=== pong is now known as Guest1 [00:29] huh, I so got used to iterm2 and it's not available for Ubuntu, unfortunately. Would you folks suggest a terminal with a similar window/tab management as there, plus the quick windows-style copy/paste in the terminal? [00:33] cthulchu: I personally like terminator. But this really isn't a support question and asking for opinions on software only gets you multiple answers based on personal preference(not yours ). You can try #ubuntu-offtopic for a list of terminal emulators to try or you could just search the ubuntu app store and try them out yourself and pick the one you like the best [00:34] hola, al iniciar no tengo problemas, pero cuando cierro sesion y vuelve a la pantalla de inicio de sesion se me queda en negro, tambien cuando se suspende y trato de encenderlo [00:34] por si hay alguna forma de arreglar ese problema [00:34] !es | adoney [00:34] adoney: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [00:59] what's a good scp alternative that copies the entire directory all at once? [01:01] trafficjam: sftp [01:02] -r [01:02] way better, thanks [01:07] Hello guys [01:08] anyone online? [01:08] !ask | Guest9220 [01:08] Guest9220: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [01:09] how do you install git on mate desktop? [01:09] @cthulchu, I use terminator, I've also got alacritty [01:10] i have mate 1.2.0 [01:10] could anyone help? I've been searching this out for a really really long time, and haven't found any success. [01:11] !git focal | Guest9220 [01:12] @Bashing-om can you guide me? i'm a beginner. [01:13] Guest9220: The only experiences I have with "git" is the version control system from our repo. does ' apt show git ' reflect what you want ? [01:14] The program 'apt' can be found in the following packages: [01:14] This is what it says [01:15] and when i do apt-get install git, it says installing packages, and just says failed at the end. [01:15] Guest9220: Well seems you are not then running ubuntu as your operating system - as "apt" is the default package manager in ubuntu. [01:15] oh okay.. [01:16] E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing? [01:16] This is what it says at the end of the command.. [01:16] Guest9220: Show the channel in a pastebin what you are running - and perhaps we cn guide you the better. pastebin the output of ' lsb_release -a ' . [01:17] can* [01:17] !paste | Guest9220 [01:17] Guest9220: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [01:21] Guest9220: Still with us - or have I lost you somewhere ? [01:25] @Bashing-om i'm there. [01:27] Guest9220: ^ waiting to see the paste ^ of what you are running before we continue here. [01:36] hi [01:42] https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/hvnwyq397c/ [01:42] @Bashing-om here's the link [01:42] oneiric... that is old man, EOL, dead jim [01:43] upgrade to a supported ubuntu version [01:43] or better; do a fresh 20.04 install [01:43] !oneiric [01:43] Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) was the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on May 9th 2013, see https://ubottu.com/y/oneiric for more details. [01:44] so, you can't install git on this OS? [01:44] nope, it is dead. [01:45] 2013 .. ages ago [01:45] oh. [01:45] But i was working on a project, which'd support only this version.. [01:45] That's why i was trying [01:45] sorry, ask your project to give good stuff [01:46] Alright. Thanks for the info. [01:46] Actually i was trying out this Anonymous-OS [01:47] we do only ubuntu [01:47] Yeah it's like a cheaper version of Ubuntu, The OS is ubuntu, but it just has the name Anonymous OS.. [01:48] it has nothing to do with ubuntu, even if they use *our* repositories [01:48] It has some tools pre-built like HOIC, LOIC, Admin Finder, SQL and some others too [01:48] Just found it pretty interesting.. [01:48] You can temporary use old-releases.ubuntu.com in your mirrorlist [01:49] hoic and loic are hacking tools [01:49] rafaelsoaresbr, not for such old versions, one gets stuck [01:49] reinstall a good version, good luck! [01:50] Okay. Thanks [01:50] Hi, how do I stop Ubuntu from asking for my password every time I leave for a minute and come back? [01:51] inhahe_, systemsettings > power blank screen to 'never' [01:52] thanks [01:56] folks, how do you read this? eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)" [01:56] eval implies execution, but what is $? [01:58] what's this "start request repeated too quickly" systemd error? [01:59] you repeatedly try to start it, while once would do [02:00] so another systemd process is doing this? [02:00] i don't think so, because i've disabled the only other service which mentions this one [02:01] limit it by adding StartLimitInterval=30 to your service file https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35452591/start-request-repeated-too-quickly [02:01] thanks, i'll try that [02:02] how do I see the update progress of UpdateManager? [02:02] i think it's downloading but i have no idea how much longer it has [02:03] oerheks: hmm it's still throwing that error when i restart