello archive admins - would you mind having a look at libzdnn in jammy's new queue (and ideally accepting it)?14:48
schopinfheimes: you'll have better luck asking in #ubuntu-release14:49
fheimesok - will ask there14:50
enr0nfheimes: I am taking a look at LP #1960255. Do you have access to a P8 system to grab some extra info (/proc/cpuinfo etc.)?15:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1960255 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Jammy) "Prevent do-release-upgrades on P8 systems from focal or impish to jammy" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196025515:10
fheimes@enr0n there is the PowerMAAS environment that has some P9s and serveral P8s, yes15:13
fheimes@enr0n do you have access to that? (in case not, do you want?)15:13
fheimesenr0n: deploying a P8 system ...15:16
enr0nfheimes: I do not believe I have access, not sure I would need access myself just yet. Just looking to confirm a way to check for P8 during upgrade.15:18
fheimesenr0n: ok (thought about testing or so) - anyway, deployment of 20.04 on a P8 system is ongoing (takes quite some time ...)15:23
enr0nfheimes: ok, thanks! I will update the bug report now with the specific info I am looking for15:25
fheimesenr0n ok, I'll then paste the cpuinfo data there ...15:29
enr0nfheimes: thanks I appreciate it15:31
fheimesenr0n I actually have the info already: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/mKtMTzhSpn/15:33
enr0nfheimes: awesome. Would you mind running `apt-config dump | grep APT::Architecture` as well please?15:35
fheimesyepp, but that only provides architecture info and doesn't distinguish between the processors ...15:36
fheimesenr0n ^15:36
enr0nfheimes: right. Thanks again for getting that info15:41
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* ogra just notices that his 20.04 system still has mountall installed ... shouldnt update-manager have removed it at some point ? 16:37
ahasenackwow, that's... old16:47
ahasenackwere you release upgrading for a long time?16:47
ahasenackdoes apt-get autoremove try to remove it?16:47
enr0nvorlon: I am looking for a sponsor for LP #1961266. It addresses a TODO for the plocate MIR, so I thought you would be the person to ask.17:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1961266 in plocate (Ubuntu) "remove debian/source/include-binaries file from plocate package" [Medium, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196126617:19
juliankenr0n: If it's not urgent, it's also worthwhile seeing if it can find a sponsor outside the team, so that when you apply for upload rights, you also have some community endorsements17:40
juliankbut it might be urgent here, just keep it in mind :)17:41
enr0njuliank: thanks that's good to know :)17:43
ahasenackhi, members of the MIR team (main inclusion request), the security team ACKed two MIRs that are on my plate, and I think they are ready now, could someone please take a look at the bug status and confirm that?18:12
ahasenackthey are https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libyang2/+bug/1958293 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wireguard/+bug/195031718:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1958293 in libyang2 (Ubuntu) "[MIR]: libyang2" [Critical, In Progress]18:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1950317 in wireguard (Ubuntu) "[MIR] Wireguard" [Critical, Confirmed]18:13
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