[07:40] [telegram] @mitya57 doing export NINJAJOBS = -j2 but that seems to be ignored in qt6-webengine build. any idea? [07:50] [telegram] Do you add it manually, or you are relying on existing export NINJAJOBS = -j$(NUMJOBS) thing in d/rules? [07:51] [telegram] If manually, make sure you add it after that line. [07:53] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/56e0217d/file_3944.jpg [07:53] [telegram] I nuke the existing bit to be sure [07:55] [telegram] but still get [07:55] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/2de7a2c1/file_3945.jpg [07:55] [telegram] Because it's using cmake+ninja buildsystem, maybe -j flag passed by debhelper gets priority? [07:55] [telegram] Try passing --max-parallel=2 to dh $@ instead of this export. [07:56] [telegram] That makes sense if that is what is happening. thanks, I'll try [07:58] [telegram] Actually, this ninja is trying to build only 233 files, so don't look at this line. Maybe NINJAFLAGS worked too? Did it FTBFS? [07:59] [telegram] Yes, it did [07:59] [telegram] https://launchpadlibrarian.net/586841930/buildlog_ubuntu-jammy-amd64.qt6-webengine_6.2.2+dfsg-5ubuntu1~ppa3_BUILDING.txt.gz [07:59] [telegram] Maybe better to try both NINJAJOBS and max-parallel, not "instead". [08:00] [telegram] The real ninja command is this one: [08:00] [telegram] [82/233] cd /<>/qt6-webengine-6.2.2+dfsg/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/core && /usr/bin/ninja -C /<>/qt6-webengine-6.2.2+dfsg/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/core/None/x86_64 QtWebEngineCore [08:01] [telegram] Well I have done that not completely on purpose on the ppa4 I just uploaded, so we shall see 😄 (re @mitya57: Maybe better to try both NINJAJOBS and max-parallel, not "instead".) [08:01] [telegram] Good [08:02] [telegram] Ok, lets see. That will likely take quite some time, even to fail, so thanks for now :) [08:03] [telegram] https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging-misc/+sourcepub/13270922/+listing-archive-extra [08:05] [telegram] I had so far avoided tangling much with ninja. New learning curve! [09:36] [telegram] and fail [09:37] [telegram] [82/233] cd /<>/qt6-webengine-6.2.2+dfsg/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/core && /usr/bin/ninja -C /<>/qt6-webengine-6.2.2+dfsg/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/core/None/x86_64 QtWebEngineCore [09:37] [telegram] still [09:40] [telegram] Maybe find the file that calls ninja and patch it? [09:40] [telegram] Actually, are you sure that's the cause? Maybe we should fight -g2 better? [09:41] [telegram] -g2 uses too much memory. It should be -g1 at most. [09:44] [telegram] export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -g1 [09:44] [telegram] export DEB_CXXFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -g1 [09:44] [telegram] that? [09:50] [telegram] back later [11:45] [telegram] Try that first, but it may be more complicated. I don't see Debian's build flags at all in that command line :( [15:37] [telegram] didn't work (re @mitya57: Try that first, but it may be more complicated. I don't see Debian's build flags at all in that command line :() [15:38] [telegram] Then we need to find out what injects -j2