and look at status [02:03] inhahe_, usually you see it on your screen,? [02:03] trafficjam, what service exactly [02:03] ? [02:03] oerheks: a service i wrote to run docker-compose [02:04] oerheks: i can't find it anywhere on my screen, but when I try "shutdown now" it says Operation inhibited by "UpdateManager" [02:04] oh, i found it [02:04] i think it was under 'activities' [02:13] can multipass run a vm for another CPU architecture? [02:15] https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/virtualization-multipass i think so [02:28] I am on ubuntu lts 20.x. having xfce,xubuntu desktop, awesomeWM. I want to remove all the UI/GUI , desktop, apps, everything then reinstall it again. What is best way to do it?  after that i will reinstall xfce and awesomeWM. The reason I am doing is to remove xorg, apps, get rid of broken/misconfigured apps/things that bload/slow down and make [02:28] system bugy, crash etc. [02:28] sudo apt-purge remove xorg* xfce* xubuntu* ? [02:28] do a fresh install, no way telling what will happen [02:29] oerheks I have a lot of configs actually. fish, awesome, vim, keybindings (caps with escape key), fish history.. the list goes on. [02:29] I don't want to loose those [02:29] and those are cli baseed [02:29] so if I remove gui, it won't matter [02:30] intelo: that's what backups are for [02:30] leftyfb don't have one [02:31] intelo: backup your configs from your $HOME and you'll be fine. Just be sure to only restore the configs you know you want to restore. Do not just dump your home back [02:31] I see [02:31] intelo: if you do not have a backup, then the data is unimportant [02:31] data backups are there. configs backupsare not [02:32] intelo: you should just be backing up everything in /home/user/ [02:32] even if I did.. it would be a system backup as many configs are 'in the system'. e.g /etc [02:32] leftyfb so it won't go in /home. will it? (wondering) [02:33] leftyfb thats why I thought best to remove gui. upgrade, backup, install gui [02:33] what do you think? === s is now known as Guest1751 [02:34] intelo: most personal backups are done in home. System level configs are in /etc/. Regardless, backup /home/user and /etc. My machine which has way more configs then you probably ever will has the entire /etc at only 18M [02:34] If I could get rid  of browsers or console based browsers or some ligth weight ones. that shows videos. I would just ditch gui altogether [02:34] hi\ [02:34] leftyfb I see [02:34] Client: HexChat 2.14.3 • OS: Ubuntu "focal" 20.04 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10400F CPU @ 2.90GHz (2.90GHz) • Memory: Physical: 8.7 GiB Total (7.8 GiB Free) Swap: 2.0 GiB Total (2.0 GiB Free) • Storage: 13.1 GB / 51.3 GB (38.3 GB Free) • VGA: VMware SVGA II Adapter @ Intel Corporation 440BX/ZX/DX - 82443BX/ZX/DX Host bridge • Uptime: 6m 19s [02:36] leftyfb so how do you take system backups? [02:36] intelo: rsync [02:37] I see [02:37] leftyfb only /home and /etc backup needed? nothing else? [02:37] intelo: mostly, but depends on your needs [02:38] leftyfb what might be a case wheni would need tohave  backups of more places? === Guest1 is now known as beaver [02:38] intelo: if you have any interest log files in in /var/log [02:40] [ok [02:40] leftyfb when I would reinstall the os, should I do ubuntu-server and install xfce OR I should install xubuntu-desktop? [02:41] intelo: nor sure why you would do the former [02:41] not* [02:41] to make it as minimal as possible? [02:41] 'should' .. do it the hard way or the easy peasy way [02:42] intelo: your call. But you are lucky to see a few hundred MB difference [02:42] ok [02:42] 1GB tops. Though I'm just guessing [02:42] at least with that bios update you have a more stable system [02:42] leftyfb rsync -avziP etc backup   ? [02:43] intelo: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-rsync-to-sync-local-and-remote-directories [02:43] oerheks yes. not sure to make my 32k Mhz ram  be 32k in bios or 26k (default value there) [02:43] leftyfb I know but what do you do? [02:43] the rsync options [02:44] I want to read as sudoer but paste as normal user. don't know how to do that with rsync [02:46] leftyfb also, that reminds me. I have full disk encryption. THe disk I am taking backup is also encrypted. the both get auto mount on startup by same passphrase. I forgot where the setting was. in /etc?  will that mess anythign ? [02:48] encrypted disks automount on startup, interesting [02:48] how would we know? [02:48] how do you store credentials? [02:49] oerheks I don't store creds anywhere [02:49] I type it at start [02:50] oke, that is good. [02:50] I also wanted to have dual booth and have freebsd and xubuntu on same disk but then I won't be able to do "full disk ecryption" for either of the OSes. BUt thats an other topic I guess [02:50] oerheks so I am good? [02:51] oerheks reinstalling won't cause any issue? [02:51] to the existing disk that is encrypting and at the time getting my backups being pasted in it [02:55] leftyfb don't you think if I repaste /etc again there. It will reproduce same issues again. as /etc