=== RikMills__ is now known as RikMills [11:23] Happy Twosday! [11:24] all hail notAMonday1 [11:38] ah you mean the wacky date thing... this is a technical irc chatroom. we deal only in 0's and 1's :-P [11:56] *insert baby dinosaur meme from the tv series dinosaurs saying "not a monday!"* [11:58] such a great show and never on repeat on terrestial channels [21:58] * davef groans [21:58] Guess who'll be fixing LUKS volumes tomorrow? :) [21:59] I asked for some switch ports to be tagged with a new VLAN, well.. they did it. But removed the storage VLAN in the process. C'est la vie. [22:00] No harm done, server isn't in production yet.