
tomreyncongrats on the ovh dedicated. i see the website went there, too.00:00
kgiiiOh! Getting a dedi box for just Lubuntu stuff!00:13
tomreynmaybe a good time to update https://status.lubuntu.me/ :)00:15
lubot[telegram] <teward001> i think i am gonna be retiring that00:18
lubot[telegram] <teward001> tomreyn: kgiii: ye rather than a donated DO by another company PLUS my expensife infra that is at a premium, just got the OVH Dedi00:19
lubot[telegram] <teward001> status.lubuntu.me needs updated yes00:19
tomreynramnode being the expensive infra?00:19
kgiiiYeah, @teward. I read back through the commentary and it looks like this will be a good thing. OVH is a solid provider.00:20
tewardtomreyn: no my compute cluster at home being expensive cause it takes a huuuuuuge chunk of my cluster.00:22
tewardkgiii: yes, they are, at least for dedis, less so for VPSes and given the resources we use it makes sense to get a dedi we can heavily consume resources without affecting shared00:23
tewardthe only evil is the DNS00:23
tewardAnd the main site is on marcoceppi's VM infrastructure that i think is at OVH too00:23
tewardbut getting our stuff off a small DO node and 40% of my cluster at home helps, and the fact is half the costs will be paid from my pocket too00:24
tomreynteward: oh, i see. well running at home is not always ideal i guess. the ramnode VMs are what i noticed smtp1 + smtp2 point to.00:24
tewardtomreyn: correct, those are small SMTP systems I set up on RamNode as small slices of my systems thete but are dirt cheap so i take those out of pocket00:25
tomreynlooks like you spend a lot. ;)00:25
tomreynabout dns, could you not set some different free / cheap ones? like cloudns + afraid.to etc?00:27
kgiiiYears ago, I had a VPS from them and ended up finding something off low end talk that worked. Now I use WSWD. I've been with them for a while.00:28
kgiiiAh, I was able to find it. Racknerd was the company I found off low end talk. They were pretty solid but didn't quite have the network uptime I was hoping for. If memory serves, it was down around 98.5% uptime. I'm told they've improved since then.00:32
tomreyn98.5% is absymal indeed. but lowendtalk is also not the best way to go about hosting if you can actually afford something that can withstand a wind blow.00:34
tomreyn(but it's always fine if it suits your needs and is affordable, and you have off-site backups, and enough time to restore them when needed, i guess.)00:36
kgiiiI've been (mostly) with WSWD since then. They're excellent. They're not cheap, but it's worth it (to me). Lemme see... 99.957 is the full uptime. That's acceptable to me. It's not like I'm doing anyuthing that's mission critical.00:56
lubot[telegram] <teward001> tomreyn: well, I spend a lot for my infra here, the SMTP nodes are 512MB VPSes that cost like $2.50 a month each xD04:12
lubot[telegram] <teward001> tomreyn: as for DNS, talk to Canonical04:13
lubot[telegram] <teward001> they run the lubuntu.me domain DNS since *they* own the domain for legitimacy reasons04:13
lubot[telegram] <teward001> i'd LOVE to do a Cloudflare DNS but the way the DNS is populated by Canonical is... not fun.04:13
lubot[telegram] <teward001> RamNode has a high uptime so does OVH, and by high i mean almost no downtime.04:13
lubot[telegram] <teward001> OVH's doing planned maintenance though, which is a factor now.04:14
lubot[telegram] <teward001> but their maintenance is the "Testing backup generators, no impact expected" stuff you expect at datacenters04:14
lubot[telegram] <teward001> but yeah, I prefer dedicated CPUs or bare metal if I can get it for a good price point, VPSes yo ucan seriously cripple a company with overuse.04:14
lubot[telegram] <The_LoudSpeaker> I was going through phab. Found only old tasks. You guys have anything that needs work/help ?08:35
Ciemashello 11:39
Ciemasany life person here or only boots?11:40
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> The old tasks are still valid for the most part and need someone to work on them. 20.04 point release is happening and we need to get 22.04 out the door too. Freezes are coming up soon. (re @The_LoudSpeaker: I was going through phab. Found only old tasks. You guys have anything that needs work/help ?)17:47
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> Is lxqt going to work with Qt6 in time for 22.10?17:49
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> Just curious.....17:49
lubot[telegram] <The_LoudSpeaker> I see. (re @kc2bez: The old tasks are still valid for the most part and need someone to work on them. 20.04 point release is happening and we need to get 22.04 out the door too. Freezes are coming up soon.)17:49
lubot[telegram] <The_LoudSpeaker> Is the redshift gtk-qt port still relevant? I'd like to take up that.17:50
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> I'm not sure. They are (slowly) working on it but it seems a little off from my viewpoint. (re @RikMills: Is lxqt going to work with Qt6 in time for 22.10?)17:50
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> It is still relevant. Needs to be in Debian probably first though. (re @The_LoudSpeaker: Is the redshift gtk-qt port still relevant? I'd like to take up that.)17:52
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> Ok. I'm just thinking ahead of who might want to be involved in the Qt6 maintenance side in Ubuntu17:52
lubot[telegram] <The_LoudSpeaker> Aye. I will first try to create a working version. Then ping people at Debian to get it in. (re @kc2bez: It is still relevant. Needs to be in Debian probably first though.)17:52
lubot[telegram] <The_LoudSpeaker> Count me in. (re @RikMills: Ok. I'm just thinking ahead of who might want to be involved in the Qt6 maintenance side in Ubuntu)17:53
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> You can be in charge of QtWebengine17:54
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> /me runs away very fast (re @The_LoudSpeaker: Count me in.)17:54
lubot[telegram] <The_LoudSpeaker> Pls no. ._.17:55
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> 22.10 will likely have the LXQt version that gets released in April/May. LXQt has said they will release every 6 months. They won't be fully on qt6 by then. 23.04 has possibilities though.17:56
lubot[telegram] <The_LoudSpeaker> I don't like this trend which is taking place. Browsers trying to replace OS.17:56
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> Hans was with it, but now he doesn't have time, you can do it without problem. (re @The_LoudSpeaker: Is the redshift gtk-qt port still relevant? I'd like to take up that.)17:59
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> https://phab.lubuntu.me/source/redshift-qt/18:00
lubot[telegram] <The_LoudSpeaker> Nice. I will take a look. Thanks.18:01
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> https://github.com/Chemrat/redshift-qt (re @The_LoudSpeaker: Nice. I will take a look. Thanks.)19:07
tomreynteward001oh, i didn't know Canonical owns the domain names.21:26
tomreyni prefer dedicated, too, much less affected by noisy neighbours (other than network, i guess)21:27
tomreynI can understand domain name ownership. Personally I don't see why Canonical would have to manage auth dns, but there can be good reasons, too. maybe then a subdelegation would be an option, though, such as for www.21:38
tomreyn(not that i like www.somedomain.tld in 2022)21:39
lubot[telegram] <teward001> well we get gig unmetered on the dedicated box so that helps a bit23:12
lubot[telegram] <teward001> and ddos protection23:12
lubot[telegram] <teward001> they way they handle DNS on the IS / Admin side.  its odd i know but out of my control (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <tomreyn> I can understand domain name ownership. Personally I don't see why Canonical would have to manage auth dns, but there can be good reasons, too. maybe then a subdelegation would be an option, though, such as for www.)23:13

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