will have the problematic configs of xorg or maybe somethign else? [02:56] * intelo waits [03:01] I think it's weird that ubuntu doesn't come with make or gcc. not that I know much about linux. [03:01] just seems like something everyone would need [03:04] build tools are not standard, by design [03:04] but you can [03:04] oerheks leftyfb I don't plan to hold anyone responsible for loss (if any) so you can freely tell me your thoughts :) [03:05] certainly not anyone needs gcc or git [03:17] hi [03:17] :-) [03:37] inhahe_: Some people really need it, other people can go years without touching it. [03:37] inhahe_: If you're building a public facing server, one of the first rules is no build tools. [03:39] Ah [03:42] It seems like every time I've used linux I've needed to build stuff right away, and I'm not even an expert. But I guess I only use linux when I want to run some software project that's only available forit [03:45] inhahe_: do you have Ubuntu-related questions? [03:47] KBar: right now i'm wondering how to make a shortcut to Chrome on my desktop [03:47] oh nevermind, it's there [03:48] no questions atm [04:35] hi [04:36] how do i install cinnamon on ubuntu [04:38] yrdsb: sudo apt install cinnamon [04:38] yrdsb: https://linuxconfig.org/ubuntu-20-04-cinnamon-desktop-installation [04:39] cinnamon-desktop-environment that is [04:41] yrdsb: be aware that you won't be able to undo this action [04:41] aka frankenubuntu [04:54] lotus|TUX: yep, thats the most accurate description [04:55] KBar: installing desktops easy, purge a bit harder [04:57] reverse "difficult to build, hard to destroy" === gandalf0 is now known as gandalf [08:35] q === XRODRiGO is now known as XR0DRiG0 === XR0DRiG0 is now known as XRODRiGO === denningsrogue1 is now known as denningsrogue === diskin is now known as Guest6654 === diskin_ is now known as diskin [11:03] Is it safe to install & use KDE plasma 5.24 on Ubuntu 21:10 [11:58] Hi === so is now known as Lorbeerkind === Starmina_ is now known as Starmina [13:01] Hello, in /var/log/apt/history.log it says the history for all package updates I've done. I have an entry with `Start-Date: 2022-02-19 10:12:52` and `End-Date: 2022-02-19 10:14:25`. How do I undo the package updates/changes done in that period? [13:18] makes you think what those logs are for when you cant make use of them [13:23] heya [13:25] so i upgraded to 21.10 on the raspberry pi .. and i see that imagick has support for heic in this.. however, my nextcloud instance isnt able to work with this.. anyone have any clue as to whats wrong? [13:47] Hi; Can I install this package https://packages.ubuntu.com/impish/printer-driver-ptouch on an older version of ubunut? [13:49] jancoow, define 'old', please [13:50] I'm on 20.04 [13:50] !info printer-driver-ptouch focal [13:50] printer-driver-ptouch (1.4.2-3, focal): printer driver Brother P-touch label printers. In component main, is optional. Built by ptouch-driver. Size 25 kB / 66 kB [13:50] jancoow, yes, you can [13:50] Can you guide me how? [13:51] jancoow, you just apt install pkgname [13:51] this installs version 1.4.2-3 . I need version 1.6-2 [13:52] That's why I linked that version :) [13:52] i see [13:53] jancoow, idk why you need that specific ver, but you can make it from souce (https://github.com/philpem/printer-driver-ptouch) or try the snap ghostscript-printer-app [13:54] I did compile it from source, but cups does not pick the driver up then.. [13:54] This older version does not work with my printer, and on Arch version 1.6-2 works fine [13:54] So I need to install version 1.6-2 on ubuntu [13:59] mmh, installing from dpkg worked [13:59] with manually downloading the files ! [14:00] great, but what a hassle :/ [14:02] Well, if you like rolling releases better, then just stick with Arch? [14:03] that's very weird, because it wants libc6 >= 2.34 and focal is 2.31 [14:04] krytarik I was not arguing arch vs ubuntu, I was more like why can't I specifiy if I want an newer version which seems to be available for a newer version of ubuntu [14:06] I was just mentioning Arch to make clear that specific version of the printer driver works fine with my printer, so I needed that version too on Ubuntu :) [14:06] jancoow, that's because the sync system of packages in linux, it always has been like that [14:06] coconut ah okay, maybe I don't understand that properly then [14:07] jancoow, did it complain about the libc6 mismatching ? [14:07] no [14:10] jancoow, can you please, paste 'apt-cache policy printer-driver-ptouch' ? [14:11] ioria to be clear, the problem is solved now :) So not sure what you are after? [14:11] it shows installed: 1.6-2 [14:11] jancoow, ok [14:11] ioria Im happy to help if you want to sort something out [14:11] Just wanted to make clear it does work now :) [14:12] jancoow, no, thank you ... no problem [14:12] oki, thanks for the help man! [14:16] funny, i got printer-driver-ptouch : Depends: libc6 (>= 2.34) but 2.31-0ubuntu9.3 is to be installed [14:16] how/where did you get that? [14:17] jancoow, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/ptouch-driver/ [14:17] I've downloaded the .tar.gz and .dsc file manually from https://packages.ubuntu.com/impish/printer-driver-ptouch and used https://packages.ubuntu.com/impish/printer-driver-ptouch [14:17] err [14:17] dpkg-buildpackage -b -d -uc -us * [14:17] ah, ok [14:18] jancoow, you rebuild it [14:18] Yes [14:18] jancoow, now it's all clear [14:19] However building it from the repository itself did not reload cups or something [14:19] I'm still unsure why.. [14:19] jancoow, sorry for the noise [14:19] no worries! [14:25] every time when I unlock the screen after being locked for few mins, the screen keeps OFF for while then the whole system freezes and I have to hard reset: here is a log from previous boot if it's helpfull: https://termbin.com/15vq [14:28] do you see the login screen? [14:28] Can you still switch to a different tty? [14:30] Hi [14:30] why does zfs root have a limit on /boot dataset ? [14:42] jancoow, not at all, the screen is literally turned off [14:43] ice9 I've the same problem with my nvidia card / 4k screen [14:43] but not sure if it's related. I can switch to another TTY tho [14:44] I just installed ubuntu touch on my phone... was wondering if there is a channel here for that... Really wondering how one can write apps that support touch [14:49] leftyfb I have reinstalled xubuntu [14:50] Question to all? what file executes scripts 'aft'er gui is loaded. I want to do few things like 'redshift and launch few browsers/ apps' at each start up [14:55] i changed compress to "xz" in initramfs.conf, how to regenerate all initramfs ? [14:55] found "sudo update-initramfs -c -k all", but should i rm previous initrd before ? [15:01] Intelo: see the desktop files at /etc/xdg/autostart [15:01] alkisg I see [15:02] alkisg what is xgd? [15:02] alkisg I planto  use awesomeWM, will that work with it? [15:02] alkisg and what you said is in /etc  but I want it for eachuser. [15:03] Intelo: read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedesktop.org for what freedesktop = xdg is [15:03] The stuff in /etc works for all users. While under /home/username they only work for a single user [15:04] I don't know if awesomewm is compliant to the specs, but that directory works in anything that is compliant === Guest21 is now known as Sidiq [15:05]                   so in which directory do I need to put script and what to write in that script? alkisg [15:05] Intelo: put your local scripts in /usr/local/bin/script-here. Then call them from /etc/xdg/autostart/some-name.desktop [15:05] What to write? Whatever commands you want to run on startup for every user [15:05] They will be executed after login [15:06] redshift -O 3000;  launch chromium [15:07] I'd rather recommend placing them in your own home directory: $HOME/.local/bin should suffice. There is also a GUI that allows you to create new autostart items. [15:07] All without needing superuser privileges. [15:07] KBar: "for all users" [15:08] alkisg: ah, pardon me. I guess I missed that part. [15:08] Unless I misunderstood; Intelo you want these commands to run for every user, not just for you, right? [15:09] only me [15:09] Yeah, I think ~/.local/bin is a good location for that. [15:10] so what do  I put there? [15:10] what exactly? [15:10] you said 'placing them'. what is 'them'? [15:11] Intelo: well, depends on what you want to achieve. [15:11] redshift -O 3000; [15:11] chromium [15:11] formar is a command [15:11] redshift already has its config file though? [15:11] latter is also command of a browser [15:11] Intelo: just two lines, ill show you. hang on [15:11] KBar I want it to run via commands. actually I will add more commands that relate to gui or cli later [15:12] but I need a mechanism [15:12] and to understand first that how it workds [15:12] KBar ok! [15:13] also, i just reinstalled os. I just need to copy paste my old ssh key to the new location? thats all? no other commands needed? [15:13] Intelo: something like this: https://pastebin.com/DKuAKUDR and create a new autostart entry. if you are on GNOME, just search for the 'startup applications' app or whatever it might be called on your system/language [15:13] pastebin link is not working [15:13] awesome wm has .config/awesome/autorun.sh also [15:13] https://pastebin.mozilla.org/ [15:13] it runs that script at startup [15:14] Intelo: iirc yes, just copy paste should work. i know pgp keys need to be imported [15:14] S4nt1m thanks [15:14] S4nt1m you use it? [15:14] awesome. I mean [15:14] Intelo: https://pastebin.mozilla.org/YUHnF7Wg [15:15] Intelo: after that, `chmod u+x /path/to/script` [15:15] S4nt1m KBar ok but I wanted a generic run script that would run in any desktop system. for instance I have xubuntu xfce and awesome. I want those apps and commands to run on either. [15:16] Intelo: it will run on anything as long as those programs are installed [15:16] Intelo: or do you want it to also test for their existence? [15:16] KBar ok I got it [15:16] so I just put that file in  ~/.local/bin [15:17] and whatever file(s) are there, they will auto execute when gui is loaded. here 'gui' is xfce or kde or awesome etc/ [15:17] ? [15:17] correct? [15:17] Intelo: not correct. you also need to add that item into your autostart list [15:17] where is the autostart list? [15:18] Intelo: which DE are you using? [15:18] DE? [15:18] Intelo: desktop environment, is it GNOME? [15:18] xfce and awesomewm [15:19] Intelo: is it at least Ubuntu? [15:19] actually i might delete xfce some day [15:19] yes [15:19] ubuntu [15:19] you can assume I have ubuntu server. I installed xorg and awesome on it [15:19] Intelo: search for "Session and Startup" app [15:19] or something similar [15:19] ok [15:20] ok I got it. but this is xfce speciic? right? [15:20] GUI is easy, otherwise you need to add an autostart entry manually [15:20] how do I add entry? [15:21] in a place that is not xfce or awesome specific [15:21] it should run for all env [15:21] Intelo: is there .config/autostart directory in your home directory? [15:21] ok. one sec [15:21] no [15:21] there isn't [15:22] Intelo: `echo $HOME` what's the output? [15:23] I think you can run in the .xsession also, you can google it. All of those will be xsessions [15:24] .  /home/user1 [15:24] https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/47359/what-is-xsession-for [15:24] S4nt1m ok [15:25] Intelo: something like this: `https://pastebin.mozilla.org/rUMUmqs7` [15:25] Intelo: you need to place that script in that directory and name it chromium-with-redshift, obviously [15:26] should I put 'firefox' in ~/.xsession , ~/.profile or  ~/.xinitrc [15:26] if your DE is XDG-compliant (most are), it should proceed to start the autostart items after initiating their desktop session [15:26] This is my takeaway from the post: If you log in in graphical mode on an X display manager (xdm, gdm, kdm, wdm, lightdm, …), traditionally, what is executed after you log in is some scripts in /etc/X11 then ~/.xsession. [15:27] ok [15:27] It's preferrable to create autostart items in .config/autostart [15:27] so .xsession is best. not .profile or .xinitrc? [15:27] .profile will be executed everytime you open up a terminal afaik [15:27] oh [15:27] Intelo: .profile is for bash and other shells [15:28] because .profile is sourced from .bashrc, which executes at terminal opening [15:28] my .xsession now has one line. 'firefox [15:28] ' [15:28] lets see [15:29] I will be back soon [15:30] S4nt1m: that won't work on Wayland [15:30] autostart items are distro-wm-agnostic [15:30] it didn't launched firefox [15:31] did I missed anything? [15:31] Intelo: because you're on Wayland [15:31] So what should I do? [15:31] Intelo: just to make sure: `echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE` [15:31] is it x11 or Wayland? [15:32] x11 [15:32] Intelo: autostart items. did you check the paste i linked you to? ready for use, just copy and paste [15:32] Intelo: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/autostart-spec/autostart-spec-latest.html [15:33] Intelo: this is for chromium with redshift: https://pastebin.mozilla.org/rUMUmqs7 [15:34] Intelo: for firefox. Just use the GUI "Session and Startup" > Application Startup > New item > find firefox and add it, give it a name and optionally a description. It will create an autostart entry in .config/autostart [15:34] use that as a template [15:35] for future autostart items [15:35] thats not in awesome "Session and Startup" > Application Startup > [15:36] Intelo: awesome is a window manager, it's irrelevant here [15:36] Intelo: are you sure you're running Ubuntu? [15:36] Intelo: `cat /etc/os-release | nc termbin.com 9999` [15:39] https://termbin.com/ihtg [15:39] Intelo: also `cat /var/log/installer/media-info | nc termbin.com 9999` [15:39] I wanted to have a script thatruns for all env [15:39] https://termbin.com/lwde [15:39] Intelo: that's what I've been telling you the whole time.... autostart items are the way [15:40] ok [15:40] Intelo: have a read of the specification [15:41] it explains everything better than I can [15:42] ok.. [15:43] xrandr commands should also go in autostart scripts? KBar? [15:44] it should have its own config file [15:44] iirc [15:45] Intelo: autostart items aren't scripts necessarily. you're confusing two different things. can you explain what you're trying to achieve and why is it a necessity that it should run on all DEs? [15:46] why are you concerned about portability when you're invoking very specific apps that aren't installed by default on any of the major distros? [15:47] just wanted to maintain the scripts at one place [15:47] if I play around with other DE/desktops, WMs I won't have to worry [15:48] so commadns are [15:48] firefox, chrome, redshfit, xrandr, maybe more [15:49] Intelo: you dont actually even need separate scripts, do you see that Exec= field in a .desktop file? [15:50] Intelo: you can do Exec="sh -c COMMAND" for one-liners [15:50] so for firefox, Exec="sh -c firefox" [15:51] inside the .desktop file? [15:51] yeah [15:51] Intelo: .config/autostart/*.desktop files [15:51] use the one that I gave you as a template and you're good [15:52] ok, will do in few minutes [15:53] Thanks! [15:53] * Intelo in middle of copying ssh