[09:10] [telegram] NINJAFLAGS=-j2 gets me further on amd64 [09:10] [telegram] https://launchpadlibrarian.net/587015019/buildlog_ubuntu-jammy-amd64.qt6-webengine_6.2.2+dfsg-5ubuntu1~ppa9_BUILDING.txt.gz [09:11] [telegram] error adding symbols: memory exhausted [09:11] [telegram] collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status [09:11] [telegram] ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. [09:11] [telegram] dh_auto_build: error: cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu && LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 ninja -j2 -v returned exit code 1 [09:17] [telegram] arm64 still didn't even get there [09:59] [telegram] We really need -g1. Maybe I will take a look later today. [10:00] [telegram] # Reduce memory consumption on certain architectures [10:00] [telegram] ifeq (armhf,$(DEB_HOST_ARCH)) [10:00] [telegram] export LDFLAGS+=-Wl,--no-keep-memory [10:00] [telegram] endif [10:00] [telegram] worth enabling for NOT armhf? [10:01] [telegram] Worth trying. But if setting flags this way works, maybe export CXXFLAGS+=-g1 will also work? [10:03] [telegram] I'll set a 2 ppa builds running, with each alternative [11:04] [telegram] I think I did manage to set -g1 there? (re @RikMills: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/587015019/buildlog_ubuntu-jammy-amd64.qt6-webengine_6.2.2+dfsg-5ubuntu1~ppa9_BUILDING.txt.gz) [11:10] [telegram] That is hard to say. The build log has full command line only for Qt's code, not for Chromium's code. [11:11] [telegram] I'm really stating to hate chromium 🙄😂 [11:12] [telegram] Welcome to the club 🙂 [11:13] [telegram] Ideally the build logs should be verbose, but then they will be huge. [14:38] [telegram] @RikMills src/3rdparty/chromium/build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn has this block: [14:38] [telegram] if (!is_nacl || is_clang) { [14:38] [telegram] cflags += [ "-g2" ] [14:38] [telegram] } [14:38] [telegram] Can you try patching it to use g1? [14:41] [telegram] later if current running builds fail [16:52] [telegram] hmmmmmmmmmmmm [16:52] [telegram] https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging-misc/+build/23184136 [17:10] [telegram] Hooray [17:15] [telegram] Hopefully not a fluke :P [17:55] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/6c56683f/file_3950.jpg [17:56] [telegram] from Lubuntu dev chat..... 🤣 [17:59] [telegram] Lol [18:46] [telegram] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt6-webengine/6.2.2+dfsg-6ubuntu1 [18:47] [telegram] Lets see if I we can get away with just that [18:51] [telegram] Good idea.