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theloudspeaker[mIs GNOME 42 making it to 22.04?04:21
Eickmeyertheloudspeaker[m: That's the plan per the release schedule: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-schedule/2390604:45
schopinerm, mistype, sorry :)08:47
Fantuhi, about freeipmi migration blocked I tried to check the armhf slurm-wlm test failing but I not found the issue, I saw an RC bug related to autopkgtest (https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=985725) and I suppose can be related, someone can tell me the fastest way to test build+autopkgtest on armhf on ubuntu please? launchpad don't use it or I'm wrong?11:04
ubottuDebian bug 985725 in src:slurm-wlm "slurm-wlm: flaky autopkgtest: srun: Required node not available (down, drained or reserved)" [Serious, Open]11:04
rbasakutkarsh2102: o/ any progress on ruby-mysql2 dep8 vs. mysql-8.0 yet please?11:11
blucammh weren't i386 builds restricted to a few libraries in the past few releases?11:35
blucainit-system-helpers 1.62 is not migrating from proposed because i386 build is missing11:35
bluca(because libfakeroot is not build for i386)11:35
blucawhat should I do here to fix this?11:37
ahasenackschopin: hi, I have a freeradius 3.0.25+patches branch. It passes the dep8 tests, but does not have all openssl3-related commits in it12:52
ahasenackjust enough to pass the test that was failing in moonshot12:52
ahasenackI want to test it a bit more with tls, I was digging through the freeradius docs to see where it uses tls, and try to set that up12:53
ahasenackfigure a possible FFe for 3.0.25->3.0.26 would be easier than 3.0.21->3.0.2612:53
schopinIt does make sense, yes :)12:56
slyonjamespage: coreycb: would you mind me uploading this? https://code.launchpad.net/~slyon/ubuntu/+source/barbican/+git/barbican/+merge/415847 It fixes barbican compatibility with python 3.1014:03
blucacpaelzer: any idea about the above i386 issue, or who to ask for help? TIA!14:21
gombarahello. I am trying to get a definitive answer to the question "can Ubuntu 20.04 desktop installation be automated?" it looks like d-i presee file format has been abandoned. is that correct?15:07
gombarathus the only way to autoinstall a Ubuntu desktop is to autoinstall a Ubuntu server and addthe desktop as post install step. is that right?15:08
oerheksgombara, yes15:12
oerheksthis change came with ubiquity > subiquity15:13
ogranot in 20.04 though ...15:14
ograthat still uses ubiquity (and should still be able to use ubiquitys (limited) preseed support)15:14
oerheksindeed, started with 21.10 , based on curtin15:15
gombaraI have not been able to start the auto install tough. I have been providing the name of the preseed file in grub.cfg file (since IsoLinux has been removed). any ideas why auto install does not start and I land into the live desktop?15:17
ogradid you add "automatic-ubiquity" too ?15:37
ogranot sure how relevant it still is (it is a very old wiki page), but it used to work at some point15:37
blucaI opened a bug to request a libfakechroot i386 build as per wiki procedure: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/+bug/196161016:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1961610 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "i386: seed inclusion for libfakechroot" [Undecided, New]16:42
blucais there anybody from the archive team around who could please have a look? this is blocking init-system-helpers migration from proposed16:43
xnoxit is president's day so many AAs are out, and other AAs are busy with preparing focal point release. it may take some time to get to the above request.16:53
blucagot it thanks - does the jammy feature freeze apply to packages currently in proposed?16:55
schopinbluca: if they've been uploaded before FF, they should migrate normally.16:59
gombaraogra, oerheks just realized that I meant 21.04 instead of 20.04. With 20.04 d-i preseed file syntax works17:34
ubottuddstreet, rafaeldtinoco, rbasak, sil2100, slashd, teward, tsimonq2: DMB ping19:03
ahasenackdo we have some practical rules for packaging a git version of an upstream project?19:20
ahasenacklike 3.0.26~git<date>.<hash>-0ubuntu119:20
ahasenackor 3.0.25+git<date>.<hash>-0ubuntu119:20
ahasenackI feel there should still be an index after the date, because the git hash can be later in time, but lower in version19:20
ahasenackso 3.0.25+git<date>.<n>.<hash>-0ubuntu1?19:20
ahasenacklooking at dpkg -l output, I see all sorts of things19:21
ahasenackthis is a mouthful19:22
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rbasakahasenack: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/Recipes#Version_numbers_and_substitution_variables has some discussion on this question19:32
ahasenackbzr revno's are always incrementing19:32
rbasak(but not an answer really)19:32
ahasenackthat helps in this case19:33
rbasakI just mention it because it's the only doc I know about that covers this question, so it might be worthwhile following what it says19:33
rbasakThough that's still not really an answer19:33
jbichamy opinion is that I like revdate; the git hash adds clutter for only a small amount of extra usefulness19:34
rbasakThe commit hash could also go into debian/changelog as text, so putting it in the version only serves to save that lookup when (rarely?) it is needed.19:36
rbasakThe gd0b85fb matches "git describe" FWIW19:37
rbasakThe style that is19:37
ahasenackI don't expect this to be permanent (knock on wood)19:38
ahasenackI kind of like having it in the version19:38
ahasenackit's an at-a-glance feature19:39
rbasakTo be clear, I'm not opposed to that. I was just trying to distil the facts in my statements above.19:42
mwhudsonyuck https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/c/cluster-glue/jammy/amd6419:44
mwhudsonhmm always passes in debian though19:45
bdmurrayembiggen it19:45
mwhudsonnot sure that's it, from a very quick look it's a race around service startup19:45
mwhudsoni guess big instances have more cpus too?19:46
mwhudsonalso there is ubuntu delta talking about the test that is failing19:47
bdmurrayOkay, I hadn't looked really. ;-)19:48
mwhudsonoh it's in main and the server team is subscribed so it might actually be worth filing a bug!19:49
ahasenackschopin: I packaged freeradius git snapshot, 3.0.26~something. Dropped my openssl3 patches as expected, and the tests pass. I also did a bunch of manual eap-tls tests20:35
ahasenackjust found out that eap-md5 tunneled through tls didn't work, the message implied the client (the eap tester from src:wpa) had it disabled, but I couldn't find out where20:36
ahasenackmaybe some new openssl3 restriction on md5 for security applications20:36
ahasenackit was clearly a client decision20:36
ahasenackplain eap-md5 works20:36

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