keys [15:53] Intelo: actually, looks like even the sh -c part is not required. i checked my other autostart items; here's another [15:53] * Intelo in order to gain access to his remotes  / scripts etc [15:54] Intelo: https://pastebin.mozilla.org/OyZZy1LO [15:54] do I just need to copy the ssh private keys in .ssh dir and alll with be good or I need to execute commands as well  like ssh-add etc or agent commadns? [15:54] KBar ok\ [15:55] Intelo: just copy the entire .ssh directory from one machine to another [15:59] ssh-copy-id [16:01] mybalzitch what to do with that? is it madatory? what effect will it make? [16:02] if you want to automate logging in to remote machines its the easiest way to copy your pubkey over [16:04] publik key? not proivate? [16:28] Intelo: https://phoenixnap.com/kb/ssh-to-connect-to-remote-server-linux-or-windows [16:29] i know it [16:29] my question was different [16:51] Hello guys! Here I am again :D to ask for help regarding my USB microphone ( https://askubuntu.com/questions/1393594/usb-microphone-does-not-work-on-ubuntu-21-10 ). [16:52] I tried to use this " quirk_alias " after seeing a discussion on GitLab ( https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pulseaudio/pulseaudio/-/issues/998 ), but with no success. [16:52] Issue 998 in pulseaudio/pulseaudio "JBL Quantum 800 - Microphone not detected" [Closed] [16:54] https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=763d92ed5dece7d439fc28a88b2d2728d525ffd9 [16:54] Commit 763d92e in kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git "ALSA: usb-audio: Add registration quirk for JBL Quantum 400" [17:03] Mitacho, I have never had to deal with quirks, but those hex codes in the quirk are the USB vendor and product IDs, right? Did you try registering the quirk using 0c76:120c, or the codes shown in the commit? [17:03] looks like 0c76 is harman kardon [17:04] but it does say JBL in the commit message and comments, so I'm not sure what's up there [17:05] err 0ecb is harman I meant [17:10] I tried, I copied this quirk alias: quirk_alias=0ecb205c:0ecb203e and replaced 0ecb205c with 0c76120c, and kept the value 0ecb203e on the right side of the : because I don't know what that value means. [17:10] But after I did that my mic disappeared from Gnome sound settings [17:15] Mitacho, the right hand of the : is the device you are mapping to. So you are saying that the left hand vendor ID pair should be treated the same as the right hand one for applying quirks. source: https://patchwork.kernel.org/project/alsa-devel/patch/1452531556-32622-3-git-send-email-tiwai@suse.de/ [17:16] try making the right hand 0ecb203e [17:16] oh wait that is what you used, my bad [17:16] that seems right [17:17] Haha [17:17] =P [17:20] well, did you try restarting after appling the alias? That's about all I've got to suggest at this point. Seems like you researched this a lot already [17:20] (or is the alias only applied after reboot? Again, haven't had to mess with that) [17:23] I'll do it again and restart. [17:23] Alright === dob1_ is now known as dob1 [17:26] boing [17:26] Now my /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file contains this line: options snd-usb-audio index=-2 quirk_alias=0c76120c:0ecb203e. I will be back in a moment. [17:35] The microphone just disappears https://imgur.com/a/hnu7DfN [17:36] :/ [17:36] okay Mitacho, I may know what's up [17:36] what kernel are you on? [17:36] (uname -a) [17:38] Minus_One: Linux ubuntu 5.13.0-28-lowlatency #31-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Thu Jan 13 18:29:33 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [17:38] I think this " lowlatency " is because I tried another command from the internet ( sudo apt-get install linux-lowlatency-hwe-20.04 ). [17:38] Okay. I am also on 5.13, and looking at the quirks.c file for that kernel relase, the JBL Quantum family quirks are not present. But the Kingston HyperX Cloud Flight S is, and it uses the same quirk. So you can try making the right hand of the mapping 095116ea [17:38] Oh, OK. [17:39] I will do that and also uninstall " linux-lowlatency-hwe-20.04 ". [17:39] only if you want, you can try before removing it [17:40] OK. [17:40] Now my /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file contains this line: options snd-usb-audio index=-2 quirk_alias=0c76120c:095116ea [17:41] will be back in a moment. [17:41] ok [17:46] dymy [17:46] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LbnvBJjLrU [17:47] not here please lsd|2 [17:48] !ot | lsd|2 [17:48] lsd|2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! === Rayston1 is now known as Rayston [18:45] Is snap going to be heavily integrated in 22.04 like the previous releases [18:45] can't think of a software initiative Ubuntu started that was abanonded [18:45] that was NOT abandoned, rather [18:46] pnwise, seems like it is becoming more and more focused on. Firefox is going to offer only a snap in 22.04, for instance [18:47] !discuss [18:47] Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [18:47] Minus_One, thanks. I thought that would be the case [18:47] and also see !next [18:47] !next [18:47] Jammy Jellyfish is the codename for Ubuntu 22.