[12:01] hidihi [12:16] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPQh1FrbOc0 === Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo [15:13] winds finally dying down now. [15:40] only really starting to pick up here [15:42] yeah, was windy last night and quiet this morning before picking up before lunch again. [15:43] most of ireland was red or orange this morning https://www.windy.com/?53.468,-7.009,6 [15:45] the live streaming of planes landing in london earlier was awesome... as long as you weren't one of the sods on board [15:47] yeh watching the wings flex [15:47] watching planes land sideways [15:51] Woke up to 10cm snow here after a couple days of warmer weather (above 0C) [15:53] 1-2 days here with sun shining into kitchen to get it to 14c. about 8c outside [15:54] the first set of daffs were open along the road on Wednesday when it was about 12c [15:56] haven't been anywhere near daff spots around here as they are usually busy junctions for pedestrians and cyclists filling the paths [16:21] there are quite a lot along the road here [16:21] good afty gang \o [16:21] odd bit of wind and rain down here on the rock [16:22] well technically the weather has you surrounded :-P [16:22] hehe [20:07] GAH?! .. I'm actually starting to remember the commands for LUKS .. *bangs head on desk and cries* [20:08] you're one o' them, now! [20:08] hehe, a fella at London Heathrow filmed hours and hours of plane landings with the storm going over the country - https://youtu.be/vPQh1FrbOc0?t=312 [20:09] bUt I dOnT wAnT tO be! o_O [20:09] I watched a good chunk of it live [20:10] Now I reboot the server and hope the volume unlocks [20:10] :D [20:11] at Christmas i was doing that VHD reducing thing eh, i replaced the entire /home disk and used the same password, i expected it would auto unlock - but nope, still had to add it, diff UUID i suppose [20:13] yup [20:13] So for the OS, we just use a passphrase.. but for the SIO volumes, it's passphrase or keyfile [20:14] is that a manual unlock post boot then as implemented, or? [20:15] aww Ian Cutress has quit Anandtech [20:21] I've configured the SIO to be automatic, using a keyfile, which is on the OS volume protected by a passphrase. [20:22] neat [21:06] daftykins: I think you can add other things to the /etc/crypttab ? [21:07] yeah