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality. [19:03] I am trying to install the qt5feedback package but cannot find it. Is it there by some other name? [19:05] ah seems like it's there only on a newer ubuntu [19:05] aiena, libqt5feedback5/impish 5.0~git20180329.a14bd0bb-3 amd64 [19:06] yes I think its not available for 20.04 [19:06] *it's [19:06] might be, i don't know that [19:06] thanks a lot https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default§ion=all&arch=any&keywords=qt5feedback&searchon=names [19:07] I found it after asking here. [19:07] THank you for your help. [19:07] sure [19:40] is anyone using teams in Firefox? [19:44] dragon_: sometimes [20:26] Hi, had disk A with linux and disk B with win10 the grub was detection both without any issue. the Disk A is damaged and bought a new disk for disk A and installed again linux on it. Right now the grub is just the linux section, it's possible to added win10 boot section from disk B to new istalled grub? [20:28] DebianNB: which ubuntu version are you running there? [20:28] 20.4 [20:29] do you mean 20.04 LTS? [20:29] yes [20:29] matsaman, how to you set it up to work. I have missing dependencies when trying to install application [20:30] DebianNB: and how is the system booting? uefi or legacy bios boot? [20:30] uefi [20:30] echo -n 'This system booted via: '; [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS [20:30] dragon_: in Firefox, or on its own? [20:31] matsaman, I have tried both running Teams in browser, and installing the app, there are two option for linux [20:32] DebianNB: is windows selectable from the uefi boot menu? not grub, but the one of your mainboard firmware (UEFI 'BIOS') [20:32] dragon_: well pick which approach you want to work on, and then tell the channel the errors you're getting [20:32] In browser I am told, to find a compatible browser like Edge [20:32] dragon_: from Firefox? [20:33] yes I am in Firefox [20:33] tomreyn now because was in the damged disk UFEI dir [20:33] DebianNB: if so, use that to switch between the two OSes, its the better approach over trying to chainload windows through grub [20:34] you could try whether installing os-prober will result in a windows option being added to grub. but that's no longer the recommended approach. [20:34] Package teams, Status; Error cannot satisfy dependencies [20:34] tomreyn i dont have the win via any anything, but the disk B with win10 is untouched, i need just a section or any tool to added it in grub again. [20:35] os-prober doesn't detect the iwn10 [20:35] dragon_: which version of Ubuntu? [20:35] win10* [20:35] matsaman, I am in lubuntu 21.10 [20:35] DebianNB: this very much sounds like a windows question to me, really, you should try to make some windows recovery tool re-add windows bootcode to your efi system partition and efivars. [20:36] hmm @ Microsoft offers a DEB and RPM for that software but doesn't say what distro's they are for (i mean say what Ubuntu BASE its for) [20:36] matsaman, noone in the lubuntu channel used teams or web conferance software at all [20:36] thanks any way but isn't win question. [20:37] DebianNB: i know you said you want to add a "windows" option to grub, but i already commented on that [20:37] there's ##windows also, if it helps [20:38] dragon_: maybe this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1391091/reinstall-ms-teams-after-upgrade-to-ubuntu-21-10 [20:40] if that doesn't work ^ ... i'd GUESS that MS would release Teams for the LTS so that MAY be why there are dependency issues [20:42] there are four variants of ms teams that are kind of working on 20.04 LTS, if that helps [20:42] I mean this is always the problem with Microsoft: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,_extend,_and_extinguish [20:42] but sometimes you gotta use certain things for certain situations [20:42] 3 of those are the three release channels of ms, and one is an open source client. all are electron based, all lack a relevant amount of features compared to the windows counterpart [21:03] its been a long time since i need to debug OS installers, last was SLiM from early Solaris 2, but the installed from the daily build dated 2022-02-16, looked like it finishes, but not cleanly... known issue? or shall i go debugging [21:05] odd1: Not widely reported, what do you mean by "not cleanly"? [21:07] also: daily build of which Ubuntu release? [21:08] ill have to do it again, but a numver of unclosed buffer complaints, and resulting in a os partition that looked ok, but the bootloader could not mount it [21:08] 22/04 beta likely [21:08] !next [21:08] Jammy Jellyfish is the codename for Ubuntu 22.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality. [21:08] keep bugs in one place [21:08] ^numver^number [21:09] ok, just following the pointer on a page to get here will do thanx === Spitfire is now known as Spitteh === Spitteh is now known as Spitfire === Scotty_Trees2 is now known as Scotty_Trees === Starmina_ is now known as Starmina === Guest8016 is now known as GiverOfDomani === swifteh is now known as bsleep === bsleep is now known as swifteh === swifteh is now known as bsleep [22:45] why doesn't gnome automatically elevate permissions if the current user is in the sudo group? [22:46] when i create a file in a directory that requires elevated permissions it shouldn't require some command line interaction right? [22:46] 'in a directory' ? where? [22:46] files [22:47] Nautilus [22:47] in your home folder ?? [22:47] pretty vague [22:48] any folder the requires elevated permissions [22:48] it just says permission denied and that is it [22:48] doesn't offter a prompt to enter password for sudo [22:48] install policykit-1-gnome [22:48] one should install nautilus-admin to raise the level [22:49] that'll prompt you for a password... [22:50] press ctrl-l, add admin:// in front of location, press enter [22:52] whilst I'm here, I'm using thunar... I try and right click and remove a USB drive but it fails and tells me I don't have the correct permissions. can I fix this? [22:52] I can unmount it though. [22:55] goddard: The idea is that elevated permissions should not be seamless, there should be an additional step required, essentially for confirmation that you want to break the non-privileged mode, [22:56] goddard: The premise being that privileged mode allows you to break things outside of your own sequestered domain. [22:57] maybe just a preference option to disable the training wheels mode then? [22:57] sometimes it would be nice to use nautilus via sftp and use sudo to move and copy files and other stuff [22:58] goddard: It's not training wheels, it's good discipline. Otherwise why even require elevated permissions? Have flat access like DOS. [22:58] because it requires you to authenticate [22:58] goddard: Most experienced system administrators would scold you soundly for using a GUI as root. [22:59] why? [23:00] that is the reason why sudo exists [23:01] often nautilus is safer especially if you delete something as the default behavior is to use the trash [23:07] An administrator should not need a graphical crutch, which both constrains his actions and allows catastrophic errors. [23:07] never said i needed it, I want it [23:07] goddard: And no, sudo exists to allow specific users access to a restricted set of privileged commands. [23:07] its easier and i think has less chance for an error [23:08] jhutchins: that is basically what i just said [23:09] goddard: We'll be seeing you again. [23:09] whilst I'm here, I'm using thunar... I try and right click and remove a USB drive but it fails and tells me I don't have the correct permissions. can I fix this? I can umount it, not sure if that helps. [23:09] a lot of noise, sorry for repeating myself. :-) [23:09] jhutchins: i think you have an old dogma maybe [23:15] goddard: You asked for an explanation, that's where it comes from. [23:16] I'm happy to change my mind, but I haven't heard a good argument. [23:16] Chunkyz: I usually see an eject symbol next to removable dries in thunar. [23:17] s/dries/drives/ [23:18] goddard: As a single user of your own personal computer, you probably won't. A lot of the assumptions and conventions don't really apply. Remember, *nix systems tended to be either batch-based or multi-user TSO. [23:21] Sure and that is fine, but the Linux community has a lot of dogma that isn't really based on reality as of today. [23:22] jhutchins: yeah I see that, I press it and it gives a quarks error or something. [23:22] Some person teaching you to do something a certain way and then repeating without knowing the reason why is a classic example [23:22] I'm *guessing* it's a permission error but no clue where to look. :') [23:23] reminds me of a joke i heard once about how a grand daughter asked her mom and her mom asked her mom and found out she just did something that way because hurt turkey wouldn't fit in that fashion so she did it another way. [23:24] goddard, how is this related to ubuntu support? [23:24] oerheks: good question [23:24] anyway you have been answered, admin// or install nautilus-admin [23:25] goddard: The vast majority of linux systems are in large server farms. [23:25] goddard: I somewhat like "ranger" on the CLI [23:26] it's superior to the normal file managers ubuntu offers by supporting three column view (miller columns or something like that) [23:26] yeah ranger is nice [23:27] especially if you use it with a good terminal like Kitty [23:27] it can show images and thumbnails of movies in terminal :D [23:28] !info mc [23:28] mc (3:4.8.26-1.1, impish): Midnight Commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Built by mc. Size 496 kB / 1,536 kB [23:29] goddard, cbreak: Let's keep it support-related. :) [23:29] Yeah, let's get it back to that 95 minutes of dead air. That's a great use of resources. [23:30] jhutchins: We have other channels for idle chatter. :) [23:30] I'm supporting the selection of a good terminal and cli file manager. [23:31] cbreak: Doesn't look like anybody asked. [23:31] 1discuss [23:37] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue723